公寓位于Vesper Tverskaya会所内,由Speech建筑局按照历史建筑的风格设计。所有内部装修都已完成,并安装了工程系统、厨房和浴室以及灯具插座。客户要求Babayants 建筑事务所制定一个设计方案,尽可能保留现有装修,并对内部进行全面装修。
The apartments are in the Vesper Tverskaya clubhouse, designed by the Speech Architectural Bureau in the style of historical buildings. All interiors were already finished, and engineering systems, kitchen and bathrooms, and outlets for lamps were installed. The clients asked Babayants Architects to develop a design concept preserving the existing finish as much as possible, and fully furnish the interior.
Babayants建筑事务所的创始人兼首席建筑师Artem Babayants在初次了解该空间时,就"看到"了室内装饰中的Mathieu Lehanner的作品。法国物品的魅力和可塑性、优雅而略带天真的形式以及重力游戏成为室内设计概念的基础。它们的独特性也同样重要,所有物品都是为项目量身定制的设计收藏品。
Already at the first acquaintance with the space, Artem Babayants, founder and chief architect of Babayants Architects,“saw”the objects of Mathieu Lehanner in the interior. The charm and plasticity of French objects, elegant and slightly naive forms, and play with gravity became the basis of the interior concept. Their uniqueness is no less important: all objects are collectible design items that are custom-made for the project.
在Vesper Tverskaya,建筑师很想尝试将欧洲设计师设计的家具收藏品与俄罗斯艺术家的艺术作品进行非典型组合,例如,在Mathieu Lehanner设计的Pillars控制台上方有一块Alice Spots设计的圆形面板。Vesper Tverskaya的办公室值得特别关注。整体氛围是触感、柔和、自然的,让人联想到干花的美学。
At Vesper Tverskaya, the architects were curious to try an atypical combination of collectible pieces of furniture by European designers with works of art by Russian artists, for example, a round panel by Alice Spots above the Pillars console by Mathieu Lehanner. The office in Vesper Tverskaya deserves special attention. The overall atmosphere is tactile, muted, natural, and reminiscent of the aesthetics of dried flowers.
According to legend, every element of the interior came here by chance, as if the clients encountered pieces of furniture at different points in their lives, fell in love with them, and brought them to the office so that the space would acquire new stories and things. But in fact, everything in the interior was carefully chosen down to the smallest detail, so here one can only find a neat, subtle hint of this legend.