发布时间:2017-06-06 23:13:12 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Eurocampus Shanghai is planned to host over 2000 students, with a variety of ages ranging from three to eighteen years. The campus is shared by a French and a German school, each running its own kindergarten, primary school, middle school and high school, while sharing common facilities such as the sports and the cultural center. The designers were asked to propose solutions to the following challenges: defining the spatial configuration of public and private areas for various teaching clusters, managing multiple interweaving circulations, fitting a large amount of outdoor spaces in such a high-density plot.

▼中央广场及大厅,central plaza and foyer

空间关系的组织  Spatial, Relational Organization


Our design strives at constituting a building that, managing complexity through dynamism and interconnectivity, is able to cope with the over-regulations. The educational space nowadays is afflicted by hyper restrictive norms that reduce the potential of architecture to shape the school as the ultimate space of knowledge.Thus we aimed at a complex organism with a common principle at its core that defines the site, the buildings, the two schools requirements, the specificity of the various teaching clusters and their correlated classes; a holistic vision that integrates the macro and the micro requirements into one unique organization; a scalar composition that shows at different levels the same characteristics, elements, specificities, that moderates gently its “molar” structures to its “molecular” cells, and vice versa; a building designed neither as an imposing unity nor as a mere sum of discrete elements, but a building formed as a network of relations.

▼设计理念,design concept


The general diagram, the massing and the clusters of the building are designed according to three compositional and processual principles, which we call “multiplied ground”, “porosity”, and “connectivity / autonomy”. The three principles work as a cascading formula, a process of diversification of an initially relatively “flat and abstract” surface.

▼ 实体模型,physical model

▼模型,physical model


“Multiplied Ground” is the principle that maximizes the amount of active surfaces, splitting and displacing them on different interrelated and interconnected levels. It is a strategy that works particularly well for a high-density campus, especially with a distributed network of ever changing outdoor spaces and nodal filters that can facilitate the diversification of connections and the typology of enclosures. “Multiplying” is the strategy that smoothens up the transition between the landscape and the building. Given the extreme density of activities on the site, it avoids the creation of a final massing that is oppressive and self-imposing.

▼表演艺术中心视角,view towards the performing art center


The “Porosity” of the massing is our way of distancing internally the activities, producing “filters” of privacy. It’s a principle that works in accordance to and together with the multilayered system of connections previously described. It is a strategy to maximize the natural ventilation and the shading, developed in accordance to the external nodal conjunctions of the networks, and the internal break-through and passage ways of the schools. The amplification of the building porosity is shaped and studied to pair the internal clusters defined by the brief and to allow different degrees of permeability and accessibility.

▼功能分区与入口示意,program zoning and access points


Finally, the concept of “connectivity / autonomy” works as a conceptual tool, a way for us to sort and refine the two previous principles. It is a layer that helps organize the multiplicity of the very diverse activities in accordance to their needs, generating an overall balanced, congruous and consistent building massing. It is a way to assure and evaluate the needed privacy and the level of connectivity of each single activity.

▼大门及中心区域,main gate and central areas

场地与活动 Site and Program

从场地现状和设计任务书来看,该项目的建筑密度很大。基于此,设计师采用了一套宏观措施,将其分成两个层面:“通道与停车”以及“活动与连接”。A – 宏观上,“通道和停车”会被再分成若干个次级层面。这样,周边环境关系才能准确地得以细化并扩展。为实现整体流线(汽车/公交、学生/游客、货物等)的功能,具体的需求被整合到了一个大而复杂的联通网络中,这个网络并不是要压倒设计而是塑造设计。该网络规定的内容有普通入口、学校入口、公交车入口以及消防通道。B -宏观上,“活动和连接”决定了活动交叉点的位置以及各类活动间(公共/私人/服务)或者不同空间类型之间(室内与室外之间的过渡)的互动程度。室内和室外的流线巧妙地被安排在建筑方案之中,也将场地分析内容融入其中。决定功能分区的主要因素以及设计目的是为了建立一个动态的由互相关联的流线和整体平衡的空间构成的集合。

