发布时间:2021-12-24 01:09:42 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

天府七中位于成都天府新区核心地段,为新区启动建设的首批校园项目。除了与七中共享运动场地等设施外,在其仅有的 20 亩预留建设用地上,计划新建设 5.7 万平方米建筑规模的小学部。

Located in the central district of Tianfu New Area, Tianfu No.7 High School was one of the first schools in the initial stage of district development. Besides the playground and stadiums that could be shared with the middle school, a completely new elementary school with the volume of 5.7 million square meters was planned on the relatively limited land of 1.35 million square meters.

▼西北街角透视 view of the project from northwest ©存在摄影


We consider the new school as an unofficial space for learning, and the students could have a colorful life in a more vivid and relaxed atmosphere. If the classroom is considered as a constant solid space, then the unofficial space is a fluid space that can flow in the environment and connect every solid space as a whole. The double height of 4 levels lobby in the second floor provides the visual and spatial connections that invokes meetings and communications, which is the representative area of unofficial space. The π-shaped staircase connects different classroom clusters and catalyzes light and shades to move around the inside. The sunken space in the lobby will offer the opportunity for meeting, sharing, and showing, while varies kind of learning activities are anticipated in the overlaying functions.

▼中庭 atrium©存在摄影

▼中庭的π型楼梯 – 趣味性的交通空间 π-shaped staircase in the atrium – circulation space with fun©存在摄影

▼中庭空间的“看与被看”visual connection in the atrium space©存在摄影


Based on the restrictions of density and FAR, we place many functions underground, and we bring in large scale of courtyard with it to ensure those rooms can enjoy natural light and wind, and students are embraced by good quality views. The unconventional tracks run from the playground to the empty ground floor, and connect the courtyard in the underground floor through annular ramp tracks, so a multi-layer courtyard system is formed through the flowing tracks.

▼负一层下沉庭院–室内外运动空间的结合 sunken courtyard – combination of indoor and outdoor sports spaces©存在摄影

负一层下沉庭院–色彩的碰撞,空间的记忆 sunken courtyard – contrast of colors enhancing memory of the space ©存在摄影

研究当代教育模式的问题,试图采用教室++ 共享空间的空间组合模式,即三个年级的班级组成一个“教室组群”,不同年龄的学生放在一个建筑空间里。实现跨年级的新型教学模式。例如一年级一班、二年级一班、三年级一班纵向年级班组成一个教学组群。可以在组团的公共空间展开某些功能课程的教学,也可以是共同学习的场所,包括个体学习、小组学习、班级学习等不同的组合形态,孩子根据学习情况及兴趣纵向选择跨年级的课程。个性的释放与空间适应性的改变,教室形态、建筑空间上的改变与教学模式的变革相辅相成,促进了教学场所精神的变革。建筑每层三个教室组群,分别围绕共享中庭与庭院布置。

To study the problem of contemporary education model, we tries to adopt the space combination model of classroom + shared space, three grades of classes form a “classroom group”, and students of different ages are placed in one space. Realize the new teaching mode of cross grade. For example, class 1 grade 1, class 1 Grade 2, and class 1 Grade 3 form a teaching group. The teaching of some functional courses can be carried out in the group public space, or it can be a place for common learning, including individual learning, group learning, class learning and other different combination of forms, children according to the learning situation and interests of longitudinal selection of cross-grade courses. The release of individuality and the change of space adaptability, the change of classroom form and architectural space and the reform of teaching mode complement each other, and promote the reform of the spirit of teaching place. Three classrooms on each floor are grouped around a shared atrium and courtyard.

多层次的教学组团 multi layered classroom units©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司


We put the library directly into a certain junction space, which is a horizontal walkway. Students must pass through the space from their classroom to the functional classroom. The walkway is enlarged into a library. What we want to achieve is that when students pass through this space, they don’t just walk by, they may feel the atmosphere of reading or a kind of school culture. When they pass through the noisy corridor, they will naturally calm down.

▼空中阅读长廊 suspended reading corridor©存在摄影


We hope to create multi-level exercise space in the tight land conditions. Apart from the standardized setting of gymnasium and playground, we use multiple levels and various forms of space to disperse the sports functions and dissolve them into the daily behaviors of students, forming a formal and informal sports environment.The small gymnasium located below the platform enjoys the natural light from the sloping roof and the underground courtyard, and it brings an association of collective memories of the special underground space; The expanded scale of indoor public space also provides a good platform for relax activities.“Exercise out of the classroom”. The multi-level roof platforms are connected through stairs and steps, providing more possibilities for strolling during the break.

▼多标高的天空农场 roof garden on various heights©存在摄影

▼屋面的漫步平台 terrace on the roof©存在摄影

▼运动场与主席台 play ground and spectator standing©存在摄影

▼跑道与教学楼的穿插 track running into the teaching building©存在摄影

一层架空区的跑道 track in the elevated ground floor©存在摄影


▼家庭式套型宿舍 family type dormitory units©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

In view of the psychological characteristics of children, we provide a family-style living space, which has both independent living space for students and family-style auxiliary space to provide necessary guidance and help. Therefore, we designed a dormitory unit with three bedrooms and one living room. The living room is not only a space for public communication, but also a place for life education, which emphasis more on the cultivation of habit and self-care ability of students.

▼宿舍标准单元立面 elevation of the typical dormitory units©存在摄影

宿舍立面穿孔铝板细节 details of the perforated aluminum panels©存在摄影

▼宿舍山墙立面细节–陶板与铝板的碰撞 closer view to the dormitory facade – contrast between ceramic plates and aluminum panels©存在摄影


Due to the limitation of construction site, we do subtraction on the complete shape so the outdoor space for students is created as many as possible, through the empty space of first floor and underground courtyard, throught terraces and roof gardens, we make a rich variety of outdoor spaces. By means of platform and staircases, we connect multi-level outdoor spaces together to create a multi-dimensional environment experience.

西侧鸟瞰,东侧紧邻天府新区中央公园及中心商务区 aerial view of the project from the west side, with central park and commercial district to the north©存在摄影

▼东侧鸟瞰,立体式教育综合体 aerial view of the project from the north side, three-dimensional education complex©存在摄影

▼运动场看教学楼 view to the teaching building from the playground©存在摄影

▼运动场一侧下沉庭院 sunken courtyard beside the play ground©存在摄影

▼半圆形拉压楼梯 outdoor staircase©存在摄影


By locating the building by the road at the beginning of the design, we intended to convey an open and sharing educational concept, hoping that the school could be more integrated into the community. The transparent foyer and atrium on the west side are designed to stimulate good interaction between the school and the city. The public lecture hall in the atrium can also host education-related lectures and exhibitions, and become a platform for the school and the community to grow together. The swimming pool, the gym and other sports facilities located underground can be directly connected to the west side of the road through a dedicated walkway, providing a controllable path open to the community, truly realizing the sharing with the community and the surrounding schools.

校园入口不设围墙,退让作为公共广场,可供家长及市民休憩 entrance of the campus without bounding walls, building setback creating public plaza for the citizens to have a rest©存在摄影


We hope that the project will become a container for students’ learning and living, and that many kinds of behaviors will be encouraged in it. Childhood is the best time for everyone, and hopefully our architecture will become a part of their wonderful memories.

▼首层平面图 first floor plan©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼二层平面图 second floor plan©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼三层平面图 third floor plan©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼四层平面图 fourth floor plan©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼五层平面图 fifth floor plan©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼六层平面图 sixth floor plan©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼东立面图 east elevation©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼西立面图 west elevation©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼1-1剖面图 1-1 section©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼2-2剖面图 2-2 section©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司



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