客厅宽敞通透,意式简约弧形沙发、颇具雕塑感的茶几配以轻奢的落地摆件,为空间注入艺术元素。The living room is spacious and transparent, with a simple italian-style curved sofa, a sculptural tea table and a luxurious floor-to-ceiling decoration, injecting artistic elements into the space.
黑白灰配色贯穿整个空间,融入复古红撞色点缀,和谐相融,塑造一个极具设计的生活空间。Black, white and gray color matching throughout the space, into the retro red touch color embellishment, harmonious fusion, creating a highly designed living space.
悬空背景墙的设计将空间一分为二,这种新颖的设计让空间看起来更轻盈通透,凸显层高,壁炉的搭配使氛围感直接拉满。The design of the hanging background wall divides the space into two, this novel design makes the space look more light and transparent, highlight the height of the floor, the collocation of the fireplace makes the atmosphere directly pull full.
隐藏在电视柜后的书房实现了空间的功能性,办公、学习、休息、电竞娱乐都能够满足。Hidden in the study behind the TV cabinet to achieve the functional space, office, study, Rest, e-sports entertainment can be met.
在纯粹以黑白灰为主题的搭配里,将衣帽间全透明玻璃的通透感带入卧室,为卧室增添了许多温情。In the theme of pure black, white and gray collocation, the cloakroom full transparent glass permeability into the bedroom, for the bedroom to add a lot of warmth.
男孩房整体空间以灰白为基调,没有跳脱的颜色和装饰,利落纯粹的线条,凸显居住者的沉稳大气。Boys room overall space to Gray as the keynote, no jumping out of the color and decoration, neat pure lines, highlight the residents of the calm atmosphere.
设计理念Design concept简约并不是缺乏设计要素,它是一种更高层次的创作境界!在设计上更加强调功能,强调结构和形式的完整,更追求材料、技术、空间的表现深度与精确。 极简现代用简约的手法进行室内创造,它更需要我们创作者具有较高的设计素养与 实践经验