发布时间:2019-10-14 08:34:05 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼店铺外观,exterior view

Theproject is located in the commercial area of Linqi City near the square inHuiji District of Zhengzhou City. The original building is modern architecturalstyle and the construction is basically completed. The east side of thisarea is the commercial complex, the north side is adjacent to the city mainroad. The planning of this area includes commercial pedestrian streets andlandscape greening. The floor height of the hotel lobby and guest rooms arecustom high, and there are independent evacuation elevators and evacuationstairs in the hotel. Withthe rapid development of the times, people have been able to know the worldevents without leaving home. A great deal of information in the Internetage not only makes our life convenient, but also makes the whole worldtransparent, and people’s sense of security is also losing day by day, sowe want to build an environment that is stylish and simple and has sense ofsecurity at the same time. With the advent of the era of mobile phones, Thereare fewer and fewer opportunities for people to communicate face to face. Everyday, different people have different things to deal with. Mobile phones havebecome a habit of life. When relationships between people are no longer builtface to face, all effective communication becomes so cold. So we need aspatial relationship to help us build real warm feelings.Theposition for FangTang Hotel is for the City Youth.When people are no longersatisfied with flashy, fancy urban activities, we will hope to find a placewhich has a beautiful environment, strong literary and artistic flavor to livequietly, and will make us realize a life of complete relaxation and leisure inbody and mind.

▼四种不同材质代表四种不同理念:时尚、自然、理性、科技,four different materials represent four different concepts:FASHION、NATURE、REASON、TECHNOLOGY

▼安全感的空间围合与亲密感的场所对视,the space encirclement of sense of security and the place of intimacy


Lobbyarea, a large area of floor-to-ceiling glass gives more echoes inside andoutside the room. We introduce light and scene into the room to enhance thesense of visual transparency. In order to get rid of the humdrum and give theoccupants a place to rest and wait, we combine the water bar, the rest area andthe reception hall. In order to reduce the cutting problem of the firestaircase to the space, we connect the lights, materials and body blocks of differentareas to strengthen the continuity of the space. Corridorand public area, We try our best to ensure the space in the rest area so thatoccupants can still have a rest and waiting area in the public area. Thedoor number of the room is under the steps of each entrance, indicating thesafety of the guest. The elevated design becomes the dividing line of theindoor and outdoor space, and has a certain ceremonial sense to welcome theguests to the indoor space.

▼前台,reception desk



The third floor was originally a commercial retail space, so the rooms can form a lot of changes.There are 13 different indoor experiences in this hotel. In the design, we take people as the center,thinking about how to build a more secure space. We attach importance to therelationship between people in space, so that people have more face-to-faceopportunities. Because we believe that sincere feelings are built face to face.




▼可变性的“床”,the “bed” which is fullof variability

In the end, we focused on the center of the room, the “bed” which is fullof variability. In our design, this special bed, can be used as a desk, and also can be a sofa, such a “de-furniture” design concept has been formed. One side of the bed becomes a writing desk, breaking the generallayout, so that we can see the scene of the house, not the cold walls.Even atwork, you can have a kind of communication with people who love each other.

▼单人间,single room

▼床既可以作为书桌,也可以作为沙发,bed can be used as a desk, and also can be a sofa


▼双床房,double bed room

Inorder to unify the design elements, all rooms take the “bed” as thedesign origin and extend to other functional layouts. In space, a large area of glass partition makes the space transparent and reduces the barrier feeling of the wall. The raising area not only increases the hierarchy of the space, butalso distinguishes the different regional functions. The design of the lightingis not only to provide basic lighting needs for the space, but also to connectdifferent spatial blocks to make the room rich. Different colors of terrazzo,let the space be slightly differentiated in nature. The room on the fourthfloor has a larger terrace, the use of large floor glass ensure the indoor lighting,and the design comes with a retractable rain shed so that guests can enjoytheir afternoon leisure time more fully.

▼标准间,standard room

▼“去家具化”的设计理念,a “de-furniture” design concept

▼大面积的玻璃隔断使空间通透,减少墙体的阻隔感,a large area of glass partition makes the space transparent and reduces the barrier feeling of the wall

▼不同颜色的水磨石,让空间在自然中稍作区分,different colors of terrazzo, let the space be slightly differentiated in nature


▼房间布局平面图,floor plans


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