发布时间:2018-01-28 19:51:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

坐落于旧金山SOMA街区中心腹地 ,又历经几次翻修重建工程后,南花园又再次成为荒蛮之地。2011年,南花园发展委员会决定委任Fletcher Studio协同当地社区和民众,为南花园复兴工程制定景观规划方案。并就为创建公共游览性场所,和缓解关键性基础设施功能性问题如排水系统和防空部署之间进行协商。

Located in the heart of the South of Market District (SOMA) of San Francisco, South Park had undergone numerous changes and fallen into disrepair after a series of ad-hoc improvements. In 2011 The South Park Improvement Association appointed Fletcher Studio to work with the neighbors and community leaders to develop a master plan for the park. The landscape design negotiates between creating a public place for visitors and alleviating major infrastructural and functional issues including poor drainage and lack of ADA accessibility.

▼公园坐落于街区中心,located in the heart of the district

“能够与南花园发展委员会及当地社区共同实施该项目,对我们以及对这一项目的成功推进都是意义非凡的。”Fletcher Studio的创始人David Fletcher讲到,“是当地社区民众的信任给予我们实施该项目的信心,也是该项目成功的关键。”

“It has been an invaluable experience working with the South Park Improvement Association and the community at large to rethink San Francisco’s oldest park,” states David Fletcher, Founding Principle of Fletcher Studio, “We are grateful for the incredible amount of trust the community put into us that has resulted in a distinctive design solution we are extremely proud of”.

▼鸟瞰图,aerial view

蜿蜒曲折的小径,穿行而过的多种娱乐休闲设计,Fletcher Studio用当代设计手法完美诠释了传统英式花园。新设计融合道路循环流线,出入口半边界,场地绿植和必要的社交发生节点。场地规划将各景观节点在沿途路径上依次串联,横向道路间歇性跨越,游人步行穿越在多彩与繁茂的耐旱绿植之中。主次社交节点分布在公园内及步行道两边。一个巨大的环形波动装置摆放在节点空间上,为花园里的休闲空间增添了更多趣味。

Fletcher Studio’s design may be described as a contemporary interpretation of the English strolling park, as it provides multiple amenities and vantage points, arrayed along a meandering programmatic pathway. The new design considers circulation patterns, access points, existing trees and social nodes. By linking these points with a single path, the design forms a consistent linear promenade amongst colorful and drought-tolerant plants along the length of the park, while allowing for lateral crossings throughout. Major and minor plazas are formed at key junctures through the thickening and thinning of the promenade. Furthermore, the park now includes a truly unique custom ‘universal’ play area that has dramatic, undulating forms both in structure and in the mounded surface.

▼主行道路贯穿公园景观,the main path go through the park

▼步行道路串联多个社交节点,the social points arrayed along a meandering programmatic pathway

▼巨大环形装置带来空间乐趣,the truly unique custom ‘universal’ play area keep attracting people


Fletcher Studio’s new design for South Park also includes a series of long walls that follow grade and flow through the park, defining spaces, holding grades, and providing seating and shelter from adjacent streets. The tectonic system for the path consists of a simply constructed combination of easily modified components that allow for a diversity of spatial, programmatic, and topographic solutions. The path system consists of site-cast, monolithically poured concrete tablets and sliders. The combination of these two elements allows for a coherent modulation in the width of the path responding to contextual/external spatial desires,.

▼一系列矮墙圈定了公园界限,a series of long walls flow through the park

▼步行道细部,detail of the path

在南花园发展委员会,旧金山公园联盟组织,旧金山公园及娱乐委员会以及旧金山公共工程组织的协助下,Fletcher Studio为旧金山营造了全新的城市公共休闲景观,并通过该景观实现了该区的无信号灯交通管控,保证了步行交通的安全性,并以生态渗透的方式解决了污水排放及处理问题。该设计采用系统化的城市分析方法对土地利用,环流模式,植被现状和污水系统进行分析,并采用模块化可膨胀的地面铺装,大型坡地草坪,植被渗透盆地和种植场地这四个紧密相关的设计元素,实现南花园的优秀景观规划。

始建于1855年的南花园曾占据当地居住社区的核心地位。多年以来该公园的翻新工程为周围社区包括移民,码头工人,艺术家和无数青年专业人士提供了休闲之所。此外,它还见证了上个世纪90年代后期的互联网泡沫,并成为Wired Magazine,Fuseproject,Slide. com,Dropbox,Twitter等一众互联网行业的中心腹地。如今,它以葱郁的绿色和多样的休闲设施继续服务于当地无数科技公司,餐饮和零售商店。

Working closely with the South Park Improvement Association, The San Francisco Parks Alliance, the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department, and San Francisco Public Works, Fletcher Studio implemented infrastructural improvements that included bulb-outs for traffic calming and greater pedestrian safety and bio- infiltration swales for site-wide drainage. Through a systematic urban analysis evaluating land use, circulation patterns, tree conditions and drainage systems the design utilizes four tightly bound material systems: an expandable, modular paving system, large sloping meadows, vegetated infiltration basins and low retaining walls to mediate between paving and planted areas.

South Park was originally constructed in 1855 as the center of an exclusive residential community. Its transformation over the years has served an array of residents and community members including immigrants, longshoremen, artists and young professionals. South Park played a central role during the dot com boom in the late 1990’s as a hub for many design and web-related businesses such as Wired Magazine, Fuseproject, Slide. com, Dropbox, Twitter and many others. Today, it still acts as a center for tech-related and design companies providing eating establishments and retail ventures, amidst the backdrop of a flourishing green space.

▼全景,full view


▼土壤利用规划,soil preparation plan

▼植被规划,planting plan

▼灌木种植规划,shrub planting plan

▼木质边界围墙,wood bucket

▼场地游乐装置,play structure


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