Enfants Riches Déprimés精品店是一个灰色的封闭空间,它就像充满了几何元素的衣帽间、也形似一间充满冰冷未来感的实验室。整个空间被塑造成由金属和石头建造的舞台,营造出一种“性冷淡”的氛围感。
The Enfants Riches Déprimés boutique is an enclosed grey zone, a geometrical boudoir and a surgical limbo. The space has been shaped as a stage built of metal and stone to enclose the experience of desire.
▼它就像充满了几何元素的衣帽室、也形似一间充满冰冷未来感的实验室,it’s a geometrical boudoir and a surgical limbo
Behind its classic Parisian facade, the ERD flagship store blurs the codes to offer a cold space, without affect. Inspired by the bunker and the bank vault, it is spread over two levels, all in lines, full and void, mixing marble and steel.
▼与临街立面的风格截然不同的室内空间,the interior space is distinct from the style of the street-facing facade
▼条状不锈钢板和大理石的运用,为空间营造出一种虚实交错的感觉,strip stainless steel plate and marble use, for the space to create a sense of illusion and reality crisscross
▼墙面上有多处不规则形状的大理石壁龛,there are several irregular shaped marble niches on the wall
▼墙面细部,details of the walls
▼具有雕塑般外表的垂直墙面为灰色大理石壁龛的设置创造了空间,a vertical wall with a sculptural appearance creates space for the setting of a grey marble niche
▼竖井空间,the shaft space
▼旋转楼梯间,the revolving stairwell
▼从竖井看向沙发休息区,from the shaft to the sofa lounge
The stainless steel panels are articulated from a shaft plunging into the facade to meet in the reflections of a faceted cylinder. Sculpted impacts in these vertical walls create alcoves of grey marble. At the bottom, the staircase wraps around a mineral monolith to a horizontal space pierced by a stairwell. Here the metallic reflections extend and fade in on soft artificial green on the floor and quilted anthracite suede on the ceiling.
▼有众多人造绿元素的底层空间,the ground floor space with numerous artificial green elements
▼全不锈钢覆盖的楼梯口与试衣间,all stainless steel covered stairway and fitting room
▼项目图纸,project drawings
Area : 45m2. Materials : stainless steel, grey Saint-Laurent marble, fabric. Architect : Didier Fiúza Faustino // Mésarchitecture Team : Pascal Mazoyer (Directeur de projet), Anna Pasquetto (stagiaire) Manufacturers : Portella, Mattec Location : Enfants Riches Déprimés – 79, rue Charlot. 75003 Paris, France