发布时间:2022-06-01 04:42:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
以深海为主题,利用 3D 打印技术打造艺术装置,表达品牌个性,创新空间设计,引导人流进入店内。

▼艺术装置:邂逅, Art installation: Romantic Encounter

▼装置模型, Installation digital model

▼艺术装置“邂逅”:成品参数, Art installation “Romantic Encounter”: the finished product parameters

潜水服·漫步, Wetsuit·Roam Around拆解老式潜水服,精简笨重累赘的外壳,留下最具代表性的头盔和护手,陈旧的锈迹和磨损的表面印刻了漫长时间和丰富旅程留下的痕迹,仿佛在暗示人们穿戴上它,亲自体验这场深海之旅,摆脱现实生活沉重的枷锁和牵绊,向未知与神秘出发,与命运相遇。Dismantling the old wetsuit, we simplify the heavy shell and leave the helmets and armguard as the most representative parts. Old rust and worn surfaces have been engraved with the marks of a long and rich journey. It seems to suggest that people wear it and personally experience the trip in the deep sea. Throw off the heavy shackles of real life, let us explore the unknown and mysterious world to meet with fate.▼装置“漫步”:形象参考老式潜水服, Installation "Roam Around" : old wetsuit reference

▼艺术装置“漫步”:成品参数, Art installation “Roam Around”: the finished product parameters

▼装置 “漫步”:细节材质, Installation "Roam Around" :detail and material

神秘鱼·共舞, Mysterious Fish·Dance Together不期而遇的深海伴侣,优雅而神秘。透明头罩像是发光器引导着这场海底的邂逅;有机的身体造型圆润且富有弹性,充满生命力;巨大而柔软的尾和鳍,在海水中环绕潜水服摇曳。在头罩中呼吸的深海魅影,维持着将碰未碰的暧昧距离,温柔而缱绻,在海底共舞。The unexpected deep-sea companion is elegant and mysterious. The transparent helmet acts as a beacon to guide this undersea encounter. The organic body shape is round and elastic with full of vitality. The soft huge tail and fins wave around the wetsuit in the water. The phantom of the deep sea breathes in helmet and tenderly dance together into ambiguous distance.▼艺术装置“共舞”:成品参数, Art installation “Dance Together”: the finished product parameters

▼装置 “共舞”:细节材质, Installation "Dance Together" : detail and material

▼装置 “共舞”:头罩细节, Installation "Dance Together" :detail of helmet

主体的造型通过3D打印实现,对质感的刻画则使用金属漆和涂料手动完成。装置周围散落着一些不锈钢制作的装饰,模拟海底环境。The modeling of the main body was achieved by 3D printing, while the texture was painted manually using metallic paint and color paint. Stainless steel decorations scatter around the installation that simulating the undersea environment.▼艺术装置“邂逅”:细节材质与场景表达, Art installation: ” Romantic Encounter”: material detail and scenario building

空间解读, Space Analysis大悦城是位于长沙市北辰三角洲的新建商场。作为与商场整体同时装修并营业的门店,梵誓并没有从装饰风格上刻意迎合商场环境,而是通过空间与装置的设计语言进行品牌的自我表达,这与商场鼓励的颠覆传统的开放自由精神相得益彰。梳理了原有的空间条件后,我们将短墙延长后围合出储藏空间,方柱与短墙连成一片作为橱窗面,而双侧开口夹角的两个柱子连成一个整体,配合室内的弧线墙体将两面的主次入口打造成向内倾斜的造型,既化解了柱子数量多和距离过近的劣势,也自然的将人流引入店内,将光线引入“深海”。Joy City is a new shopping mall located in Beichen Delta of Changsha. The store was decorated and opened at the same time with the whole mall. ONESWEAR does not cater to the decoration style of the mall, but expresses itself through the design language of space and installation. This is in harmony with the open and free spirit of the untraditional Joy City.After considered the original space condition, we extend the short wall to close a space for the storage, and use the space between square column and short wall as a show window. The two pillars in the angle between two side entrances become a whole wall and create a concave shape of primary and secondary entrance with indoor curved wall. This not only solve the pillar number and distance problems but also naturally introduce guests into the store and bring light into the "deep sea".▼设计入口墙面化解柱子位置的尴尬,并打造双入口, The design of the entrance wall solves the awkward position of the columns and creates two entrances

▼主入口与造型墙, The main entrance and the new wall

▼空间中心的艺术装置, The art installation in the center of the space

新墙的内部空间则由于店面双面开口的属性变成独特的双面橱窗展柜,不同于墙面材质的泡沫铝,使得两面各自突出的窗口像从海底探出的潜望镜,展示着神秘而闪亮的首饰。The inside space of the new wall is transformed into a unique two-sided show window due to the two entrances of the store. The window protrudes like periscope from undersea on the double side of the new wall with aluminum foam that displaying mysterious and shiny jewelry.▼双面“潜望镜”橱窗-主入口, Two-sided periscope-like show window-primary entrance

▼双面“潜望镜”橱窗-次入口立面, Two-sided periscope-like show window-secondary entrance

方柱左侧的橱窗空间配合主题深海的质感设计成门洞的造型,两个异型橱窗展柜镶嵌其中。背面自然的形成了一个半围合的相对私密空间,适合设立接待桌,与客人在此处进行沟通。The show window space on the left side of the big square column is designed into cave-like shape with two special-shaped showcases into it which match the theme of the deep sea. The back space of the wall naturally forms a semi-enclosed private space which communicate with guests here with reception tables. ▼“海底洞窟探秘”橱窗, “Undersea cave exploration” showcase

▼半围合私密接待空间, Semi-enclosed private reception space

夯土漆的肌理质感自然,宛若珊瑚、礁石的粗糙表面,模拟海底的环境,打造富有沉浸感的空间氛围;主入口的立式展柜是异军突起的礁石,而弧形墙面上错落嵌入的一个个墙面展柜,则是打开心腹的蚌壳,展示着深海宝藏。每一颗钻石都是独一无二的“海洋之心”,是落入深海的星星,在探照灯下闪烁着诱人的光芒,等待有缘人将它们写入自己的故事。The texture of rammed earth paint is natural, just like the rough surface of coral and reef. It simulates the undersea environment and creates an immersive space atmosphere. The vertical showcase of the main entrance is a sudden rise of the reef. Scattered showcases in the curved wall like the shell with open belly that showing the deep sea treasure. Each diamond is unique "the heart of the ocean". They are the stars that fall into the deep sea, flickering seductive glow under the searchlight, and waiting for the predestined couple to put them into their love story.▼弧形墙面上的展柜与“宝藏”, showcases and “treasure” in the curved wall


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