发布时间:2020-10-14 09:38:14 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


House & Café HessOrganica is a small complex with three stories, featured by wooden external walls. Standing on a vantage point of the hill of Okazaki city, the building has a summer livingroom on garden level, an organic café on the next floor, and a winter livingroom on the top floor. This composition is an ingenius solution to exist a residence and an organic café together in one small building.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Takuro Yamamoto Architects


When we start designing this building, using wooden external wall was strongly requested. Because the client wife wanted to start an organic café by herself, so natural image was needed, and the client hasband was an expert of woody materials.

▼由街道看建筑 – 顾客通过室外楼梯进入二层咖啡馆,viewing the project from the street – customers enter the second-floor cafe via an outdoor staircase © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼由停车场看建筑,viewing the project from the parking © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼木制立面细部,detail of the wooden facade © Takuro Yamamoto Architects


Making the lowest floor at garden level, which is not rare for terrace houses in England, but in Japan they hardly design garden level because of the humid climate. This building is an exception because it was built on a retaining wall of the hill whose height is as same as 2-story houses, and rain can be drained to the ground under the hill.

▼位于底层的室外露台 – 由于建在山丘挡土墙上,使项目明显高于周边住宅,shelter place on the ground floor – built on a hill retaining wall, the project is significantly higher than the surrounding residences © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼在住宅的屋层平台可以俯览冈崎市全景,the roof terrace offers panoramic views of Okazaki © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼屋顶平台细部,detail of the wooden roof © Takuro Yamamoto Architects


Using wood was their common interest, but because of the regulation of the area, wooden materials for external walls of 3 stories building above the ground is prohibited, while having parking spaces in the site for 3 cars which was required as a suburban café, the building area had to be limited and having three stories or more were inevitable. We could use fireproofing woods, but they cost much more than usual ones. The last thing we did was sinking the whole building half floor height, to make the access of the café easier for customers. By defined as a building with one story underground and two stories above the ground, the regulation about the material of external walls didn’t reach for this buiding.

▼剖面透视图,perspective section © Takuro Yamamoto Architects


Another problem was the position of the café. For 3 stories building, usually the first floor is used for eating and drinking establishment because the access of the customers is easier. But on this building, storefront café didn’t look appropriate because the view of the first floor was not so great instead of the hilltop location, customers couldn’t enjoy the view. In addition, the wife would stay working in the café’s kitchen most of her time on weekdays, so scenic upper floors would be empty and not used while the husband is gone for his work. So we proposed to move the café to the middle of 3 stories. This arrangement improved the view of the café, and at the same time, the composition was clarified, that the central part of the building was the kitchen of the café, and dwelling parts were surrounding the center. The husband can stay sometimes at café, sometimes at dwelling parts, selecting the distance from the center of this house, as he likes.

▼二层咖啡馆概览,overall of the cafe on the middle floor © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼大量的木材为咖啡馆营造出自然有机的氛围,wooden furnitures create a natural and organic atmosphere for the cafe © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼大面积的开窗为室内提供了良好的景观视野,large area of open windows provides a good view for the interior © Takuro Yamamoto Architects


As a café, natural feeling was produced by wood external walls, and the composition made it the place with good views while the access was still easy. As a house, two livingrooms were separated into two levels, the character of two spaces are clarified, one is a shady cool area for summer, one is cozy area for winter, while both of them are adjoining to the café, which is the central part of the building.

▼位于底层的夏季起居室概览,overall of the summer living room on the ground floor © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼夏季起居室低于地面半层,the summer living room is half floor height lower than the ground © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼通过室外楼梯可上升半层到达地面,outdoor staircase leads up half a floor to the ground © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼位于顶层的冬季起居室概览,overall of the winter living room on the top floor © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼冬季起居室也拥有极好的景观视野,the winter living room also has excellent views of the landscape © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼由起居室看辅助功能空间,viewing the auxiliary function space from the winter living room © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼卫生间,restroom © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼浴室与厨房洗手台细部,details of bathroom and kitchen sink © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼楼梯细部,details of stair © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼总平面图,site plan © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼地下层平面图,basement floor plan © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼地上一层平面图,first floor plan © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼地上二层平面图,second floor plan © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

▼剖面图,section © Takuro Yamamoto Architects

Credits : Takuro Yamamoto Architects Location :Okazaki-city, Aichi Use : cafe + residence Site Area : 140.41m2 Building Area : 44.48m2 Total Floor Area :115.84m2 Completion : October 2015 Design Period : November 2012 – October 2014 Construction Period : November 2014 – October 2015 Structure : Wood Client : a married couple Architect : Takuro Yamamoto Structure Design : Yamada Noriaki Structural Design Office


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