发布时间:2022-01-18 17:06:29 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


From Site to Place——Building is destined to be inseparable from the ground, and architecture always expresses the thought and response to the site context to some extent. We expect that the elementary school in this valley can not only satisfy the function and aesthetic feeling, but also express the poetic atmosphere and temperament characteristics of the site, connect and echo with the surrounding natural environment, starting from the site characteristics, adapting measures to local conditions and mountains. Comply with the situation to create an educational place with the sense of identity and belonging.

▼校园位于山谷,周边群山环绕 The campus is located in a valley surrounded by mountains ©三景影像

▼总体鸟瞰,Overall bird’s eye view©三景影像


项目用地周边山丘环绕,丛林掩映,属于山岭起伏围合中的一块较平坦的山谷。东侧紧临山地,西南侧是 396 省道,省道外有五龙河流过,远处山影如黛,西北侧与崂山十一中相邻。场地东北侧稍高,整体坡度不大。

Beizhai Street is a well-known tourist destination in Laoshan District, Qingdao. The famous Jiushui Scenic Area and Hualou Scenic Area are located in Beizhai’s jurisdiction, with undulating peaks, rugged mountains, lush forests and flowing water. It’s also known as “Hometown of Cherries”. In March spring, cherry blossoms all over the mountains, the fragrance overflows the valley, the scenery is stunning, welcoming crowds of tourists every year.

Surrounded by hills and jungles, the project site belongs to a relatively flat valley enclosed by undulating mountains. The east side is close to the mountains, and the southwest side is the Provincial Highway 396. The Wulong River flows beyond the provincial road. The shadows of the mountains in the distance are like Dais. The northwest side is adjacent to Laoshan No.11 Middle School. The northeast side of the site is slightly higher, and the overall slope is gentle.

用地区位与地形 Location and topography©广维建筑

▼概念分析动图——山谷中的校园,建筑中的庭院 Concept analysis animation-campus in the valley, courtyard in the building©广维建筑

场地呈不规则的菱形,南北方向长,东西方向短,场地中部宽度仅 85 米。场地大部分位置较为平坦,整体标高向从东北侧逐渐抬高。西侧 396 省道是校园的主要人流来向,西北侧靠省道处还有一块林业用地,不能作为建设和广场用途。

校方要求设置标准 300 米跑道,根据地势和地形轮廓,将操场放置在场地东南侧,这样保证长轴基本为南北向,防止炫光、使用效果较好。教学功能区置于北侧,远离 396 省道和运动场的噪音干扰,同时尽量争取较好朝向,顺应山势布置为南向和东南向空间的 L 形体量。沿东南和西南侧设置二层局部三层裙房,放置体育馆、礼堂、教师办公等配套房间,形成一高一低两个 L 形体量共同围合庭院的空间形态,顺应地形、依山就势。

The site is an irregular diamond shape, long in the north-south direction and short in the east-west direction. The width of the center of the site is only 85 meters. Most of the site is relatively flat, and the overall elevation is gradually raised from the northeast side. Provincial highway 396 on the west side is the main flow of people to the campus, and there is a forestry land next to the Provincial Highway on the northwest side, which cannot be used for construction and plaza.

The school requires that a standard 300-meter runway be set up, and the playground should be placed on the southeast side of the site according to the terrain and topographic contours, so as to ensure that the long axis is basically north-south direction, to prevent glare, and have a better effect. The teaching function area is placed on the north side, away from the noise interference of the 396 Provincial Road and the sports field. At the same time, it tries to strive for a better orientation, and is arranged as an L-shaped volume in the south and southeast oriented space in accordance with the mountainous terrain. Along the southeast and southwest, two-story partial three-story podiums are set up to place supporting rooms such as gymnasiums, auditoriums, teachers’ offices, etc., forming a space form with two L-shaped volumes, one high and one low, enclosing the courtyard, which conforms to the terrain and sits on the mountain.

▼建筑布局生成 Generate building layout©广维建筑



The main entrance is set on the provincial highway on the west side, and the secondary entrance is set on the north side in accordance with the height difference. The main entrance square facing the provincial highway is just left between the playground and the teaching area, forming a traffic buffer for the pedestrian flow coming in and out of the school and a temporary Parking area for school buses.

