Finland of Jyvaskyla University
设计方:Alvar Aalto
在十九世纪的时候,于韦斯屈莱是芬兰文化界和学术界的中心,于是便拥有了“芬兰的雅典”这个昵称。在1951年的时候,获奖的Alvar Aalto签订了合同去设计一个配得上这个城市的文化遗产的大学校园。校园围绕芬兰以前的雅典娜神庙设施修建。新大学的设计将会特别的关注学校的自然和制度环境。Aalto非常了解于韦斯屈莱这座城市,在1903年他还是个小男孩的时候,他们举家搬到了于韦斯屈莱,在1923年他在赫尔辛基成为建筑师后,他回到了这个城市来施展他的才华。
于韦斯屈莱的Teacher Seminary与Alvar Aalto非常熟悉,自从1863年起,Teacher Seminary就成为了芬兰语研究学习的一个堡垒。对于芬兰这个国家来说,这样子的一个机构是真的非常重要,因为在它的历史中,它如果不是从属于瑞典就是从属于俄国。在这样的情况下,芬兰语的教授被认为是增加对国家和民族认同感的一个必不可少的部分。在1950年的时候举办了学校整体校园规划的设计比赛,校园的整体规划要描述原始建筑体量的轮廓,要提供新的供热空间、高校教职工的住房、桑拿浴和运动场及操场。
Jyvaskyla, a city whose status as the center of Finnish culture and academia during the nineteenth century earned it the nickname “the Athens of Finland,” awarded Alvar Aalto the contract to design a university campus worthy of the city’s cultural heritage in 1951. Built around the pre-existing facilities of Finland’s Athenaeum, the new university would be designed with great care to respect both its natural and institutional surroundings.The city of Jyvaskyla was by no means unfamiliar to Aalto; he had moved there as a young boy with his family in 1903 and returned to form his practice in the city after qualifying as an architect in Helsinki in 1923.
He was well acquainted with Jyvaskyla’s Teacher Seminary, which had been a bastion of the study of the Finnish language since 1863. Such an institution was eminently important in a country that had spent most of its history as part of either Sweden or Russia. As such, the teaching of Finnish was considered an integral part of the awakening of the fledgling country’s national identity.Announced in December of 1950, the design competition for the university called for an entire campus plan that would outline uses for the existing buildings and introduce a new heating plant, refectory and dormitory building, main building, teacher training facility, housing for university staff, saunas, as well as a sports field and playground.