发布时间:2021-03-21 17:32:40 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

启德机场曾经是香港的一个繁忙的国际机场,从1925年一直运营到1998年。1998年7月6日,随着最后一架飞机飞往新的航空基地赤鱲角,启德机场正式退役。机场地带作为交通枢纽拥有悠久的历史,地处繁华的城市中心,四周是陡峭的山脉。随着启德机场关闭,政府制定了一项啟德重新发展计划,将跑道带和周边地区变成一个充满活力的商业区,其中包括公共房屋、住宅、酒店、办公室、体育馆和休憩公园。在此计划下,东九龙将蜕变成一个吸引人的新区域,拥有以人为本、充满活力及可持续发展的中央商务区。Farrells的新总部项目 ── 座落于启德的东九龙区总部大楼,於2020年底开幕,是启德发展新区的城市贡献者。

The Kai Tak runway was a bustling international airport of Hong Kong operating from 1925 until 1998. It was officially retired on 6 July 1998 when the last aircraft departed for Chek Lap Kok to relocate to its new airbase. The airport strip had its significant historical past as a transportation hub and was located in the heart of a very dense urban setting surrounded by rugged mountains. At the closure of Kai Tak Airport, the government drew up a redevelopment plan to turn the runway strip and surrounding area into a vibrant commercial district that included public housing, residential, hotel, office, sports stadium and leisure park. Kowloon East would become an attractive new region with its own CBD that is envisioned to be people-centric, vibrant and sustainable. Farrells’ new Headquarters project in Kai Tak, the Kowloon East Regional Headquarters which opened for service late 2020, is one of the latest urban additions to the new Kai Tak city.

▼建筑与城市鸟瞰,aerial view of the building and the city

Farrells于2013年起被委任为此占地47,000 平方米的政府设计和建造合同的首席建筑顾问。总部大楼位于启德协调道(位处启德总体规划的北部),建在前启德机场警察基地内,新总部总共16层,包括办公室、车辆区域和各警察部门运营基地及辅助设施。Farrells清晰了解总体规划背後的愿景和设计动因, 我们的提案通过发展建筑语汇和景观环境,并将其整合到区域的整体绿化环境中,从而致意并支持启德新区的高质量发展愿景。

Farrells won the commission of this 47,000 sq.m. civic building project, a Hong Kong Government Design and Build contract, in 2013 as lead architectural consultant. Located on Concorde Road of Kai Tak (northern portion of the Kai Tak masterplan) and built on the former Kai Tak Airport police base, the new Headquarters spans 16 floors and includes offices, vehicular area and operational base of various police units with ancillary facilities. We recognise the aspirations and the design drivers behind the masterplan and our proposal delivers and supports the high quality vision for the new Kai Tak area through the development of an architectural language and landscaped setting that adds to the overall greening of the area.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project

▼项目外观,external view of the building

Farrells精心设计此综合体大楼,大楼结合了功能性、可持续性和美观性。设计主要分两个组成部分 ── 停车场和功能空间,其中低层的5层建筑可容纳停车设施,而较高的建筑可容纳办公室和其他功能单元。设计巧妙地运用一大一小互相紧扣的建筑体量的相互作用,以分解原本建筑的大体量。

Farrells handled meticulously the design of this new integrated complex which combines functionality, sustainability and aesthetics. The primary components of vehicle parking and functional spaces forms two parts to the scheme; the lower building block of 5 levels houses car parking facilities and the higher building block accommodates the office and other functional units. The design cleverly adopts the interplay of interlocking building masses to break down the building’s bulky massing.

▼大楼由一大一小两个建筑体量组成,the building is composed of two volumes of different scales


The Headquarters is manifested as a human-orientated development where the entrance adopts an open, permeable and accessible design to connect with the streetscape. The entrance design uses transparent glazing to promote a sense of openness to the public. The setting back of the office tower from Prince Edward Road East is also a design response to the site context to mitigate traffic noise nuisance from the main road.

▼办公塔楼体量进行退台式处理,the office tower set back from the road

▼建筑立面,building facade


Vertical greening is designed at the façade of the lower building block as another important feature, with planting troughs added to the façade of the vehicle car parking levels to provide opportunities for greening the façade and habitats for wildlife through a mixture of plant species. This not only maximises site greenery coverage but also provides visual interest and facilitates cross ventilation. Such enhancement of visual connectivity to the neighbourhood and greening provisions coincide with the overall planning visions of the wider Kai Tak Development area, seamlessly integrating the building into the surrounding to create a pleasant and environmentally friendly neighbourhood.

▼低座大楼立面垂直绿化,vertical greening at the facade of the lower building block

▼垂直绿化细部,closer view tot he vertical greening

东九龙区总部还符合国际可持续发展标準,在绿建环评(BEAM Plus)中获得了鉑金級评级,与我们为社区设计可持续建筑的核心理念相呼应

– 具有低辐射玻璃幕墙的节能建筑围护结构;

– 回收收集的雨水和冷凝水用於景观灌溉;

– 区域空调製冷系统;

– 通风系统需求控制,空气侧热回收轮和对主空气处理单元的自然冷却;

– 基于一氧化碳排放需求的通风控制,以减少停车场能耗;

– 光伏和太阳能热板作为可再生能源;及

– 估计每年总共减少二氧化碳约6,400,000千克。

The Headquarters has also been designed to international standards of sustainability, with Platinum rating achieved in the Provisional Assessment of the Building Environmental Assessment Method (BEAM Plus), reinforcing our design priorities in designing sustainable buildings for the community.

– Energy efficient building envelope with low-E glazed curtain wall;

– Recycling of rainwater harvesting and condensate water for landscape irrigation;

– District cooling system for air conditioning;

– Demand control ventilation, air side heat recovery wheel and free cooling to primary air handling units;

– CO-based demand control ventilation to reduce car park energy consumption;

– PV and solar thermal panels as renewable energy sources; and with

– A total CO2 reduction of approximately 6,400,000kg per year is estimated.

▼立面细部,facade details



The building exterior is designed to portray an image of robustness and endurance incorporating modest colours in line with the public service buildings. The interior design along with the internal spaces are planned with clear way finding to enhance operational efficiency.

From transportation hub to commercial hub, Kowloon East is beginning to take shape as the new CBD of the east. The new Kowloon East Regional Headquarters building takes off as an important part of the urban transformation of Kowloon East and as the gateway of the new Kai Tak city – setting a precedent and visionary picture of a new urban skyline.

▼通透的入口,transparent entrance

▼大堂仰视,look up in the lobby



场地面积/Site area:6,618 ㎡


建筑高度/Building height:84m

竣工时间/Completion date:2020

摄影/Photographer:Kris Provoos



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