发布时间:2020-06-03 13:33:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

由Koki Akiyoshi领导的初创建筑公司VUILD,于2019年10月在富山县南砺市建成了 “Marebito之屋”。该项目在只采用当地木材的基础上,首次使用了名为“ShopBot”的计算机数控(CNC)铣床。这是对当地林业现状和边缘化安置问题的一次挑战,同时也使当地居民自行生产和制作木材的愿望得以实现。

An architecture startup VUILD, Inc. led by Koki Akiyoshi has completed “House for Marebito” in Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture in October 2019. This project challenges the local issues of forestry and marginal settlement by only using local lumbers and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) milling machine called “ShopBot.” The introduction of ShopBot enables the local community to produce and fabricate wood by themselves.

▼项目概览,overview © Hayato Kurobe

▼建筑正立面,front facade © Takumi Ota


Toga Village in Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture, where the house is located, has rich wood resources that mountains and forests cover 97% of the land and the elevation of the guesthouse is over 1,000 meters. On the other hand, the population is only about 600, and Toga village is stated as “marginal village.” A marginal village is a village with over half the residents over the age of 65 that is in danger of disappearing. By building a guesthouse in such location, this project proposes a new concept of second home “more than tourism, but not migration” that people go back and forth the land as they visit their relatives.

▼树林环绕的宁静村庄,details © Takumi Ota

在设计方面,VUILD提出了一种使用数字制造的施工方法,该方法与当地为抵抗大雪而开发的传统建筑方法“Gassho Zukuri”和“ Wakunouchi”相仿。随着人口向城市的不断迁移以及当地经济的衰退,这些传统建筑方法也逐渐走向没落。而VUILD所面临的一大挑战,就是如何利用ShopBot技术来实现传统技术的复兴。在房屋的朝向上,团队也下了一番功夫。他们模仿Gassho Zukuri,将檐口朝南北布置。与民宿平行的山脉看起来就像一条U型风径,位于东侧立面的 “捕风器”,可以同时满足采光、通风和保暖的需求。

▼独特的立面由木块、玻璃和不锈钢构成,the unique facade consists of wooden blocks, glass and stainless steel © Hayato Kurobe

▼立面细部,facade details © Takumi Ota

▼房屋顶部空间,at the top of the space © Takumi Ota

▼全木打造的内部结构,all-wood interior structure © Takumi Ota

For design, VUILD proposed a construction method using digital fabrication which duplicates local traditional architectural methods called “Gassho Zukuri” and “Wakunouchi” developed to withstand heavy snowfalls. These traditional methods have been in decline due to the exodus of the population to urban areas and the decline of the local economy, and VUILD’s challenge was to realize the traditional techniques by ShopBot. In addition, They also dwelled on the directions of the house. The gable surfaces were placed to north and south to imitate Gassho Zukuri, and they made mountains run in parallel to the guesthouse look like U-shaped gutter as it is the path of the wind, thus arranged “wind-catcher” to the east side facades in order to secure the daylight, ventilation, and warmth at the same time.

▼入口区域,entrance © Takumi Ota

▼采光、通风、保暖条件良好的内部空间, interior space with good lighting, ventilation and warmth © Takumi Ota

▼建筑细部,construction details © Takumi Ota

▼桌椅细部,furniture details © Hayato Kurobe

团队首先向当地一家名为Nagata Corporation的木材厂引入一种低成本、高性能的数控铣床“ShopBot”,然后再将原木切成满足“ShopBot”加工标准的木板。这样一来,他们便通过使用通常无法满足分配标准的当地木材来完成了本次项目。


▼建造过程,construction process © AyaIkeda

▼用机器将原木切割成ShopBot可以处理的标准,sliced the logs by the machine and turned into wooden boards, which is a standard that can be processed with ShopBot © HayatoKurobe

For construction, VUILD proposed a new local networking system which completes all the construction process, from material procurement to installation, within a 10-kilometer radius in order to make use of local forest resources, and approach the decline of forestry. The first step was to introduce a low cost but high-performance digital fabrication machine “ShopBot” to the local lumber mill called Nagata Corporation, and the second was to slice the logs and turn into wooden boards, which is a standard that can be processed with ShopBot. Thus, they have succeeded in completing an architecture by using local wood which normally cannot meet the standard of distribution.

In the process of deciding the method, the concept of “An architecture which is an extension of the furniture which can be made by amateur” was also very important. By processing all the parts small, they succeeded in involving residents who had never been able to participate in architecture such as kids, women, and elder people. In addition, small parts are excellent in transportation and can be constructed without scaffold at the sloping land and narrow space. Although over 1,000 pieces and 1,000 joints were needed at the end of the day, since all the pieces were processed by the digital fabrication machine, there were no misaligns. VUILD has succeeded in challenging the social issues of the decline of forestry and marginal settlement by using ShopBot.

▼剖面图,section © VUILD

Building Name: House for Marebito Location: 433 Taikanba, Toga Village, Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture Purpose: Sharing guesthouse for short stay. Maximum Guests: 4 people Completion: October 2019 Design Office: VUILD Inc., Structure: yasuhirokaneda STRUCTURE Environment: DE. Lab Completion Design Office: VUILD Inc., Facility: Lifeservice Co., Ltd Electricity: Matsuda Denki Kougyou Co., Ltd Metal Plate: Kawabe Metal Plate Kougyou Ltd. Hardware: Hiramiya Co., Ltd Lumber: Nagata Corporation Foundation:Ueda Corporation Main Structure: Wooden construction Foundation: Direct foundation Number of Floors: 2 Maximum Height: 7,106mm Site Area: 330.08sq.m. Building Area: 52.44sq.m.(BCR 15.9%) Total Floor Area: 59.32sq.m. (FAR 17.9%) 1F 52.44sq.m./ 2F 6.88sq.m.


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