发布时间:2023-11-06 14:04:58 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The school was located at the outskirts of the Ugandan capital. The client is an NGO, who have been running TERAKOYA Primary Education as a project to support children who have lost their parents.

▼项目鸟瞰,Aerial view © Timothy Latim

▼从道路望向学校,View from the front road © Timothy Latim


As the number of children in need of support increases, the school expands to build new classrooms. In addition to teaching children of different ages, academic levels and from different family backgrounds, the school also offers a wide range of activities such as dance and music, vocational training and counselling for caregivers. Therefore, instead of designing for everything that could be expected, we sought to create a space that would encourage open and spontaneous use, moments such as “Let’s have a class under the shade of a tree today”.

▼屋顶的形状旨在从北面为教室采光,The shape of the roof is designed to light the classroom from the north © Timothy Latim


The site is located on a gently sloping hill with relatively small scale houses. It elongates from east to west and slopes along its longitudinal axis. We hope to create a bigger whole with the surrounding environment by designing a series of small roofs that resonate with the scale of the surrounding neighbourhood. The ‘incomplete’ small units -too small to fulfil functions on their own- could work together to complement each other, absorb the gradient differences and create spaces that sometimes connect and sometimes separate.

▼一系列小尺寸的屋顶组合成了更大的整体,A series of small roofs resonate with the scale of the surrounding neighbourhood © Timothy Latim

▼西向鸟瞰,Overhead view to the west © Timothy Latim

屋顶覆盖在5m x 5m的结构之上。每个屋顶的高侧都保持开放,带来两个方向的采光,其屋檐则延伸至旁边低矮的屋顶以收集雨水。五间“教室”可以通过砖墙和其他家具配件封闭起来,与相邻的“露台”(只有顶棚,四面均开放)形成了互补的关系。23个看似随意的单元不仅仅用于容纳教室和露台,有时它们也可以用作中央舞台的两翼。在需要时,通过将3个单元组合在一起,可以形成一个连贯的开阔房间。

▼轴测图,Isometric drawing © TERRAIN architects

The roof sits on top of a 5mx5m structure. The high side of each roof opens to create gables that receive light from two directions and extend to catch rainwater from the neighbouring low roofs. The five “classrooms”, which can be closed off by brick walls and fittings, are complemented by the neighbouring “terraces”- units which are only covered and open on all sides. The 23 seemingly random-arranged units are not just classrooms and terraces (inside and outside). Sometimes the classrooms become the wings of the central stage. Sometimes three units come together to form a larger connected room. The whole was completed by complementing each other functionally and environmentally.

▼从东侧露台望向带顶舞台,View of the covered stage from the east terrace © Timothy Latim

▼露台和室外空间可用于开展舞蹈等课外活动,The terrace and outdoor space are also used for extra-curricular activities such as dancing © Timothy Latim


The landscape is laid out on a 45-degree grid to facilitate relationships between the units. The eucalyptus log columns that support the roof structure are placed intentionally away from the four corners to invite flow into the rooms. This gesture creates a sense of connection not only between the two neighbouring huts, but also diagonally across the street.

▼露台视角,View from the terrace © Timothy Latim

▼从露台望向4号教室,View of Classroom 4 from the terrace © Timothy Latim

▼图书室入口区域,View of the library from the doorway into the corner of the unit © Timothy Latim


The diagonals also evolve into a series of slopes each absorbing a 450mm level difference in the topography and create a zigzag movement across the site. They eventually lead to the external fence, and create a small space between the fence and the public road. The last hut straddles the external fence and provides a shaded space for the neighbours under its eaves. Rainwater collected from each roof is stored in the basement, with a pump installed to provide domestic water to the local residents- who then no longer need to go to the well at the bottom of the hill to fetch water.

▼斜坡在场地中呈之字形运动,The diagonals create a zigzag movement across the site © Timothy Latim

▼从露台透过围墙望向南侧道路,View from the terrace over the fence towards the road to the south © Timothy Latim


In a region where many school construction projects are carried out on a temporary basis, this NGO has been steadily building relationships with the community through home visits. The small units, supported by slightly bent logs, have begun to come together to create a new place. We hope that it will grow to facilitate and symbolise the interdependent relationship between the community and the project.

▼每间教室最多可以容纳20位学生,A view of the classroom. A maximum of 20 students study in each classroom © Timothy Latim

▼场地平面图,Site plan © TERRAIN architects

▼平面图,Plan © TERRAIN architects

▼剖面图,Section plan © TERRAIN architects

▼室内立面,Internal Elevation © TERRAIN architects

▼细部剖面,Detailed section © TERRAIN architects

▼节点图,Detail © TERRAIN architects

Location: Plot 7017, Block 203, Nansana, Wakiso District Main use: School, Educational facility Client: ASHINAGA UGANDA Design Architecture: Ikko Kobayashi + Fumi Kashimura / TERRAIN architects Structure: TECTONICA / Yoshinori Suzuki Tokyo University of the Arts / Mitsuhiro Kaneda PLANTEK LIMITED by A. KusemererwaIvan Kayondo Supervision: TERRAIN architects: Ikko Kobayashi, Fumi Kashimura, Kenji Takahashi (former member) On-site production study Akira Ikegami PLANTEK / Enock KibbamuSimon Nyanzi Sandra Nambooze Katuntu Hellen Nakiganda Mugumire Peter Sserubombwe James Sserwaji Sarah Nsamba Rujumba Isaac Construction: GESES UGANDA in charge / Nkurununji Peter Florence Natugonza Kateega Samuel Jude Jangeyambe Abraham Twongeirwe


TERAKOYA学校,乌干达 / TERRAIN architects
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