发布时间:2021-08-12 07:29:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
设计师巧妙利用“T 台通道”打造多功能展示空间,室内外设计风格和谐统一,凸显品牌特色。

纯洁与洁白,是设计师必须赋予这个婚纱空间的主旋律,无需复杂的结构,无需斑斓的色彩,在空间里做减法。 The designer sets the main theme of this wedding dress space as purity and pure white. There is no complicated structure and no colorful colors here. He does subtraction in the space and revolves the construction of the main stage around the protagonis. 外立面 Exterior facade.

用现代灵动的墙体线条构成婚纱绸缎的鳞次栉比,将背后的法式建筑包围环绕,现代与复古的冲突美感从第一眼就开始奠定了基调;不喧宾夺主的灯光带,把镶嵌于外立白墙中的展示橱窗和广告logo映衬的尤其柔和与安静。 Row upon row of the silks and satins of wedding dress constituted by the flexible modern wall line surrounded French architecture behind. The aesthetic formed by the conflicting between modern and retro sets the tone from the first look. The light belt that does not compete with the main character set off the display window and advertisement logo in the white wall outside more soft and quiet.

1903法式建筑与现代前卫表达的碰撞、交织,在与周围环境的相处中散发了格外的和谐与优雅;夜晚和白天,灯光和阳光,在不同的时段中,外观所显现的质感截然不同,灵动的线条里也体现着设计师对细节的细腻表达:凹凸关系的排比和镶嵌关系的呼应,曲线的弧度与直线的比例,都经过反复的推敲;橱窗以黑色亮面不锈钢包边与收口,在白色背景下嵌入有弧度的墙体,橱窗的内容也经过设计师精心设计,展示的不止是婚纱,而是为甲方表达一种态度,一种自信和骄傲,为品牌的调性做出了设计上的表达。 The collision and interweaving between French architecture and modern avant-garde expression in 1903 presents an extra harmonious and elegant atmosphere when getting along with the surrounding environment. The appearance of light and sunshine presents completely different textures at different times of day and night, and the designers delicate expression of details is all showed in smart lines. The parallelism of concave-convex relationship and the echo of mosaic relationship, the radian of curve and the proportion of straight line are formed and determined after repeated scrutiny. The window is edged and closed in black bright stainless steel, and the curved wall is embedded in the white background. The designer carefully designed the contents displayed in the window. What he wanted to show was not only the wedding dress, but also an attitude, confidence and pride for Party A, thereby making a design expression for the tonality of the brand.

一共两个主入口的位置被安排在左右转角两侧,与橱窗形成了一前一后凹进和凸出的呼应关系,橱窗的凸显为吸引更多的目光驻足,入口向内凹进,给予客人进店前更多的仪式感。 The two main entrances are set on both sides of the left and right corners, forming a tandem concave and protruding echo relationship with the window. the window is highlighted for the purpose of attracting more attentions of the guests,and the entrance is concave inward, giving guests more sense of ceremony before they enter the store.

设计师将尽量简洁化的logo放在波浪起伏线条最高的东南角位置,显眼却低调,是静待进店者最后一眼的发现,为整个外观协奏曲做完美结尾。 The designer puts the simple logo in the southeast corner of the highest undulating line, which is conspicuous but low-key. It waits for the last sight of the guests entering the store and makes a perfect ending for the whole appearance concerto. 室内空间 Interior space.

冲突与和谐,是设计师赋予整个外立面若有若无又不经意间传达的主题,婚纱与西服、欧式与现代,制造视觉的冲突不困难,但在冲突中寻找和谐的那一隅平衡,才是更加难能可贵。 Conflict and harmony are the hazy and inadvertently conveyed themes given to the whole facade by designers. It is easy to create visual conflicts between wedding dresses and suits, European styles and modernity, but it is rather commendable to find a harmonious balance in conflicts.

纯洁与洁白,是设计师必须赋予这个婚纱空间的主旋律,无需复杂的结构,无需斑斓的色彩,在空间里做减法,将主舞台的搭建围绕在主角——新娘和婚纱的前后。 The designer sets the main theme of this wedding dress space as purity and pure white. There is no complicated structure and no colorful colors here. He does subtraction in the space and revolves the construction of the main stage around the protagonist-the bride and the wedding dress.

设计师以T台秀的理念,将试衣间、化妆区和婚纱展示区向两边布局,将中间的大面积通道形成一个走秀“舞台”,每一位从试衣间走出来的新娘,都将在注目礼下走向中间的巨大落地镜,每一位新娘在此时此刻都会成为主角,把握顾客的心思和心理,也是商业空间设计师必须具备的职业素质; The designer laid out the fitting room, makeup area and wedding dress display area on both sides of the main stage by adopting the concept of runway show, and formed a catwalk "stage" with a large passageway in the middle. Every bride who came out of the fitting room would walk to the huge floor mirror in the middle under the attention of everyone, and every bride would become the leading role at this moment.To accurately grasp the mind and psychology of customers is necessary professional quality of the commercial space designers.

