发布时间:2022-12-10 13:51:48 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目位于Malé kyice镇南部Křivoklát森林的边缘,场地上曾坐落着一座用于周末度假的小木屋,如今这座小木屋则被一栋被动式住宅取代。住宅的平面类似于一个直角扇形,作为直角边的承重墙体由裸露的混凝土浇筑,弧形墙面以及天花板则采用了木制结构。建筑朝西南方向开放,面向一座郁郁葱葱的花园。弧形墙面上的大面积开窗由黑色窗框与三层玻璃构成,窗口内侧的百叶窗为室内提供了遮阳。天花板的横梁延伸出来,支撑了上层阳台的地面,并形成底层露台的屋顶。室内空间的设计延续了建筑外观中混凝土和木质元素之间的对比。底层空间容纳了客厅、厨房和餐厅,开放式楼梯通向楼上的四间卧室。浴室、服务空间和存储空间则沿混凝土墙设置。

In the southern part of Malé Kyšice town on the edge of the Křivoklát woods, there is a residential district originally home to weekend cottages. One such cottage on a flat plot of land was replaced by a passive home. The floor plan closely resembles a quarter-circle with walls made of exposed concrete blocks. The rounded wall and the ceilings are made of wood. The building opens up to the southwest into a fully grown garden. The fully glazed facade consists of windows set in anthracite frames, which are shaded by blinds inside the triple-glazed windows. The ceiling beams extend to cover the balcony on the upper floor and the terrace on the ground floor. The architects made extensive use of the contrast between the concrete and wooden building elements in the interior as well. The ground floor is home to a living room, kitchen, and dining room, and an open staircase leads to the four bedrooms upstairs. The bathrooms, service rooms, and storage spaces are located along the concrete walls.

▼项目概览,overall of the project


House that opens up to the sun


The building’s story began to be written before the world was paralyzed by the pandemic and before Europe was gripped by an energy crisis. Did the owners’ sixth sense motivate the family to acquire a low-cost house surrounded by a beautiful garden? Not at all: it was their natural and responsible approach to life and their respect for nature, which must be protected. The principles applied during construction will continue to be relevant even after we overcome today’s pressing issues, when we all accept the threat of climate disaster, which we have perhaps ignored too much in the face of the uncertainties of the past few years.

▼入口立面,entrance facade

▼混凝土墙体构成了扇形的直角边,the concrete walls form the fanned, right-angled sides

光线与温暖、土地,以及最重要的水当属本项目关注的核心元素。屋主人的需求,或者更确切地说,他们的生活方式完全融入到了这座位于Křivoklát森林附近Malé kyice镇边缘的小屋的每一个细节中。

Light and warmth, earth, and last but not least water. The client’s demands – or rather, their way of life – infuse every detail of this house located on the edge of the town of Malé Kyšice near the Křivoklát woods.

▼面向花园开放的弧形立面,curved facade open to the garden


cantilevered beams form horizontal shading elements



Light and warmth

呈扇形的建筑向阳光开放,吸收着太阳的能量,并寻求以经济的方式充分利用这种自然的馈赠。由于建筑独特的形状,清晨的第一缕晨光到日落时的最后一抹夕阳都被纳入到室内 空间中。悬挑出来的屋檐,不仅支撑了上方的阳台,也起到了水平遮阳的作用,保护窗户免受夏季正午阳光的照射,避免了室内空间于夏季过热的情况。除了实用的建筑形状和被动遮阳外,嵌入三层玻璃窗的百叶也在很大程度上为夏季的室内舒适度做出了贡献。在高质量工艺和现代技术的加持下,这些室内百叶窗的效果可与户外百叶窗相媲美。

The building opens up to the sun’s rays like a fan, soaking up its energy and seeking to use it economically. Thanks to its shape, the interior welcomes the first as well as the last rays of sunlight. But the house also knows how to keep from overheating, thanks to an overhanging roof and horizontal shading that protects the windows from the midday sun in the summer and acts as a balcony on the upper floor. In addition to the building’s pragmatic shape and passive shading, comfort on summer days is also aided by blinds built into the triple-glazed windows. Thanks to quality workmanship and the use of modern technologies, their effectiveness is comparable to outdoor blinds.

▼室内空间概览,overall of interior

▼厨房餐厅,kitchen and dining


large area of Windows introduces ample light and landscape


Naturally, the homeowners appreciate warmth in the winter, when warmth gathered from the sun reduces heating costs. The building’s self-sufficiency is further aided by a stove with a heat exchanger at the heart of the building. A stairway winding its way around the stove leads up to the bedrooms located above the living room.


the stairs wound up around the fireplace


▼结构细部,details of the structure




The house is built primarily from a renewable material – wood. The building’s construction respects its shape and reveals the constructional principles literally to the last detail, including steel joints and tie rods that add a finishing touch to the interior and exterior. The built-in furniture has been placed between the beams in such a manner that the rooms resemble ship cabins.

▼二层走廊,upper floor hallway


▼由卧室看花园,viewing the garden from the bedroom


Other important elements of a sustainable approach are durability and lifespan. For this reason, the building’s windward sides are protected by walls made of concrete blocks. An insulated sandwich wall aids in the natural accumulation of warmth while also promoting the building’s stability. All technical rooms and bathrooms are concentrated along these solid, stable walls to create something like a zone of balance between the building’s southern and northern sides.




Water and air


The way the building uses water is visible at the first glaze. A small pond optimizes the use of rainwater, meaning there is sufficient water for watering the garden even during dry periods, thanks also to its own root zone treatment plant. The retention of surface water in the garden pleasantly influences the microclimate in the immediate vicinity of the building. The property releases no wastewater into the local sewers – all water is used at least twice. The house takes a similar approach to air by using recuperation to warm fresh air from outside during the winter months.

▼花园与池塘,garden and pond


The owners moved into the building even before it was completely finished. Over time, they have made not only the house but also the garden their home. Buried under the garden is a prefabricated cellar made of recycled plastic. Gardening implements and bicycles are stored in shipping containers. The house lives its own, undemanding life and is gradually blending in with the garden.


shipping container for gardening tools and bicycles

▼夜景,night view

▼区位图,site plan



Studio:Stempel & Tesar architekti

Author:Ján Stempel / Jan Jakub Tesař



Social media:

Studio address:Thákurova 9, office 837 (FA ČVUT), 160 00 Prague, Czech Republic

Project location:Malé Kyšice

Project country:Czech Republic

Project year:2016

Completion year:2022

Built-up Area:127 m²

Usable Floor Area:157 m²

Plot size:725 m²

Dimensions:800 m3

Photographer:Filip Šlapal,



Collaborator:Chief project engineer: Aleš Herold,

Wooden construction statics: Timber design,

Products and Brands:

windows — OKNA.EU\

stove — FireTube\

chair Masters — Kartell\

lighting Bloom — Ligne Roset\

switches Future Linear — ABB\


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