发布时间:2022-02-27 20:05:39 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Driving from Beijing, all the way to southwest, passing through tunnels, you can see mountains on the left, like a screen, plains on the right and a village at the foot of the mountain. The name of the village is Zhengjiazhuang, which is also the location of the project. Zhengjiazhuang is a typical northern village, built by red brick, gray tile and broken clay. Villagers chat under a big tree in the central square. As a boutique homestay, the project , locate in the southeast corner of the village, acts as the first shot of Zhengjiazhuang’s revitalization.

▼项目概览,Preview © 姚曜


The relationship between the building and its surroundings is the first thing I consider. The relationship, especially between the building and the village or between the building and the mountains, reflects on the behavior about see and seen. To the village, from a distance, the building should be seen and distinguished so as to attract visitors. To the mountains, the building should hide itself to fit in the village. To the building, the village and the mountains are objects been observed, which compose scenes selected by the building.

▼人在远处看建筑和大山,A distant view to the building and the mountain as the background © 姚曜


As a B&B, the building has been divided into two parts: the upper part of accommodating and the lower part of dining and entertaining. The upper part consist of three rectangular volumes that have pitched roofs and big gable windows for viewing. The lower part, whose roof is a platform for outdoor activities, shaped into a horizontal space surrounded by courtyards.

▼人在东侧看屋顶平台和建筑,View to the roof terrace from the east side © 姚曜

▼在阳台上越过庭院眺望远山,Overlook to the mountain from the balcony © 姚曜


I place the garage on the north part of the site which is 2 meters lower than the south. Part of the lower horizontal space of the building lifts 1.5 meters to sit on the top of the garage, another part becomes a stair-like reading area heading downwards. This dichotomy of the up and down separate the loud area from the quiet, meanwhile fulfilled their different height requirement. On plan, there are separation of people and vehicles (people enter from the south side, vehicles enter from the northwest corner), separation of private and public (the guest area is on the left, the internal area is on the right), separation of people and goods (goods entrance is in the west side, away from guest).

▼人在西侧看向建筑,View from the west side © 姚曜

▼相隔水院看向建筑体量,View to the buildings across the water yard © 姚曜


The space of the first floor is defined by nine yards, which are ceremonial yard, ornamental yard, recreational yard, plantable yard, logistic yard and yard for transportation. The size of the yards is different, avoiding alignment between each other. The interfaces of the garden are solid walls, transparent glass curtain walls and a hollow brick wall. Design attempt to blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor, making space more continuous. In addition, I enlarge some interfaces into veranda, guiding people to visit, allowing space to show itself slowly with the sequence. Although the land is limited, it makes people feel infinite.

▼首层廊道上看向中心庭院,View to the central courtyard from the corridor © 姚曜

▼东侧水院内看建筑,Water yard on the east side © 姚曜

▼餐厅西侧的边院,Restaurant courtyard © 姚曜


Each rectangular volume of the upper part contains a public living room with several guest rooms surrounding. The living room connecting the first floor and the attic becomes an important place for social activities. To make use of the pitched roof, I add attic to every guest room for stargazing. Guest room with attic is suitable for family trip and enlarges the guest capacity.

▼在书吧看向砖院和二层空间,View to the brick yard and the second floor from the book cafe © 姚曜

▼在吧台看向北侧,View to the north from the bar counter © 姚曜

▼书吧,Book cafe © 姚曜

▼吧台处看向餐厅,View  to the restaurant from the bar © 姚曜

▼多功能活动空间,Multi-functional space © 姚曜


I try to convey the beauty of natural light. Light creates a serene atmosphere by rendering different spaces with cool and warm, showing material detail with dark and bright, and being visual focus among overlapping spaces.

▼在二层走廊看向书吧和阁楼 View to the book cafe and the attic from the second floor © 姚曜

▼二层公共客厅,The shared living room on the second floor © 姚曜

作为乡土建筑,控制造价并降低施工门槛是保障项目从设计到落地的关键。因此,建筑采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,选用红砖、混凝土、木材作为主要材料。 在结构上,对于餐厅等需要较大跨度的空间,设计采用了井字梁设计,控制梁的截面比例与尺寸以形成均质的网格效果。在呈台阶状下探的书吧处,设计让垂直挺拔的框架柱落在水平层叠的踏步上,形成视觉反差,引导人的视线向高处望去,沟通上层的共享客厅与阁楼空间。分隔核心庭院与东侧水院的游廊采用了单柱双侧出挑的平衡结构,变截面梁在减少自重的同时,赋予廊道向两边张望的空间态势。

To reduce cost and make construction easier, the building adopts reinforced concrete frame structure. I use well-shaped beam in the dining room for long span, and control the size of beam grid and section to achieve a good effect. In the reading area, by contrasting vertical columns with horizontal stairs in visual, design can lead people’s sight to the upper floors. The corridor which separates the main yard from the water yard adopts a double-side self-balance overhang structure. The structure gives the corridor a posture that it is leaning to its both sides.

▼二层通往屋顶平台的公共区域 Public area leading to the roof terrace © 姚曜

▼在二层公共客厅看向阁楼 View to the attic from the second floor © 姚曜


The building is made of red brick, concrete and wood. Red brick is the main material of the village, and concrete go with the silent feature of the mountains. To avoid cheap-looking, I try to expose the natural texture of these material and show the trace of crafting and construction. The façade of the accommodating unit is made of board formed concrete. After many experiments, we can maintain the quality of this technic in low cost condition. The brick walls are designed as sandwich structure with air cavity and insulation to meet the requirement of thermal performance and seismic resistance.

▼通向屋顶平台的空间 The space connecting to the roof terrace © 姚曜


With the in-depth implementation of China’s rural revitalization strategy, more and more vernacular buildings appear at the foot of the mountains, in the fields and in the villages. How architecture harmonizes with mountains and fields, coexists with the earth, and advances with the times is a long-term research topic. It is hoped that while pursuing the beauty of architecture, this project can contribute to the sustainable development of vernacular architecture in terms of coordinating the environment, cost control, and material use.

▼从体量间的缝隙看向大山 View to the mountain from the gap between the volumes © 姚曜

▼首层平面,Ground floor plan © 一苇(北京)建筑规划设计有限公司

▼二层平面,Second floor plan © 一苇(北京)建筑规划设计有限公司

▼屋顶平面,Roof plan © 一苇(北京)建筑规划设计有限公司

▼剖面图,Sections © 一苇(北京)建筑规划设计有限公司


山脚宅院,张家口 / 一苇(北京)建筑规划设计有限公司
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