城市文脉中的抽象形体_abstrct massing in the urban context
©田方方 Tian Fangfang
海茵建筑担当设计的粤港澳大湾区高性能医疗器械创新中心(IHM 创新中心)位于广州蓬勃发展的国际生物岛。
IHM 创新中心生物岛研发中心内设置有科研实验室、交流互动空间、办公协同空间,致力于高性能医疗器械创新研发。
HENN’s Innovation Center for Medical Devices (IHM·GBA) is located in the heart of Guangzhou’s thriving international Bio Island. The building is used to develop high-performance medical devices, which requires a design that combines laboratories and spaces for research with areas for informal communication and open office spaces.
三个漂浮的体块_three floating volumes©田方方 Tian Fangfang
海茵建筑的设计将多种功能编织在一个 X 形平面中,从而最大化利用了地块:“X”的两个翼板分别用于布局实验室或办公空间,而交叉点则用作公共空间。柱网在实验室翼板更密集,而在办公空间的翼板则更开阔。
HENN’s design weaves these programs together in an X-shaped floor plan which makes optimal use of the square plot: each bar of the “X” is devoted to either laboratory or workspaces, while the intersections function as communal spaces. The column grid is denser in lab areas, and more open in the wings dedicated to office spaces.
中庭_atrium©田方方 Tian Fangfang
平面布局将自然光引入建筑的核心地带,每个翼板空间都拥有多角度的优质景观。X 形内侧凹角设计为曲面,与平直方正的外轮廓形成对比,并沿着立面创建了动态的线条组合,带来更好的视觉体验。
The shape of the floor plan allows for light to reach into the heart of the building, with lush vistas in multiple directions from every wing. The corners on the inside of the X are curved, in contrast to the sharp outer edges, adding to the quality of the views and creating a dynamic composition of lines along the facade.
设计策略_design strategy©HENN
功能分布_program distribution©HENN
IHM 创新中心由三个漂浮的体块组成,中间由多层露台隔开,这些露台用作空中花园。双层通高的露台空间创造了体块间转换的趣味变化。
The Innovation Center is composed of three floating volumes separated by multi-storey, open-air terraces that function as sky gardens. These double-height spaces create a playful rhythm of shifting volumes.
前厅_lobby©田方方 Tian Fangfang
The lower volume hosts public functions, including a lobby, exhibition hall, a show lab and café; the middle volume above houses laboratories, meeting rooms, multipurpose rooms, and the top floor contains offices.
几何形体_geometry©田方方 Tian Fangfang
IHM 创新中心代表了高密度垂直建筑的新类型,它将研发与协作工作环境紧密结合。海茵建筑的设计作为创新的脚手架,为推动高端医疗器械领域创新研发提供了一个有力的建筑支撑。
The Innovation Center represents a new typology in high-density vertical architecture, combining experimentation and research spaces with collaborative work environments. HENN’s design functions as a scaffolding for innovation that boosts progress in the development of high-performance medical devices.
空中花园_sky garden©田方方 Tian Fangfang
主入口_entrance©田方方 Tian Fangfang
两种幕墙类型_two types of facade©田方方 Tian Fangfang
平行世界_speaker’s corner©田方方 Tian Fangfang
平行世界_speaker’s corner©田方方 Tian Fangfang
一层往二层楼梯_staircase from ground floor to second floor©田方方 Tian Fangfang
形体切割处的景观_scenary from bikinilevel©田方方 Tian Fangfang
错落的花园_shifting gardens©田方方 Tian Fangfang
空中花园_sky garden©田方方 Tian Fangfang
Other Drawings:
室内设计一层平面图_interior design floor plan Level 1©HENN
室内设计二层平面图_interior design floor plan level 2 ©HENN
室内设计三层平面图_ interior design floor plan level 3 ©HENN
标准墙型图_standard wall type drawings
标准墙型图_standard wall type drawings
标准墙型图_standard wall type drawings
面积:59,000 平米
负责合伙人: Georg Pichler
项目负责人: 乔华
设计负责人: Leander Adrian
照明顾问:RDI 瑞国际照明设计
Project Name: Innovation Center for High-Performance Medical Devices
Location: Guangzhou, China
Year: 2022
Status: Completion
Area GFA: 59,000 m²
Scope of work:
Architecture: Concept, Schematic Design (SD), Design Development (DD) and Construction control
Landscape: Concept
Interior: Concept, Schematic Design (SD)
Program: Office, Laboratory, Show Lab, Cafeteria, Terraces with sky gardens
Sustainability Certification: 1 Star in Industrial Type, China
Client: Chuang Jing Med.
Partner in charge: Georg Pichler
Project director: Hua Qiao
Design director: Leander Adrian
Local Planning Partner: GZDI
Landscaper: Hezhan Design
Façade: SuP
Lighting: RDI
Photographer: Tian Fangfang
HENN 海茵建筑是一家国际化的拥有 70 多年经验的建筑事务所,在柏林、慕尼黑、北京、上海设有办公室。HENN 海茵建筑已经完成了 200 多个项目,办公室拥有来自 40 多个国家的 350 余名成员。我们致力于所有阶段、规模和领域的项目工作,并且特别擅长为国际国内大型院校、大型办公、展览展示、科研医疗类等建筑项目提供先进和完整的设计解决方案,并在此领域积累了大量成功案例和成熟经验。