简介:项目地址:厦门龙山文创园 设 计 师:郭坤仲 、蔡小城
本案设计在保留了原有老厂房粗墙和老物件的同时加入两个新建筑盒子,盒子的开口能很好的把室外的光线引到工作区域,同时亦对应内部通道的:木 石 铁 泥沙,高低宽窄长短......等设计元素的拆字再组合.新与旧,粗与细在空间中既协调又各具魅力.
The design has kept the rough walls and the old stuff from the original warehouse, meanwhile adding two new building boxes. The opening of the boxes brings in the outdoor natural lights, and at the same time melts with the wood, stone, iron, mud, sand in the interior passways. The high and low, the wide and narrow, the long and short devided types recombine. In the space, new and old , thick and thin things coordinate with each other and simultaneously interpret their own charm.
办公空间 新中式 工业风 混搭