发布时间:2021-12-16 14:13:56 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

VASQUIAT是由Blanca Miró和Rafa Blanc创立的前卫时尚平台,将从线上转为实体。VASQUIAT展示间由This is Odd、GCA Architects以及艺术家兼设计师Cristian Herrera共同设计,是一家多元化商店:这里不断更新产品种类并且是时尚和设计爱好者的聚集地。店铺位于Rambla Catalunya大街和Paseo de Gracia大街之间的Provença街243号,是一个不拘一格、灵活而温馨的空间,与VASQUIAT产品的前卫特征完美结合。

VASQUIAT, the avant-garde fashion marketplace founded by Blanca Miró and Rafa Blanc, transfers the experience of the online world to the physical space. Designed by This is Odd and GCA Architects with the artist and designer Cristian Herrera, VASQUIAT ROOM opens its doors as a multifaceted store: a hybrid between a constantly updated physical catalogue and a meeting point for fashion and design lovers. With this idea in mind and located at 243 Provença Street, between Rambla Catalunya and Paseo de Gracia, it is a non-conformist, flexible and welcoming space that combines perfectly with the avant-garde character of the VASQUIAT product.

▼临街外观,street view ©José Hevia

VASQUIAT的首席执行官兼联合创始人Rafa Blanc说:“我们想做的不是实体店,而是扩大VASQUIAT的范畴,将平台核心转换为购物体验,聚焦顾客发现新兴设计师和试衣服的时刻,而这种体验恰恰是在线上感受不到的。”在设计该项目时,设计团队选择了有趣的元素、颜色和纹理组合,使人们能够在其中进行思考、感受和发现。GCA Architects的合伙人Andrea描述道:“该空间的色彩搭配在各种独特色彩之间寻求和谐,这种和谐使我们能够呈现出既中性又个性化的空间。”VASQUIAT展示间厅以其丰富的产品种类和独特的活力而著称。在VASQUIAT团队的精心策划下,店里每周都会引进新品牌、新设计师以及很多不同类型的产品。This is Odd的联合创始人Cris Moya这样描述该项目带来的挑战:“我们需要一个适应性100%的空间,不限制我们摆放拖地大衣、鞋子、帽子、花瓶和陶器。”

“We do not want to make a physical shop, what we seek is to expand the VASQUIAT universe and transfer the essence of our marketplace to a shopping experience whose main focus is the discovery of emerging designers and the fitting room moment, which is not found in the online world”, says Rafa Blanc, CEO and Co-Founder. When designing the VASQUIAT ROOM, we have opted for a combination of interesting elements, colours and textures that allow for an experience in which to contemplate, feel and discover “There is a chromatic proposal that consists of finding a harmony through singular colours. This balance allows us to present the space as neutral yet personal”, describes Andrea, partner of GCA Architects. VASQUIAT ROOM is distinguished by its extensive catalogue and exceptional dynamism. New brands, designers and very different types of products are added weekly, carefully curated by the VASQUIAT team. “We need a space that is 100% adaptable and allows us to have floor-length coats, shoes, hats, vases and crockery without conditioning us” is how Cris Moya, co-founder of This is Odd, describes the challenge posed by Vasquiat.

▼轴测图,axonometric ©This is Odd + GCA Architects

为了适应并突出VASQUIAT产品的临时性和不断变化的特殊性,Cristian Herrera设计了像轨道一样环绕店面的展台,以便服装和产品可以围绕商店变动,创造出360°的动态环线。“试衣间时刻”是空间的一个关键元素,立方体外形加上材料的使用,巧妙地包裹并见证了独特的线下体验时刻。

To accommodate and emphasise the temporality and changing particularity of the VASQUIAT product, Cristian Herrera has designed a bar that runs around the perimeter of the premises like a rail so that all kinds of garments and products can move around the shop, creating a dynamic 360º circuit. For the “fitting room moment”, a key element of the space-room, a cubic volume has been defined, which, thanks to the materials used, delicately envelops and accompanies this exclusive moment of the offline experience.

▼室内概览,interior overview ©José Hevia

未经处理的墙壁和天花尊重先前存在的“voltas catalanas”(加泰隆尼亚拱顶,又称薄瓦拱顶),这提醒着我们这个地方的本来样貌,同时与平面上所做的处理形成对比,包括业主“脚下铺的地毯、手里拿的织物”;地面饰以橘黄色调的Cotlin品牌的EUPHORIA地毯;入口区域墙壁铺设软垫,这种软垫颜色与地面一致并采用Güell Lamadrid丝绒材质;此外,试衣间内也采用丝绒装饰,呈现出醒目的红色色调。

The untreated walls and ceilings, respecting the pre-existing “voltas catalanas”, remind us of the essence of the place, and at the same time contrast with the treatment given to the planes in which the client lives his tactile experience “carpet on his feet, fabric in his hands”, the floor has been dressed in a striking orange tone of Cotlin’s EUPHORIA carpet and the walls of the entrance area have been upholstered, in chromatic continuity with the floor, with Güell Lamadrid velvet, and, on the other hand, the inside of the fitting room has been upholstered with velvet in a striking red tone.

▼入口区域,entrance area ©José Hevia

▼丝绒墙面和橘黄色地毯相呼应,velvet walls echo orange carpets ©José Hevia

▼展陈空间,showroom ©José Hevia

▼原有拱顶对比于改造后空间,comparison of original vault and space after renovation ©José Hevia

▼后部空间,rear space ©José Hevia

▼试衣间,fitting room ©José Hevia


This intention of designing a neutral container that would help the products to stand out yet personal is reflected in a unique language that combines materials such as iron, wood, velvet and carpet, or the same Inox of the Jodul products used in the most intimate corner of the shop (the bathroom). All these friendly, noble materials that age well with time, bring together the qualities that we find in the product offered by VASQUIAT; an essential premise to be transferred to the design of the space.

▼细部,details ©José Hevia


The opening of this establishment is a real challenge, expanding the online world, it goes a step beyond the pop up format, to become a flagship shop in Barcelona. The good reception of the ephemeral retail format, reflecting a customer happy to interact physically with the brand, is the clear prelude to the success that will undoubtedly turn the VASQUIAT-ROOM into an iconic shop.

▼家具图示,furniture diagram ©This is Odd + GCA Architects

▼平面图,floor plan ©This is Odd + GCA Architects

General Information

Project Name: Vasquiat Room

Interior design: This is Odd + GCA Architects

Artist: Cristian Herrera Dalmau

Client: Vasquiat

THIS IS ODD @odd_spaces @this_odd

Cris Moya

GCA ARCHITECTS @gcaarchitects

Andrea Navarro

Cristian Herrera @cristianherreradalmau


Monday-Sunday 11:00h-20:30h

C/ Provença 243

Completion: December 2021

Area: 60m²

Project location: C/ Provença 243, Barcelona, Spain

Media Provider

Photography credits: José Hevia

E-mail Photographer: mail@josehevia.es

Additional Credits

Bathroom fittings: Jòdul

Velvet: Güell Lamadrid

Carpet: EUPHORIA by Cotlin


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