纯洁和洁白的主题,不意味着空间上会带给人冰冷和疏离,设计师为整个空间使用了更加柔和的墙面线条以及冷、暖色调灯光的合理搭配调节,空旷区域的灯光更加明亮和通透,线条偏向硬朗。 Although the theme is purity and whiteness, it will not bring people coldness and alienation in space. Designers use softer wall lines in the whole space, and performs the reasonable collocation and adjustment of cold and warm lights, so that the lights in open areas are brighter and more transparent, and the lines tend to be tough.

而试衣间的灯光和线条更显柔和温暖,配合驼色地毯给予顾客起居卧室般的放松和自在;光线的冷、暖搭配,在使用白色哑光肌理漆的立面上形成黄与白的对比,冷静中有一丝热烈,大开大合中也携带细节和触感的丰富。 The lighting and lines of the fitting room are softer and warmer, and the camel carpet gives customers relaxation and freedom like living bedrooms; The collocation of cold and warm light forms a contrast between yellow and white on the facade using white matte texture paint, which is calm but warm, and also contains rich details and touch in the expansive decoration.

所有的软装也均为视觉提供服务,前台、单椅与几桌,在注重舒适性的同时与空间和谐统一,作为婚纱空间必不可少的旋转阶梯被安排在入口中央,有趣的是,整个空间没有二层,这个旋转而上的欧式阶梯连接地面与顶面,为整个入口的空间做出了视觉的高度延伸和空间上的感观扩展,首次进入这个空间,会如进入巨大“宫殿”般的空间延展感,设计师的巧妙心思再次体现的淋漓尽致。 All soft decorations also provide visual services. The front desk, single chair and several tables are harmonious and unified with the space while paying attention to their comfort. As an essential rotating ladder for wedding dress space, it is arranged in the center of the entrance. Interestingly, there are no two floors in the whole space, and this rotating European ladder connects the ground with the top surface, which makes a visual height extension and a spatial sensory expansion for the whole entrance space.When people enter this space for the first time, they will have a sense of space extension like entering a huge "palace", and the designers ingenious mind is reflected incisively and vividly here again.

整个作品将室内与室外主调呼应,构成更加具有浪漫荷尔蒙的空气与氛围,婚纱的陈列更加凸显随意但可经推敲的色彩搭配与位置;不再是简单的堆叠。 In the space treatment of mens suits, the designer echoes the indoor and outdoor main tones. The cool black facade, locomotives and armor form a more hormonal air and atmosphere. The display of suits is more casual, but the color matching and their positioning are performed after repeated scrutiny, and it is not just a simple stack.

纵观全局,无论室内还是外观,设计师在表现的手法上做出更加精简的处理,这无疑需要更多的积淀与胆量,在充分理解品牌思想的基础上,设计师要做的就是将这种思想通过视觉的表达传递出来,到每一位顾客的心里; Whether it is interior design or exterior design, designers make a more concise treatment in the way of expression. To realize this practice, they need more accumulation and courage. Designers intends to convey this idea through visual expression based on the fully understanding of the brand idea, and then convey it to the hearts of every customer.

矛盾冲突的平衡、视觉和感受的高度统一,产品与空间的承载和衬托,在处理这类关系的过程中,把空间完整的呈现出来。 Designers tries to present the space completely by dealing with the balance of contradictions and conflicts, the high unity of vision and feeling, and the bearing and foil of products and space.


平面布置 Project Name | 项目名称 WDRESSES婚纱礼服定制 Location | 项目地址 云南省昆明市公园1903购物中心 Area | 项目面积 900㎡ Chief Designer | 首席设计师 方飞&杨雪婉 Design Company | 设计师公司 CUN寸匠-FF Construction Team | 施工团队 重塑空间装饰 Photography | 摄影师 形在摄影 贺川

DESIGNER 设计师介绍 方飞 & 杨雪婉 寸匠FF--设计总监 所获荣誉: 中国设计星2016-2017全国12强(方飞) 中国设计星2020-2021全国12强(杨雪婉) 第三届、第四届ID+G金创意奖专业类空间设计金奖 2016年 CIID第十九届空间设计大赛银奖 2016年台湾TAKAO室内设计商业空间类银奖 2016年法国双面神银奖 2018年英国SBID室内空间奖 2018年IAI国际设计优胜奖 2018年IDS国际设计先锋商业空间奖 2018年金堂奖 优秀餐饮空间设计 2010年 香港A&D TROPHY AWARDS 2020年 中国新商业空间 年度新商业空间设计时师TOP10 2020年第八届美国亚太区 IIDA亚太设计大奖零售类别 成为全亚太地区17个WINNER之一


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