发布时间:2022-09-29 22:29:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
双生空间设计,红梯 IP 贯穿,打破空间界限,实现多元互动。

"两处空间是并行设计和交付的,我们基于NAB墨尔本 Bourke 街 700 号的空间策略,续写了 NAB 的革新愿景。设计团队提炼出专属NAB的品牌 DNA,并将其贯穿两个场所的设计之,各具差异的场址属性和客户画像则定义出每处空间的独特性。" 伍兹贝格全球办公设计总监 Amanda Stanaway 表示。

"It was a two-hand approach – with both tenancies designed and delivered in parallel, leveraging intelligence from the transformational NAB 700 Bourke Street project in Melbourne," says Amanda Stanaway, Woods Bagot’s global workplace leader. "We first had to distil NAB’s DNA and carry it across both sites, whilst also defining the identity for each, influenced by their unique locational attributes and demographic."

伍兹贝格为澳大利亚国民银行(NAB)在悉尼打造了一处双生空间,将遥距24公里的两个工作场所- NAB 3 Parramatta Square(3PS)和NAB 2 Carrington St(2CS)-联系起来。设计突破空间的物理距离,以壮观的“红梯”作为两处办公场所的空间IP,形成可容纳超过6,000名员工的NAB悉尼“办公园区”,同时也为银行工作场所体验的革新树立了标杆,通过统一的空间体验让其现有和新兴客户群产生联结。

In Sydney, there’s a red staircase that connects two workplaces located 24 kilometres apart. NAB 3 Parramatta Square (3PS) and NAB 2 Carrington St (2CS) are Woods Bagot’s fraternal twin workplace tenancies. Known by NAB as their “Sydney campus”, together these buildings accommodate over 6,000 desks, providing a rare opportunity to boldly transform the bank’s workplace experience in locations highly connected to both its established and emerging customer base.

▼2CS概览,overview of 2CS

NAB 3PS是 “后起之秀” ,它的落成帮助奠定了Parramatta作为悉尼新兴城市中心的基础。而NAB 2CS则位于悉尼成熟的 CBD 商业核心区,周围环绕历史建筑,使项目更像商业区中的“中流砥柱”。这样的双生概念体现在两处场所的空间布局、几何造型、动线规划、连接性和材料应用等各个面向。

The design response for the NAB 3PS project was informed by an ‘emerging’ project persona, with the project becoming a keystone for the establishment of Parramatta as Sydney’s Central City. In contrast, the heritage surrounds and well-tread CBD business hub at NAB 2CS brought forth an ‘established’ persona. These conceptual approaches informed all aspects of the workplace design, including the programmatic arrangement of space, geometry, movement, connectivity and materiality.

▼壮观的“红梯”作为两处办公场所的空间 IP,the ‘red-thread’ stairs


Emerging Persona

NAB 3PS是一个 13 层、35,000 平方米的适应性工作场所。作为新兴城市中心的办公场所后起之秀,它位于Parramatta广场片区,处在大悉尼的中心位置,而这里也是澳大利亚规模最大的城市重建区域之一。

NAB 3PS is a 13 level, 35,000sqm adaptable workplace located in the heart of greater Sydney, central to one of Australia’s largest urban renewal projects, the Parramatta Square precinct.


俯瞰中庭楼梯,view of the atrium


The project’s ‘emerging’ theme focused on creating a raw, surprising, authentic aesthetic, representative of the greater Sydney context and a culturally diverse demographic. Movement, spatial distribution and forms within the interior create a bold and interactive experience by intersecting and layering space.


tocreate a bold and interactive experience by intersecting and layering space

▼开放办公区,open working space


The lower levels of the building encourage engagement with the public realm, deliberately ’lifting the curtain’ on the inner workings of the bank by drawing the customer and community inward and providing a range of immersive spaces to enable connection and co-creation, as well as accessible amenity for staff.

▼俯瞰办公区,view oflower levels

▼办公低层空间与城市公共空间连通,the lower levels of the building encourage engagement with the public realm

▼沉浸式空间,immersive space


Established Persona

相比之下,NAB 2CS则是历史沉淀之下的中流砥柱,呈现出一种精致的空间美学。12层、29,000平方米的适应性工作场所一部分位于历史遗产Shell House建筑内,一部分位于一座新建的商业塔楼内。虽然横跨新旧两栋楼,但是伍兹贝格创造性地通过一个中央中庭连接起两座大楼的办公空间,并成为能够俯瞰Wynyard公园巷道景观的稀有场所。

At NAB 2CS, an ‘established’ notion of identity is translated into a refined aesthetic. The 12 level, 29,000 sqm adaptable workplace occupies all commercial levels of the heritage listed Shell House, as well as a new commercial tower adjacent, with a central atrium connecting the two. Overlooking Wynyard Park, this rare park side address is harnessed with framed pockets of views across the treetops and down Wynyard Lane.

▼2CS中庭空间,2CS atrium


The workplace is designed as a highly flexible extension of this public realm, with the first four levels publicly accessible, incorporating a Micro Branch & Cafe. A sculptural entry ribbon forms a centrepiece, launching the circulation journey through the building, transporting customers and colleagues to an elevated concierge experience.

▼入口处雕塑般的彩带造型形成了视觉焦点,asculptural entry ribbon forms a centrepiece

▼咖啡馆,a Micro Branch & Cafe


the ‘red-thread’ stair creates movement and connection across the tenancy

在高层办公空间,设计团队进一步发展了 NAB 现有的工作场所战略,提供了一系列多样化的社交和协作空间,包括一个露天剧场、两个户外露台和一个巨大的交易楼层,所有这些设计都确保了 NAB 的员工能够享受到优越的便利设施。

On the upper levels, the workplace design evolves the existing NAB workplace strategy by providing a diversified suite of spaces for connection and collaboration, including an amphitheatre, two outdoor terraces and a vast dealing floor, all punctuated with a superior level of amenity for the bank’s support staff.


一系列多样化的社交和协作空间,a diversified suite of spaces for connection and collaboration


The two tenancies are the culmination of over a decade of collaboration between NAB and Woods Bagot, offering a new vitality to the workplace at a time when its value has never been more in question.

▼庭院一角,the courtyard

▼3PS夜景,night view of 3PS

▼2CS夜景,night view of 2CS

▼3PS首层平面,3PS ground floor plan

▼3PS二层平面,3PS level 1 floor plan

▼3PS三层平面,3PS level 2 floor plan

▼3PS七层平面,3PS level 6 floor plan

▼3PS九层平面,3PS level 8 floor plan


Project details:


NAB 3 Parramatta Square (3PS)NAB 2 Carrington St (2CS)


Client: National Australia Bank (NAB)


Woods Bagot Scope: Interior fit out


Status: Complete in 2022


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