发布时间:2024-03-21 12:44:52 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Atelier PRO为全球植物和种子培育专业品牌Anthura设计了新的总部办公室。该项目旨在打造一个现代化场所,员工在此能够办公、开会以及接待客户,从而表达公司的核心价值并讲述属于自己的故事。

Atelier PRO designed the new head office for Anthura, a global specialist in plant and seed breeding. Primary goal was to create a contemporary environment where the company could work, meet and receive clients, which expresses its core values and tells ‘Anthura’s story’.

▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©Eva Bloem

专为Anthura打造的建筑 An building be fitting of Anthura

作为红掌和兰花育种领域市场的领导者,Anthura总部、温室以及研发部门位于荷兰布莱斯维克。公司拥有世界领先的温室培育设施,并在2019年启用了一个新的研究中心。然而该公司的办公楼却显得十分过时,周围的室外空间给人一种凌乱而乏味的印象。Atelier PRO为该公司设计的新总部提升了公司整体形象,在场地中独树一帜,很好的反映出该公司的国际定位以及创新、高科技特性。

The head office, greenhouses and R&D department of Anthura, a market leader in anthurium and orchid breeding, are located in the glass horticultural area around Bleiswijk, the Netherlands. The company occupies a state-of-the-art greenhouse complex, and opened a new research centre in 2019. Its office building, however, was severely outdated, and the surrounding outdoor spaces also gave a cluttered and unattractive impression. Atelier PRO designed a new head office that improves the company’s outward appearance, serves as a model for the other buildings on site and better reflects the company’s international position and innovative, high-tech character.

▼建筑入口,Entrance ©Eva Bloem

从“内部”到“外部”世界 From ‘inner’ to ‘outer’ world


The floors and load-bearing structure of the existing building have both been reused, whilst the façade and floor plans have been completely redesigned. Objective, however, was not only to create a new working space, but also a place where Anthura could receive clients and demonstrate their core business. Therefore, the office has been connected to the technical ‘inner world’ of the greenhouses – and in particular to the display greenhouse directly behind it.

▼建筑立面,Facade of the building ©Eva Bloem

▼丰富的绿化,Abundant plants ©Eva Bloem

改造之前,温室展区的外墙完全封闭;atelier PRO将其更换为透明的玻璃屏风,使内部实验室般的环境清晰可见;成为办公建筑的背景。办公楼同样具有校园般的透明外观,强调其与邻近实验室和温室的关系。

Before the conversion, the façade of the display greenhouse was completely closed to the street; atelier PRO replaced it with a transparent glass screen, which makes the lab-like settings on the inside visible; these serve as a backdrop for the office building. The office has the same transparent, campus-like appearance, emphasising its relationship with the adjacent laboratories and greenhouses.

▼玻璃屏风,Glass screen ©Eva Bloem

尺度与外形 Scale and appearance

项目的另一个挑战是温室(总建筑面积450,000 m²)与办公楼(总建筑面积约2,000 m²)之间的面积差异,以及如何处理这一差距从而强调办公楼的重要性。为了使办公楼更有“分量”,建筑师为其设计了略微抬高的基座,视觉上与背后连续的玻璃立面分隔开。垂直的立面元素从视觉上扩大了建筑—部分原因是独立的楼层不再直接可见—使其看起来更像一个“大型”企业总部,与Anthura的体量相符。垂直设计也同样反映在温室的标志性建筑上—原本水平风格的建筑与周围环境格格不入。

▼垂直元素,Vertical elements ©Eva Bloem

An additional challenge was the difference in scale between the greenhouses – with a total floor area of 450,000 m²- and the office building – which totals at about 2,000 m² – and how to bridge this difference so as to emphasise the office’s importance. To give the office building more ‘weight’, it was placed on a slightly raised pedestal, visually detaching it from the continuous glass façade behind it. Vertical façade elements serve to optically enlarge the building – in part because the individual floors are no longer directly visible – and give it the appearance of a ‘large’ corporate head office, befitting the size of Anthura. The verticality also mirrors the typical architecture of the greenhouses – a horizontally articulated building would not fit in with the context.

▼通透的立面,Transparent facade ©Eva Bloem

功能与体验 Function and experience


▼大厅,Hall ©Eva Bloem

▼餐厅,Canteen ©Eva Bloem

In the interior, two different experience layers can be distinguished. On the one hand, there is the exhibition layer: publicly accessible spaces which serve as a physical ‘customer journey’ to the display greenhouse. In order to create a genuine exhibition experience, we collaborated with a graphic designer as well as an exhibition designer. Anthura’s members of staff have their own layer, in the heart of the building, around the canteen. The technical areas, with facilities that are not dependent on daylight, are located in the centre of the office building. All surrounding areas have been kept open as much as possible; flexible workplaces alternate with concentration areas. The overall atmosphere is, yet again, representative of the company, with warm tones, abundant greenery, and perennial and changing plants throughout. In addition, Anthura’s character served as the basis for the graphic ‘layer’, which was applied throughout the entire building and includes signage in the outdoor space.

▼自然的氛围,Natural atomsphere ©Eva Bloem

▼报告厅,Conference hall ©Eva Bloem

▼茶水间,Tea kitchen ©Eva Bloem

花园与环境 Garden and context

一个围合的花园坐落于办公楼与温室之间,由Oase景观与城市设计公司操刀。在atelier PRO设计的平面基础上,Oase负责整体的景观概念,并成功将室内的热带氛围转换到室外。

Between the office and the greenhouses lies an enclosed garden, designed by Oase Landscape and Urban Design. Drawing on the area plan by atelier PRO, Oase were responsible for the overall landscape concept, and succeeded in translating the tropical indoor atmosphere to the outside world.

▼景观,Landscape ©Eva Bloem

Anthura成功展示了如何用建筑彰显身份。而且,从更宏观的角度看这个项目也十分有趣:温室既不是城市也不是农业区。温室建筑既密集又没有任何建筑规范;因此这样的建筑通常“野蛮生长”,缺乏设计。通过Anthura的设计,atelier PRO希望探索温室建筑的特征,并就城市与乡村并置的关系提出问题,同时也对荷兰景观的未来发展发问。该项目表明,即使是在“自由生长”的地区,人们依然能够积极地塑造环境。

▼层次丰富的室内,Multi-layered interior ©Eva Bloem

Anthura successfully demonstrates how a building can act as an identity carrier. The project, however, is also interesting from a wider point of view: greenhouse areas are neither urban nor agricultural. They are highly built-up, but without any rules regarding building regulation; buildings, therefore, often develop more or less ‘by themselves’, without being actively designed. With the design for Anthura, atelier PRO wants to explore the typical features of these greenhouse areas, and raise questions about the juxtaposition between urbanity and rurality – but also what the future holds for the Dutch landscape. The project demonstrates that, even in areas where things ‘develop by themselves’, it is still possible to actively define the environment.

▼会议室,Meeting room ©Eva Bloem

▼总平面图,Masterplan ©Atelier PRO architects

▼首层平面,Ground floor plan ©Atelier PRO architects

▼一层平面,1st floor plan ©Atelier PRO architects

▼剖面A,Section A ©Atelier PRO architects

▼剖面B,Section B ©Atelier PRO architects


布莱斯韦克Anthura总部更新,荷兰 / Atelier PRO architects
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