——约翰 · 范德沃特
As Xu Shunying, a senior fashion media person, said, "Clothes are the last beautiful environment of this era." Clothing and architecture always show a mutually oriented relationship. For clothing studios, it is not only necessary to show the main brand itself, but also necessary to carry the sensory feelings of consumers in all aspects when facing the product. This feeling is silently presented and conveyed in the brand context.
With a space of 60 square meters, how to follow the constraints and exert the passion for creation is exactly the challenge and charm of this project. The designer uses a method of multiple combinations with limited fragments, makes full use of building blocks such as columns, walls, shelves, balls, and cooperates with the display equipment of the product to ensure that consumers can experience the logic of product display and brand in the space. Image information.
Different from the straightforward approach of traditional commercial space, the design of the studio is guided by "deconstruction", where multiple forms are combined and juxtaposed, and the sequence is vivid. The space is full of richness and uncertainty, which can not only bring consumers a visual pleasure, but also fully mobilize their buying interest.
The basic relationship between body and space is the interactive structure of "body and space belong to each other". The presentation of architecture as an object is not only an empirical objective, but also an instant feeling. Therefore, the perception of color in space cannot be ignored.
The designer puts his vision in the perspective of art and design, and extremely restrained the selection of ivory white, cardinal red, and indigo. The color arrangement under the uneven combination creates an illusory field for spiritual recreation, which silently strengthens the "present" "The spiritual acceptance, so that consumers feel spiritual joy and satisfaction.
Wu Chunling Fashion Studio, born out of a realistic exploration of the female instinct of the principal, also carries the high-mindedness and no lack of warm and profound feelings.
Let the space "tell good stories" is the current demand, rational structure modeling, calm and calm, perceptual curve rhythm, dexterity and change, the spatial distribution displayed by the body is also constantly changing. Wandering through it, the body makes the space contain a unique female consciousness, and ups and downs to a soft and comfortable spiritual experience.
沿着主理人的品牌线索,设计师以 Beauty can cure all inferiority.(美能治愈一切自卑)为节点,由建筑体块与色彩串联起整个空间的“故事”线路,最后升华为女性力量的“面”的塑造,让消费者在互动中完全沉浸在优质的“故事”空间里。
Following the brand clues of the manager, the designer takes Beauty can cure all inferiority as the node, and connects the entire space with the building blocks and colors to the "story" line, and finally sublimates into the "female power". The shaping of “face” allows consumers to be completely immersed in a high-quality “story” space during interaction.
Elaborate within the clothing, but also beyond the clothing. The ultimate goal of all spatial expressions is not to master the objective, but to realize the unconscious simulation and association of the body, so that the body and the world are projected multiple times.
Project Name | 项目名称
5+0 服装工作室
Location | 项目地址
Area | 项目面积
Chief Designer |设计总监
Design Company | 设计师公司
Participating designer | 参与设计师
Design Time
Complete Time|完工时间
Photography | 摄影师
广州大象视觉 阿力
张新强(左创始人)| 郑海安 (右合伙人)
NEWONES 新一设计创始人、设计总监。擅长极简、轻奢及新现代等室内设计风格,致力于将新生代追求高质量品质的要素融入到设计中,为每位客户构建出属于自己的心灵归宿。
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新一设计成立于 2016 年,以 90 后为设计团队主力,专注建筑室内设计。为新生代客户的生活、工作注入更多的个性化定制设计,描绘出每位客户心中的专属设计蓝图。提供:综合商业体 / 店面设计、办公会所空间整合及设计以及住宅 / 公寓装修设计等。
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