发布时间:2021-07-27 19:58:28 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Serena Confalonieri为“街区名片”倡议创作了壁画“Città Studi”,该倡议由YesMilano机构和米兰政府公共空间艺术办事处发起、由米兰社区基金会资助。在几个米兰街区,不同艺术家将通过展示各区名称打造城市艺术品,以此代表街区的形象和意识。该壁画位于意大利东北部Bassini路26号,覆盖了意大利献血者协会的东立面和围墙。部分作品是献给该协会的,目的是提高民众对献血问题的认识。

Serena Confalonieri designs the mural ‘Città Studi’ for the initiative “A name in every neighborhood”, conceived and promoted by YesMilano and the Municipality of Milan – Office for Art in Public Spaces and supported by Fondazione di Comunità Milano (Community Foundation of Milan). In several Milanese neighborhoods different artists will create urban artworks which will represent each district, by displaying their names, in order to represent their own identities and sense of community. The mural is located in via Bassini 26, in the north-eastern area of ​​the city, and it occupies the eastern façade of AVIS headquarters (the Italian Association of blood donors) and its enclosure walls. Part of the artwork is dedicated to this association, with the goal of raising awareness among the population on the issue of blood donation.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view © Daniela Cavallo

“该项目用‘Città Studi’字母代表街区的特征和形象,壁画也因此获得两种解读:首先,它会给该街区带来美学上的影响,其形式和元素将成为这里的机构、建筑和主要特征的图形代表。其次,这些元素明显地构成了组成‘Città Studi’的字母。”——Serena Confalonieri

“The project’s concept is to represent some of the characteristics and symbols of this neighborhood in the letters of ‘Città Studi’ words. This way, the mural acquires two different levels of interpretation: at first, the aesthetic impact will prevail, forms and elements will be perceived as the graphic representation of institutions, architecture and main features of this area. At a second glance, it will be clear that each of these elements constitutes a letter of the name ‘Città Studi’. “— Serena Confalonieri

▼建筑立面上的‘Città Studi’字母 © Daniela Cavallo the letters ‘Città Studi’ on the facade of the building

▼临街外观,street view © Daniela Cavallo

Serena Confalonieri设计的字母致敬了该街区不同的特征元素:两个“T”的灵感来自1960年代建筑的马赛克和1920年代别墅的装饰;“A”类似于建筑学院的标志性入口;第一个“I”向建筑师吉奥·庞蒂(Giò Ponti)致敬,也向许多总部位于Città Studi的学院致敬;“C”让人想起展开的书;“S”是阿斯克勒庇俄斯(希腊神话中的医神)的手杖,象征医学,“I”象征天文物理学,“U”象征工程学;剩下的“T”代表化学分子;花朵形状的“D”象征高尔基路上的植物园,让人想起意大利献血者协会logo中的一滴血。平面设计延伸至围墙:每面墙上均有意大利献血者协会的缩写“AVIS”,绘有与献血有关的形状和颜色。颜色与象征意义结合,展示了该街区的朝气与活力。

▼意大利献血者协会东立面,east elevation of the AVIS © Serena Confalonieri

The letters designed by Serena Confalonieri therefore represent a tribute to different characteristic elements of the neighborhood: two “T”s are inspired by the mosaics of the buildings from the 1960s and by the ornaments of the 1920s villas, the “A” resembles the Faculty of Architecture iconic entrance, while the first “I” is a tribute to Giò Ponti-, to the many university faculties that have their headquarters in Città Studi – the “C” recalls an open book seen from above and the “S ” the Asclepius’ stick, symbol of Medicine, the ” I “Astrophysics and” U “the Faculty of Engineering, while the remaining” T “a chemical molecule -. Also the flower shaped “D” symbolizes the Botanical Garden in via Golgi, while the accent recalls a drop of blood for AVIS. The graphic design also extends to the enclosure wall: in each metope we find a letter of the acronym AVIS, depicted with shapes and colors related to the donation of blood. A mix of colors and suggestions that want to show off the youthful and colorful atmosphere that reigns in the streets of this area.

▼东立面,east facade © Daniela Cavallo

▼使用情景,usage scenarios © Daniela Cavallo

继策略性城市项目Quadra之后,Serena Confalonieri再次为公共空间的集体使用做出贡献,通过平面艺术倡议,提升附近街区、甚至整个米兰的品质。

After the tactic urbanism project Quadra, once again Serena Confalonieri gives her contribution to a new collective use of public spaces, with an initiative of graphic art that aims to enhance not only the neighborhood but the whole city of Milan.

▼围墙立面,elevations of the enclosure walls © Serena Confalonieri


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