The gymnasium is located on the first floor close to the playground, and the canteen, lecture hall and other areas are placed on B1. A sunken courtyard is formed along the inner courtyard to ensure good lighting and ventilation conditions. A large first-story overhead corridor is set between the inner courtyard and the playground to satisfy the demands of smooth traffic.

▼形体生成动图 Form generation©广维建筑



In the natural mountains and forests, how to establish the relationship between architecture and nature, body and space, sight and landscape is also one of the key issues we consider in this project.

The mountains around the site are continuous, ups and downs. The shape of the building also follows the mountain terrain and combines functions to create an integrated architectural form with ups and downs, echoing the surrounding mountain terrain. On the west side of the teaching building, there is a rest area for teachers facing the top of the provincial highway, forming the commanding height of the building. The main form gradually drops from west to east, and the lower building volume in the east section is more integrated with the mountain.

▼建筑形体高低起伏,与周边山势形成呼应,打造富有活力的建筑形态 The shape of the building is undulating, echoing the surrounding mountains, creating a vibrant architectural form©广维建筑

▼形体分析,Form analysis ©广维建筑


The secondary entrance is strengthened through the transition of the components of the facade, and combined with the parapet wall of the corner part, it creates a sculptural architectural image, and also forms a dialogue with the gradually rising road on the east side.

▼建筑与远山,Architecture and distant mountains©三景影像

▼从运动场看向建筑 View to the building from the play ground©三景影像


The campus office area facing the entrance of the campus is partially three-story, one level higher than the surrounding area, combined with the roof terrace greening to form a towering shape, shaping the image of the building facing the right towards the entrance.

▼校园主入口形象 Image of the main entrance to the campus©三景影像


The modern education philosophy believes that while the school teaching space is important, the campus’ communication space and informal education space should not be ignored neither. Through the enclosure of the shape, the building creates a quiet, bright, pleasant-scale inner courtyard, like a valley in the mountains, combined with the sunken courtyard on B1, the second-story balcony on F2 and the three-story undulating green roof terrace on F3 to create an outdoor activities and exchange venue with various elevations and rich levels, which provide the possibility for students to perform nearby activities and create an educational venue full of vitality and a sense of belonging.

▼首层平台、二层阳台、下沉庭院形成的丰富层次让人宛若置身山谷,光影变化与富有雕塑感的形体相映成趣 The rich layers formed by the first-floor platform, the second-floor balcony and the sunken courtyard make people feel like being in a valley, and the changes in light and shadow contrast with the sculptural form.©广维建筑


Going north from the entrance hall, you can directly reach the sunken courtyard on the ground floor through the large outdoor steps, creating a campus space with good accessibility, sculptural sense and valley intention.

一层内院和通往下沉庭院大楼梯 An inner courtyard and a large staircase leading to the sunken courtyard©三景影像

▼陶红色的悬挑阳台下是通往运动场的宽敞通廊,在廊下可以远眺山林景观。Under the pottery red cantilevered balcony is a spacious corridor leading to the sports field, under the corridor you can overlook the mountain and forest landscape.©三景影像

一层庭院去往操场架空通廊 Overhead corridor on the ground floor to the playground©三景影像


The teaching building is equipped with a spacious communication space, and the entrance hall is open to the north and south to form a visual corridor connecting the inner courtyard space. Entering the main entrance hall, on the left is a large wooden step from the first floor to the second floor, which can be arranged as an indoor gathering space. On the right side, there is a staircase that leads directly to the lecture hall and canteen on B1.

▼主门厅一层到二层大台阶 Large steps from the first floor to the second floor of the main foyer©三景影像

▼主门厅一层去负一层楼梯 Stairs from the first floor to B1©三景影像


As an educational building, the project uses uniform horizontal lines to create a simple and smooth facade rhythm. The opening of the windows on the facade of the classroom is a unitary method, and a more flexible facade rhythm is formed through the change of the material of the wall between the windows.

View of the south facade of the teaching building from the courtyard

疏影横斜:(林木 [横—斜];假山 [远—近];水面 [深—浅] 这类术语都是一样,都是对中国 [阴—阳] 的不同填词。——董豫赣《林木叁姿》)项目周围是起伏的山地,林木萋萋,活力生长。教学楼裙房的办公室窗间墙,将竖向和斜向的木纹铝板交错布置,斜向元素与起伏的山地和建筑形体相呼应,也抽象表达了周围山中林木摇曳的姿态,通过横斜、宽窄和间距的节奏变化,塑造更为生动、更具自然属性的立面形象。

▼立面生成,Generation of the facade©广维建筑

Scattering shadows and horizontal oblique: forest means horizontal with oblique; artificial hill means far with near, water surface means deep with shallow. These terms are identical in various interpretation of Chinese words “yin and yang”, by Dong Yugan from Three Postures of the Forest.

