发布时间:2021-11-20 20:20:06 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▼一层体育俱乐部,sports club on the ground floor ©曾天培

▼人们可以从室外景观平台进入室内跑道 people could enter the interior lane from the outdoor landscape platform ©曾天培

▼围绕球场的跑道,lane surrounding the courts ©曾天培

▼室内球场,interior courts ©曾天培

▼健身房,gym ©曾天培

▼共享大厅,可以观看室内场馆的比赛,public hall with view to the interior courts ©曾天培

▼透过窗户可以欣赏室外景观,enjoy the outdoor landscape through the windows ©曾天培

▼室内坡道,indoor ramps ©曾天培

If you continue walking upward, you will reach the sky gymnasium (elevation 12.8m), which is wrapped in a cross-steel truss structure and elevated above the stadium. People can watch the competition while exercising, so that there is more interaction between different sport venues. The connected 150-meter-long aerial looping track surrounds the main venue and continuously shuttles between the stadium and the lounge, triggering various interesting space explorations and creating new jogging experience. If you want to continue to exercise, you can also walk from the runway to the outdoors through the mountaineering exit, reaching the mountain jogging track or the landscape stairs, and eventually returning to the starting point to finish a closed sports space circuit.

▼二层平面图,second floor paln ©URBANUS都市实践

Collaborators: Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd. (LDI) Photographers: ZtpVision

2016-2019: Project General Manager: Lin Yilin, Jiang Ling, Lin Haibin Project Manager: Jiang Qingzhou, You Donghe Project Architect: You Donghe (Architecture) | Wei Zhijiao (Landscape) Team: Xie Shengfen, Shen Chen, Chen Xuesong (Architecture) | Wang Jin, Tang Weijun, Li Congyi, Gao Yufeng (Landscape) | Han Ke, Liu Yunong, Ma Ziqian, Luo Pan, Zhang Cheng, Wu Ziyi, Zhang Mingying (Internship)

2010-2014: Project General Manager: Zhang Changwen Project Manager: Lin Yilin Project Architect: Zhou Yalin Team: Xiong Jiawei, Hu Zhigao, Chen Lansheng, Ai Yun, Kong Qianjun | Huang Yihong (Landscape) | Yao Dianbin (Technical Director) | Wu Fan (Internship)

合作:深圳建筑科学研究院(施工图) 摄影师:曾天培

2016重启后的阶段: 项目总经理:林怡琳 姜玲 林海滨 项目经理:姜轻舟 游东和 项目建筑师:游东和(建筑)| 魏志姣(景观) 项目组:谢盛奋 申晨 陈雪松(建筑)| 王金 唐伟军 李聪毅 高宇峰(景观)| 韩珂 刘雨浓 马子千 罗盘 张城 吴子仪 张明莹(实习生)

2010-2014阶段: 项目总经理:张长文 项目经理:林怡琳 项目建筑师:周娅琳 项目组:熊嘉伟 胡志高 陈兰生 艾芸 孔倩珺 | 黄艺宏(景观)| 姚殿斌(技术总监)| 吴凡(实习生)

▼剖面图,sections ©URBANUS都市实践


▼总平面图,site plan ©URBANUS都市实践

▼夜景,night view ©曾天培

This sports complex will also expand people’s understanding of traditional sports spaces, inspiring more ways to use fitness facilities, attracting students to take the initiative to exercise and socialize, while also exploring various possibilities for further blurring the spatial boundaries between sports and leisure activities.


▼建筑区位,location ©URBANUS都市实践

▼建筑整体外观,overall external view of the building ©曾天培

The main structure of the building is composed of a concrete frame and a steel structure roof, which surround the main large-span stadium space. This can be gradually expanded to incorporate other various open sports spaces. Through the landscape platform, students run from the outdoor athletic field to the 4.2m elevation floor to watch the outdoor athletic events. If they move forward, they can reach the 7.2m elevation audience entrance floor and enter the indoor space to watch the competition. The 44-meter-span main venue is transparent on north and south sides to introduce mountain scenery to the interior, bringing a new experience of sports to its users.


▼设计草图,design sketch ©孟岩MENG Yan | URBANUS都市实践

In order to reduce the impact on the original mountain and vegetation, the original huge building volume has been adapted to accommodate the mountain landscape. Inspired by the surrounding environment, multi-level flexible platforms, ramps, bridges and hiking trails are designed to make connections between indoor & outdoor spaces of different levels, establishing a series of open running routes. Several existing platforms were transformed into stadium steps. These non-traditional sports spaces and surrounding mountains constitute a comprehensive sports space system, breaking the limited utilization of closed venues.


Sports spaces are not only places for serious competitive sports, but also flexible spaces that encourage people to exercise in various ways. In the context of a nation-wide promotion of fitness, the conventional closed gymnasium is no longer attractive. The architects tried to build an indoor & outdoor comprehensive sports space system that can accommodate a wide variety of athletic activity. Next to the mountains, the Southern University of Science and Technology Gymnasium aims to be an example of this new approach.


▼鸟瞰,aerial view ©曾天培

Relying on the hills behind, the Gymnasium of South University of Science and Technology stretches horizontally. The huge roof slides down along the rock mountain, hangs in the air, and stretches out a large eave to the west, providing a shady space under the local hot climate condition. Looking from the outdoor playground, the roof asymmetrically stretch down, emphasizing the dynamic exterior of the roof. The large steps are part of the gymnasium base, which lead to the playground and supported by the V-shaped concrete structure. Since there isn’t risers between tread, the space under the steps can also receive lights, which means the space can be used as informal sports space. Through these stands, the gymnasium and the outdoor playground are integrated as a whole.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©曾天培

▼结构细部,structure details ©曾天培

▼通往健身房的室外楼梯,outdoor staircase towards the gym ©曾天培

▼主入口平台,platform at the main entrance ©曾天培

▼与景观结合的看台,spectator’s stand integrated with landscape ©曾天培

南科大体育馆依托背后山丘,水平伸展,硕大的屋盖沿一块巨岩的山体滑下,悬在半空,向西伸出大片屋檐,在当地炎热的气候下辟出一方阴凉。从操场望去,大屋盖压得很低,且不对称,强调动感,通向操场的大台阶(看台)承担体育馆的基座,由V形混凝土结构支撑,台阶中间开敞透光,下部光线充足,为非正式的运动空间, 透过这一台阶,体育馆与运动场结合为整体。

▼一层入口空间,entrance on the ground floor ©曾天培

▼室外跑道,outdoor lane ©曾天培

▼室外运动场,outdoor playground ©曾天培

▼通往建筑的道路,path connected to the building ©曾天培


南方科技大学体育馆,深圳 / URBANUS都市实践
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