The study resulting from ‘the site’ conditions and ‘the brief’ requirements delineated a scenario of extreme spatial density, from which we developed a set of macro-decisions sorted within two orders of importance, two layers: “Accesses and Parking” and “Program and Connections”. A – The macro layer “Accesses and Parking” is sub-divided into several sub-layers. In this set, the relation plot/context is punctually specified and developed. The specific functional requirements for the general circulation (car/bus, students/visitors, goods…) are designed and integrated in an extensive and complex network of relations and connections that, rather than overwhelming the design, contribute to shaping it. It defines: General entrances, School entrances, Bus entrance, Fire track accesses.B – The macro layer “Program and Connections” defines the points of exchange and the degree of programmatic permeability working on: the program (Public / Private / Service), the varying degrees of spatial typology (transition between Indoor / Outdoor).The indoor and outdoor circulations are tailored around the building program and they weave together some of the aspects considered in the site analysis. The main elements and the design intentions that determine the programmatic arrangement aim at a dynamic integration of the connective flows together with an overall balanced spatial composition.

▼室内流线,indoor circulations

▼室外流线,outdoor circulations

表演艺术中心、体育中心概念和室外场地概念 PAC, Sport Center Concept and Outdoor Area Concept


The essential and central position of the Performing Art Center is the fulcrum of the plot, where the activities of the two schools meet, where the connection between the indoor sports center, the school main lobby and the visitors’ entrance on the North side are carefully mediated. The whole complex center (PAC, swimming pool and indoor sports) works as an interwoven terracing system, facilitating multiplicity of programs and connections to be activated independently or at unison. The indoor sports center, facing the outdoor running track, smoothens (it is sunken at -5.5 meters) the transition between the building and the landscape on the East side. The outdoor seating area is designed as a morphological transition; it is not a self-contained object but an element that links the roof of the sports center, the bridges coming from the building and the platform on the ground level.

▼ 校园西跑道,west end running track

▼风雨操场,indoor gym

▼游泳池,swimming pool

户外空间 Outdoor Spaces


The outdoor can be seen as a layered topography, as the conjunction and interrelation of three conditions: gardens, deck platforms, and roof terraces. It is a system that enhances “natural feelings”, linking and mediating the building with outdoor perspectives. The landscape is practically a seamless and natural extension of the indoor space; it percolates into/over the building via/as glazed courtyards, indoor gardens, and easily accessible open terraces.

▼户外空间分区,diverse and distributed outdoor spaces


The green network, for example, is designed to be on different levels, ranging from a series of sunken gardens that bring light to the underground, to a number of “private” outdoor spaces on the ground level, and to several roof terraces: from each point of view, the vision can span through layers of spaces and platforms, infiltrating each interstice of the building and liberating the eyes, creating a perceptual “depth-of-field”.

▼各层面绿化方案及室内外区域交互,multiplied ground and indoor / outdoor areas interacting

▼铺装与植被,pavement and planting


▼首层平面图,the first floor plan

▼各层平面图,floor plans


年份: 2015 地点:中国,上海 状态:竞赛 类型:建筑 功能:教育 规模:46000平方米 业主:德法学校 设计联合体:临界工作室+蔺科 团队:陈忱,Federico Ruberto,Nicola Saladino,商宏,尹臻,毛红卫,李凌风,薛扬,徐梦

Year: 2015 Location: Shanghai, China Status: competition Type: architecture Program: educational Size: 46000㎡ Client: Eurocampus Architect: reMIX + Link Team: Chen Chen, Federico Ruberto, Nicola Saladino, Shang Hong, Yin Zhen, Mao Hongwei, Li Lingfeng, Xue Yang, Xu Mengze


上海德法学校 / 临界工作室 + 蔺科
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