Spain ball grid architecture
设计方:mixuro estudio de arquitectura
位置:西班牙 巴伦西亚
图片来源:mixuro estudio de arquitectura
mixuro estudio de arquitectura事务所为庆祝西班牙火祭节建造了一个网格球顶建筑。火祭节是西班牙最具特色的节日之一。每年入春时,人们都会举行活动庆祝春天的到来。火祭节期间,会举行为期五天的庆祝活动,周围的社区都要参加一系列的宗教、喜剧和游行活动。火祭节也叫“法雅节”,巴伦西亚居民每年3月份都要欢庆这个传统节日,纪念当地的保护神圣何塞。节日期间,这个城市的大街小巷都会摆满用木料、纸板和泡沫塑料做成的玩偶,创意独特、形态各异、栩栩如生,这些玩偶被称作“法雅”(fallas)。此外,人们会选举法雅小姐,这也是节日的一大亮点,她们是法雅节的代言人。节日的高潮部分就是用火炬将这些玩偶、建筑等点燃,用这种放火的方式迎接春天。当地的人们会举行投票,表达各自的意见,选出最受欢迎的“法雅”,其余的会被焚烧。而这个网格球顶建筑,将每块彩色的三角形板进行组建后,由“法雅小姐”举行点燃仪式。组建时,附近社区的人都出来帮忙,小孩子也是,从上到下进行组装。节后,这里铺上了沙子,成为一个公共游乐场。
译者: Odette
channeling buckminster fuller, mixuro estudio de arquitectura has constructed a geodesic dome for a spanish celebration called the fallas. the five day ritual requires the surrounding community to come together in a series of religious, comedic, and historical processions ending with a climax where the structure is torched to the ground. participants were handed a survey so they could express their opinions, which were reflected by four colors that eventually became part of their own personalized kit within the community. once completed, the non-toxic pieces were brought for the plantà, the day that the construction starts at the site. after each triangle was placed in coherence with the assembly plan, the town celebrated as a bonfire inflamed the monument.