发布时间:2019-08-09 12:09:21 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



A gentle recluse, this six bedroom lodge nestles in the cool wooded hills of NanShan high above the heat of busy Chongqing City. The project, initiated by a group of Chongqing residents, builds on the rising demand for casual ‘MingSu’ culture and ‘slow life’ which is expanding as counterpoint to the Chinese 24/7 work pattern in fast-growing cities.

▼六间客房的小屋半隐半现于葱郁凉爽的南山之中,six bedroom lodge nestles in the cool wooded hills of NanShan

▼建筑远景,long range perspective of the project


Accessed by a winding path, the site is on steep and fertile terrain typical of Chongqing with fine views of unspoilt hills and indigenous forest, and has tall trees, abundant bamboo and small fields. Working closely with this special site, we have kept and adapted an original adobe farm house, rebuilt a newer building behind, added platforms and re-landscaped to create relaxing indoor and outdoor spaces. There are sitting rooms, small dining rooms, six diverse bedrooms, majong and activity rooms designed for families, groups of friends, individuals or quiet work.

▼沿着蜿蜒的小路便可到达项目基地,the site can be accessed by a winding path

▼建筑概览,overview of the guest house



How do we balance shared spaces, semi-private spaces of the dining rooms and platforms with the quiet privacy of bedrooms in limited (600sqm) internal floor areas? The direct solution of using separate external staircases gives sense of separation, whilst those spaces are still visually combined into a whole. The building is planned as two wings, each with platforms extending outwards and into trees and bamboo. Between them a natural water course is exaggerated as a planted wet landscape. Here deliberate moves articulate and enrich the plan with subtleties of division through simple means.

▼两个侧翼体量分别向树林延伸出室外平台,the building is planned as two wings, each with platforms extending outwards and into trees and bamboo

▼平台鸟瞰,aerial view of the platform

▼室外平台,outdoor platform


▼雨中景观,landescape in the rain

▼平台之间导入自然环境中的小溪流,a natural water course is exaggerated as a planted wet landscape

如何利用对自然的景观视野一直是我们设计的切入点,每一个空间都具有对从近景建筑到远景树木山林的独特“框景”设置。人类的生活融入于自然之中,也安居于“庇护所” – 这是亘古不变的人类生活条件,中国传统的经典画作也常表现其林中别院的意境。可渗透的建筑边界将弥散至周边环境,细致的框景置入兼顾外部景观视野及内部使用功能。

Working with views of nature has been our starting point; each of the spaces have distinct framed views out of the building to trees and hills beyond. Here is the timeless human condition where we are both immersed in nature outside and safely sheltered within. This condition is so beautifully expressed in the lonely pavilion in landscape so often found in classical Chinese painting. And it is also a primary phenomenon in architecture, where the porous boundary of the building touches its context. In this project the careful placing of openings is made both from an external view point and whilst considering internal uses.

▼雨中建筑,the house in the rain

▼起居室,living room

▼从室内望向平台,view from the living room to the platform

▼每一个空间都具有对从近景建筑到远景树木山林的独特“框景”设置,each of the spaces have distinct framed views out of the building to trees and hills beyond

▼室内窗景,window view

▼会议室,living room



同样重要的是,我们所关注的焦点是土坯农舍的真实性、如何对其进行重新设计、插入新的稳定结构和开口、如何修复现有屋顶以及如何充分利用具有地域特色的建筑材料。新的建筑物——被设想为植根于农舍与陡峭土地之间的现代”雕塑” – 是一个纯粹的砌筑体量。这种被动的建造方式衬托出土坯材料的重要性,经过清洗和封装之后,土坯材料得以突出其奇妙的光泽、触感及文化品质。通过仔细平衡的体量、相近的比例关系、门窗材质的选择、新旧建筑之间的连接和一系列相互连贯的景观处理等手法,将对比强烈的空间 – 自然、农舍和现代建筑紧密结合在了一起。

Not least, our focus has been on the authenticity of the adobe farmhouse and questions on how to re-plan, insert new stabilising structures, and openings, repair the roof and otherwise make best use of the original – locally sourced – material of the walls which have so much character. The new building – conceived as a ‘carved’ modern setting for the farmhouse between it and the steep land outside the site – is simply painted blockwork. This passive approach for the new building emphasizes the adobe material, which is finally cleaned and sealed to bring out the lustrous, tactile and cultural qualities of this wonderful material. Contrasting space in the project – the natural, ancient farmhouse and modern architecture – is bound together through carefully balanced massing, similar proportion and material for doors and windows, internal connections between old and new, and a series of interconnected landscaped treatments.

▼室外楼梯细部,outdoor staircase

▼材料细部,materials details

▼建筑模型,project model

▼总平面图,site plan

▼总平面图手绘,master plan sketch

▼剖面图手绘,section sketch


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