发布时间:2019-05-26 23:46:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The architecture firm PMMT, internationally recognised for its over 25 years of experience in the healthcare sector and the development of innovative research projects, has made its new Barcelona office a space that transmits its values and philosophy. The space allows clients and collaborators to experience for themselves the added value of the healthy, inclusive solutions it incorporates into all of its projects.

▼办公室外观,exterior view of the office © Adrià Goula

PMMT Arquitectura的新办公室中设有办公空间和通用设计陈列室,位于巴塞罗那22@街区内的一座工业建筑内,这里曾是一家饼干加工厂。设计团队将这个空间进行了修复和改造,希望将其打造为一个鼓舞人心的创作环境,并将事务所一直以来的建筑理念——包容性和健康性融入其中,从而为自己公司的团队创造一个更加舒适的办公环境。对PMMT来说,这是一种基于RDI的建筑实践,因为这两个建筑理念一直是他们正在进行的研究项目的核心,并且这两个理念也已经产生了一系列诸如Friendly Materials®和Clear Code Architecture©等的设计方法。

Workplace and universal design showroom, the new office of PMMT Arquitectura is located in Barcelona’s 22@ district, in an industrial building that used to house a biscuit factory.
 The space has been rehabilitated with the ultimate aim of providing its team with an inspiring creative environment, as well as incorporating two of the criteria that are inherent in the firm’s way of understanding and approaching architecture: inclusion and health. For PMMT, an architecture practice based on RDI, these two values lie at the heart of ongoing research and have produced methodologies such as Friendly Materials® and Clear Code Architecture©.

▼开放的办公空间,利用植物来促进健康、改善氛围和提高生产力,the open workplace, using vegetation to stimulate wellbeing and improve the atmosphere and productivity © Adrià Goula

Clear Code Architecture©是PMMT正在进行的一个调研项目的结果,它能够客观地评估一个空间普遍的可到达性,并针对评估结果提出改进措施。这些参数的应用能够使所有使用者都能在平等的环境条件下工作,从而创造出一个更加平等的社会。为此,新办公室的人工干预设计涉及到了从街道到空间入口的坡道设计,从而为行动不便的人创造一个便于通行的路径。Clear Code的标记被置于入口处,从而方便来访者抵达目的地,进入空间。

Clear Code Architecture© is the product of ongoing investigation, allowing objective evaluation of the universal accessibility of a place and helping to improve it. The application of these parameters enables all users to work in equal conditions, with a view to creating a more egalitarian society. To this end, interventions in the new office include a ramp from street level to the entrance, allowing access to people with impaired mobility. The Clear Code marker is situated at the entrance to help visitors find their way around.

▼办公空间局部,设有铺设着触觉材料的路径,partial view of the workplace with an accessible route marked with tactile paving © Adrià Goula


At this point, a tactile map indicates all the spaces in the office, with their names in three languages (Spanish, Catalan and English) and Braille. So that people who cannot see know they are entering the right place, the symbols in Braille then correspond with the confirmation of destination included on the door handles of each room. Meanwhile, throughout the space, groups of people with visual diversity have an accessible route marked with tactile paving.

▼办公空间局部,设有三种语言和盲文的触觉地图,partial interior view with a tactile map in three languages and Braille © Ferran Nadeu

Friendly Materials®是建筑事务所PMMT Arquitectura的另一个原创性项目开发手段,它能够分析材料、化合物、建筑体系和整个460平方米的新办公空间对人们身体健康的影响。本研究所产生的参数则被用于办公室设计上,从而为其使用者和环境的健康创造一种积极正面的影响。除了这些标准之外,在设计中还要优先考虑对于团队来说空间的舒适性,从而才能更好地组成不同的功能空间,并鼓励创造和创新活动。这就需要将用于知识交流和提案的开放式空间与一些更加私密和用于集中思考的封闭空间相结合。

Another original development by PMMT Arquitectura, the Friendly Materials® methodology, analyses how our health is affected by the materials, chemical compounds, construction systems and the new 460 m2 space as a whole. The parameters produced by this study were applied to design an office which, architecturally, contributes actively and positively to the health of its occupants and the environment. Added to these criteria is the priority of organising the place with the comfort of the team in mind, to promote a broad variety of uses, and encourage creativity and innovation. This takes the form of combining open areas for the exchange of knowledge and proposals with closed spaces to facilitate processes that require more privacy and concentration.

