宕( dàng)口,出自《说文》,意为洞穴、洞屋。现在主要是指露天矿山开采形成的采石场。
▼矿山公园鸟瞰,aerial view of Tangshan Quarry Park
Tangshan Quarry Park, a former abandoned stone mining site, demonstrates how strong landscape design could transform a human activity destination to the different purpose, and catalyze local community revitalization. It’s the largest scale project that Z+T Studio currently involved, as well as one of the very few non-private development in our portfolio.
▼场地原始风貌,site landscape
▼植物已经悄然从破碎的石缝中慢慢长出,与冷峻的石壁搭配成漂亮的肌理,the beautiful stone textures combined with newly sprout plants from cracks
The 40 hectares site is one-hour driving from Nanjing, at the south of Tangshan National Tourism Resort. Identified with three stunning scale of excavated craters, it could be visualized from miles away. The original intention of the project was to cover up the excavation with Geo-slope protection and make the craters invisible. However, after viewing the beautiful stone textures combined with newly sprout plants from cracks, we decided to preserve the dramatic momentum and let the derelict cured by itself.
▼场地原本是一个废弃的采石场,项目的初衷是如何让这几个赫赫然的宕口复绿,并为未来的旅游休闲活动提供场所,the park, a former abandoned stone mining site, demonstrates how strong landscape design could transform a human activity destination to the different purpose, and catalyze local community revitalization
▼独特的场地条件与设计相结合,unique landscape combined with the design
▼弧形空中走廊,arc air lane
景观设计通过梳理现场地形和水文,在已经被破坏的自然碎片基础上形成丰富的体验场所,包括四个不同景观功能的宕口(温泉酒店、攒子瀑、天空走廊、伴山营地),阡陌花涧、矿野拾趣与三叠湖,以及服务配套的餐厅茶室等。 原有山体上的多个采石坑,互相独立并不相通。这个独特的条件允许各个采石坑可以有不同的功能定位:最东侧的宕口深而隐蔽被定位成静谧休闲的温泉酒店附属设施;最西侧的开阔宽广,被用于音乐节露营房车等热闹的公共开放场所;中间的两个宕口成为公园游览的体验区。经过地质专家综合评估,采石破坏的山体岩壁由于其特殊的地质特征,即使经过加固,也不能完全排除未来崩塌和落石等安全隐患。因此,我们对景观游览路线和方式进行了多种可能性研究,综合安全、造价、体验、生态等多个因素做出选择。
Responding to the existing topography and hydrology, the site was regraded and transformed into a vibrant experimenting destination, including four different reused quarry sites, meadow field, playground and Sandie (Three Drops) Lake. Due to their distinctive geological features, each pit was introduced with different functions: the far eastern side quarry is deep and concealed, which is positioned as a quiet and relaxing spa area belong to a hotel; the west side quarry is open and abroad that perfectly functions for music festival and camping; the two middle craters are mostly visual significant, and become the new perspectives exposed to the public. Moreover, hiking system has been taking into consideration based on safety, cost, maintenance, different type of experience and the sensitivity of ecology. The safety issue is one of the most important concern all the time. To eliminate future collapse anchoring devices of erosion control is specialized by engineers and slope protection specialists.
▼设计对景观游览路线和方式进行了多种可能性研究,综合安全、造价、体验、生态等多个因素做出选择,hiking system has been taking into consideration based on safety, cost, maintenance, different type of experience and the sensitivity of ecology
Passing through the gateway of entrance, visitors will first encounter a pond with wetland functioned with storm run-off. Following the zigzag ramp and meandering through the meadow field, people will arrive at the bottom of one quarry through a “Time Tunnel”.
▼设计草图,design sketch
▼游人进入公园后先到自然汇水而成的湿地湖泊区,passing through the gateway of entrance, visitors will first encounter a pond with wetland functioned with storm run-off
▼叠水湖泊,lake with drops
▼湿地草甸及阡陌花涧,the meadow field
▼户外露天场地,area open to the sky
Alongside the cor-ten steel stair case, which evokes the rough texture of rocks and color, people eventually reach a platform overlooking the whole park.
▼拾阶而上逐渐体验曾经的采石场粗犷陡峭的岩壁,几经转折到达一个可以远眺公园全景的平台,alongside the cor-ten steel stair case, which evokes the rough texture of rocks and color, people eventually reach a platform overlooking the whole park
Another adjacent quarry needs to be reached by walking through a connecting corridor. Visitors will come out of it and land to the Quarry playground at the end. The playground featured with industrial characteristic, is designed for all ages by climbing, slides, swing, trampoline under the unique background. As original crush stone pileup, the existing slopes is reinforced for heavy duty facilities and playground equipment.
▼矿野拾趣乐园,Quarry playground
▼根据现场条件,在恢复水文生态加固山坡基础上,设计将攀爬、滑梯、秋千滑索、蹦床等等活动设施组合在一起,形成矿坑特色的游憩场所,the playground featured with industrial characteristic, is designed for all ages by climbing, slides, swing, trampoline under the unique background
▼滑梯一侧的游乐设施,entertainment facilities on the side of the slides
Some insights of the project: City parks used to play a role of upgrading land value and promoting real estate development in the past decades. The short-term purpose development always creates dysfunction by lacking of maintenance. However, Nanjing Tangshan Quarry Park has introduced multilevel of tenants and facilities, either hot spring hotel and restaurants for tourists, or music festival, camping ground, playground for families and communities, which will finance future management in a positive way. It well-establishes a potential city park model for the communities in China. The resilience of nature is extremely challenge as the undermining geological feature as mountains. Intervening the natural renovation process with covering Geo-cells with dirt and green is always controversial for the unpredictable effect, without thinking about overall cost. If concealing mistakes cannot prevent less unsophisticated development in the future, this park will bring a positive impact of education for how human beings should balance environmental challenge and encourage more sustainable solutions of development.
▼设计细节,design details