The project is surrounded by undulating mountains, lush forests, which are all in vigorous growth. The office window walls of the podium in the teaching building are staggered with vertical and oblique wood grain aluminum panels. The oblique elements echo the undulating mountains and architectural shapes, and also abstractly express the swaying posture of the trees in the surrounding mountains. The rhythmic changes in direction, width, and spacing create a more vivid and natural facade image.



The school is a place for students to learn, communicate, and develop. We expect that children can experience the changes of space, light and shadow through the sense of vision, touch and even hearing while passing by various scenes and path to feel the response and symbiosis between architecture and nature. The roof of the podium sets up an open green terrace system along with the ups and downs of the shape. After class, children can climb up here, watch the distance, play up and down. At the same time, they can be combined with planting boxes to become a natural garden, or a place to hold small-scale performances and displays, which becomes a vigorous place in the mountains and buildings.

▼屋顶活动平台,Roof activity platform©三景影像

▼屋顶起伏的活动平台与建筑形体相呼应 The undulating movable platform on the roof echoes the shape of the building©三景影像

教学楼的西侧端部设置了逐层挑出的 L 形转角阳台,成为沿省道一侧的建筑对景,也形成面对自然山景的 270 度观景交流平台。教学楼靠内庭院南北两侧,均设置了宽大舒展的阳台,既在形态上相互呼应,也提供视线和行为的交流与互动。

At the west end of the teaching building, an L-shaped corner balcony is set up one by one, which becomes the opposite view of the building along the side of the provincial road, and also forms a 270-degree viewing and exchanging platform facing the natural mountain view. The teaching building is located on the north and south sides of the inner courtyard with wide stretched balconies, which not only echo each other in form, but also provide communication and interaction between sight and behavior.

▼屋顶台地遥望远山以及建筑形体的围合 The roof terrace overlooking the distant mountains and the activity space enclosed by building volumes©左:广维建筑,右:三景影像


The school is a place where students live, grow, and receive comprehensive education. We hope that its architecture and space can also teach students the meaning of aesthetic perception, and at the same time express the echo and connection between architecture and nature, space and landscape. The Beizhai Elementary School, which is located in the valley, not only satisfies its functions well, but also appropriately express the poetry of the site and place through the creation of space, form and place.

▼起伏的屋顶与远山呼应 Corrugated roof corresponded with the distanced mountains©三景影像

起伏如山,虚怀若谷:我们希望建筑如巨石般完整有力、巍然屹立,又如群山般起伏绵延、一气呵成;层层跌落的庭院,如宁静围合的山谷,当朝阳照亮庭院,校园里绿树成荫,到处洋溢着欢声笑语。宽大的阳台和屋顶起伏的绿色台地,是孩子们欢乐的游戏场,是 360 度观景的交流平台,也是山地景观中一处极具活力的新风景。在这里,孩子们快乐的学习与成长、奔跑与嬉戏,同时也能感受空间与光影、体悟建筑与自然。

Ups like mountains, downs like valleys: We hope that the building is as complete and powerful as a boulder, standing still and undulating like a mountain while the falling courtyard is like a quiet enclosed valley. When the sunlight illuminates the courtyard and trees shade the street, the campus is full of laughter. The large balconies and green terraces with undulating roofs are a joyful playground for children, a platform for 360-degree viewing and exchanging, and a vibrant new landscape in the mountain landscape. Children learn and develop, run and play happily here, and at the same time they can feel the space, light and shadow, and appreciate architecture and nature.

▼建筑局部和栏杆细部 Part of the building and the details of the handrail©三景影像

▼夜景外观,External view of the building in the night©三景影像

夜晚的内庭院,Night view of the inner courtyard©三景影像

一层平面图,First floor plan©广维建筑

▼二层平面图,Second floor plan©广维建筑

▼三层平面图,Third floor plan©广维建筑

四层平面图,Fourth floor plan©广维建筑





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