Sal Curioso 带你嚐遍全球各地的美食分享文化,展开诱人美食之旅。多元的菜单搜罗美食分享文化丰厚国度的菜式,如巴西、阿根廷和西班牙。香港人喜欢分享食物。Sal Curioso菜单启发自一众同样重视分享文化的国家,用意鼓励客人互相分享。2000平方英尺的舒适就餐空间中,个性化的装饰细节让人着迷,那些装饰和摆设自然而有魅力,让客人享用美餐后不会轻易忘记这里。
Sal Curioso is a cocktail bar and restaurant inspired by a social style of dining. It reflects the flavours of the great sharing food cultures of the world such as Spain, Italy and South America. Sal’s dishes are designed to be shared between friends so they can be enjoy and taste food that is fun, inviting and waiting to be discovered.
Sal Curioso 带你嚐遍全球各地的美食分享文化,展开诱人美食之旅。餐单上的每一道菜式均由 Woolly Pig Concepts 厨艺总监 Chris Woodyard 悉心创作,把连串惊喜味道和口感带到你的口中细嚐。Sal Curioso 让意外惊喜成为意料中事!
餐厅由 Woolly Pig Concepts 夫妻档、湾仔型格餐厅 Madam Sixty Ate 东主 Chris Woodyard 和 Bronwyn Cheung 开设,位于香港饮食及娱乐热点中环云咸街,设有 100 个座位。
Madam Sixty Ate的多个虚拟角色为餐厅添上不少趣味。利用这些角色作为基 础,加上 Sal Curioso 的理念,变化出更多角色,给客人趣怪新惊喜。从己连拿利街的入口踏进餐厅,各个创意无限的插画人物排列在牆上欢迎宾客到访,包括把时钟放上身的鸭子Duck Bobber,和不生蛋只生牛油果的鸡 Guacaloco。
「香港人喜欢分享食物。Sal Curioso 菜单启发自一众同样重视分享文化的国家, 用意鼓励客人互相分享。」Woolly Pig Concepts 总监 Bronwyn Cheung 说,「菜单裡的菜式由大厨精心创作,大胆创新之馀仍保留当地风味。」
这个崭新的饮食概念正是城中各个好奇老饕的理想用餐概念,鼓励顾客一同发掘菜单中的不同美食,互相分享及尝试。厨艺总监 Chris Woodyard 以他对食材背后文化渊源的深厚认识,从拉丁美洲适合分享的菜式中得到启发,创造出前卫的菜单,把最上乘的食材如肥美厚肉、新鲜海鲜、时令蔬菜、香草及香料等溷合搭配。
在 Chris 的带领下,Sal Curioso 的菜式均包罗了丰富有趣的味道组合,每一口都是创新独特的。
「在 Sal Curioso 找到的菜式也许不是你惯常吃到的口味,但我们保证这是值得冲破界限的尝试,」Chris 说。「我们多元的菜单搜罗美食分享文化丰厚国度的菜式,如巴西、阿根廷和西班牙。」
The restaurant seats up to 100 and the interior is a reflection of its larger than life personality and food creator/scientist Sal Curioso. Entering the restaurant you will be introduced to his inventions including the Guacaloco, the amazing chicken that lays avocado’s that tumble down chutes to make guacamole or even the squid pop a machine that defies reality as it turns squid into hot fresh popcorn.
Sal Curioso‘s bar is also a place of invention as each cocktail has a unique patent number and code just like Sal’s gourmet machines. Sal Curioso only offers the best of boutique breweries, showcasing ales from the States and Australia. House- made syrups and infusions dominate the bar as Sal’s bar team create signature drinks that are a twist on the classic. Guests are formally challenged with the ‘Bartender’s choice for the Brave’. Including the 1951 Chicago Martini with three anchovy stuffed olives or ‘The Last Word’ a dangerous but delicious mix of gin, green chartreuse, maraschino and lime juice.
Sal Curioso Restaurant