▼办公室局部,设有自行车停放区,partial interior view with the bicycle parking © Adrià Goula

开放式空间区域包括前瞻思维空间(Forward Thinking)和头脑风暴空间(Brainstorming)等,因为这两个空间的环境都旨在鼓励PMMT Arquitectura的不同团队加入讨论、提出想法、并通过集体的智慧来改进工作。前瞻思维空间中包括了集中、会议和课程培训等空间,并设有“创新表彰栏”,可以用于发布一些有趣的文章和解决方案等。同时,它还可以作为一个咖啡厅或者庆祝空间,基本上,就是一个放松的地方,可以帮助员工减轻压力和增加工作的动力。至于头脑风暴空间,组成它的所有墙体和其内的所有可移动面板都可用于涂写,但是并不设任何额外的座椅,这样做的目的是希望使所有人都能够有一定的警觉性和专注性,此外,其细节设计如油毡地板等也为空间增添一些色彩,从而有助于激发人们的创造能力和创新能力。

The Open Space area includes spaces such as Forward Thinking and Brainstorming, both environments that encourage the different and diverse teams that make up PMMT Arquitectura to enter into debate, put forward ideas and improve their work thanks to collective talent. Forward Thinking hosts meetings, conferences and training sessions, and has an “innovation panel” where interesting articles are posted and solutions to problems proposed. It also functions as a canteen for sharing coffees and celebrations, basically a place of relaxation to reduce stress and increase motivation at work. While all the walls and movable panels that form the space of the Brainstorming Room can be drawn and written on, there are no chairs to ensure that people remain alert, and details like a linoleum floor introduces colour to stimulate creativity and innovation.

▼开放式的前瞻思维空间,设有“创新表彰栏”,the open Forward Thinking Space with an “innovation panel” © Adrià Goula

▼PMMT图书馆,PMMT library © Adrià Goula

▼头脑风暴空间,所有墙体和所有可移动面板都可用于涂写,Brainstorming Room, all the walls and movable panels can be drawn and written on © Adrià Goula

另一方面,封闭的空间则包括沉思室(Silence Room)、会议室(Meeting Room)和放松交流室(Slow Meeting)等空间,其中,沉思室仅用于专注思考,不进行任何其他活动;大型会议室配有投影屏幕和带有麦克风和磁环的便携式摄像机,它能够将语音转换为磁信号并将其发送到助听器或植入性设备中,以便有听力障碍的用户能够清晰地听到会议内容;而放松交流室内则设有沙发和间接照明设备,从而营造出一种能够进行轻松的私人谈话的空间氛围。

The closed spaces, on the other hand, include the Silence Room, a place for concentration and silence disconnected from the rest of the activity going on in the office; the large Meeting Room, with a projection screen, camcorder with microphone and magnetic loop, a device that transforms the voice into magnetic signals and sends them to hearing aids or implants so that users with hearing impairments can hear clearly, and Slow Meeting, a room with sofas and indirect light that encourage relaxed, private talks.

▼会议室局部,partial interior view of the Meeting Room © Adrià Goula

▼放松交流室,设有沙发,营造能够进行轻松的私人谈话的空间氛围,Slow Meeting with sofas that encourage relaxed, private talks © Adrià Goula

PMMT Arquitectura的新办公室拥有着符合人体工学的家具,同时利用植物来促进健康、改善氛围和提高生产力。此外,这里还设置了自行车停放处,从而鼓励人们进行体育运动,提高身体健康素质。所有的这些干预手段都强调了PMMT所贯彻的建筑设计理念,以及其对其员工、客户的关怀。

The new office of PMMT Arquitectura has ergonomic furnishing, and uses vegetation to stimulate wellbeing and improve the atmosphere and productivity. Solutions like bicycle parking promote sport and health. All interventions highlight PMMT’s commitment to its workers, the client, and the values it promotes.

▼平面布置图,layout plan



PMMT Arquitectura 巴塞罗那新办公室——融入包容性和健康性的创意空间
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