发布时间:2019-07-13 16:15:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

北部清溪一带流 红桥风物眼中秋 绿杨城郭是扬州


Green is the city background of Yangzhou. In recent years, Yangzhou has persisted in pursuing a new realm of ecological civilization construction, earnestly transforming the “green assets” of the city into the ecological welfare of the people, and taking the construction of more diversified, wider and more balanced public space as the most distinctive new feature of the ancient city of Yangzhou under the new historical conditions, which is called the “park system construction” of Yangzhou.

▼廖家沟城市中央公园鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the Liaojiagou City Central Park


▼项目区位分析,location study

Liaojiagou City Central Park, as one of the key projects of Yangzhou Park System 111, has a planned total area of about 10.7 square kilometers, of which the land area is about 4.9 square kilometers and the water area is about 5.8 square kilometers. The project enjoys the unique natural resources of Liaojiagou and the strategic development resources of the city’s eastward expansion, creating a world-class Central Park and adding new landmarks for the construction of Yangzhou’s famous city.

▼廖家沟城市中央公园鸟瞰图,水陆结合,bird-eye’s view of the Liaojiagou City Central Park made of land area and water area


In the new era of ecology, Yangzhou has put forward the goal of promoting the construction of park system in new city and old city. At the beginning of Liaojiagou Central Park design, it innovatively put forward the “park plus” model. The output of Liaojiagou Central Park is not only the ecological corridor of the Yangtze and Huaihe River, but also a more participatory and experiential concept of urban central park.

▼公园局部鸟瞰图,partial bird-eye’s view of the park

▼公园局部鸟瞰图,公路跨越水面,partial bird-eye’s view of the park, the highway is built up over the water

▼公园局部鸟瞰图,公路与人行步道相结合,partial bird-eye’s view of the park, the highways and paths combine

▼公园局部鸟瞰图,道路旁设有休息空间,partial bird-eye’s view of the park, there is a seating area alongside the highway

▼公园石质步道俯视图,与公路相连,top view of the stone path space in the park connected with the highway


Liaojiagou City Waterfront Green Corridor is an important part of the “Jianghuai Ecological Corridor”. It connects Qihe-Badao ecological section in the north, riverside ecological wetland in the South and new Yangzhou core green space in the east. It has become an important node in the network construction of Yangzhou Ecological Park City. In the existing large area of the base, the site was moderately sorted out under the concept of respecting the status quo and protecting the ecological environment, retaining the original fish pond water system, nursery stock texture and enriching the diversity of habitats through plant supplement, and building a more healthy and stable ecosystem through linking the eastern and Western habitats.

▼公园局部鸟瞰图,设有一系列构筑物和休息空间,partial bird-eye’s view of the park with structures and rest areas

▼公园局部鸟瞰图,设有方盒子形状的水上休息亭,partial bird-eye’s view of the park with boxed pavilions floating on the water

▼方盒子形状的水上休息亭的外观远景,使用木材打造而成,distant exterior view of the boxed pavilion floating on the water that is made of wood


By borrowing the original high-quality natural conditions of Liaojiagou, the design, according to the location of the plot and the functional needs of the surrounding cities, increases the experience of the park through multiple experience spaces such as three-dimensional composite space, water shuttle space, color space under the bridge, frame space under the scenery, roaming under the forest, interesting runway and so on, and provides people with different views. Viewing from a wild angle is close to nature.

▼公园局部鸟瞰图,架空的步道空间直通向水边,partial bird-eye’s view of the park, elevated path space leads to the waterside

▼架空步道空间局部,木质步道架空在一般步道之上,partial view of the elevated path space, the wooden path space is elevated beyond the ground

▼架空步道空间局部,旁边设有遮阳的休息空间,partial view of the elevated path space, there is a shaded seating area alongside it

▼木制的借景框景空间,the wooden frame space under the scenery

▼公园水上穿梭空间鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the water shuttle space

▼公园水上穿梭空间鸟瞰图,在水面上架起人行的木质步道,bird-eye’s view of the water shuttle space, building up a wooden bridge over the water

▼水面上人行的木质步道远景,distant view of the wooden bridge over the water

▼水面上人行的木质步道近景,close view of the wooden bridge over the water

▼公园步道局部,在林下漫游,partial view of the path space in the park, people can roam under the forest

▼立体的步道空间,the three-dimensional path space


The original intention of our design is to continuously grow the waterfront green corridor, beautiful and colorful country park of the whole people, and prosperous Ecological City Central park. Therefore, on the basis of satisfying the ecology and experience, we add a touch of light colorfulness on the basis of “Green Poplar City Guo”. Through color paving, color Gallery frame, color landscape box and color sculpture, the design integrates color into the green room, lights up the green, and integrates into the environment of the Central Park.

▼公园彩色空间局部俯视图,通过彩色铺地将彩色融入绿色间,partial top view of the color space in the park, integrating color into the green room through color paving

▼公园彩色空间局部鸟瞰图,色彩在点亮绿色的同时,融合于中央公园的大环境,partial bird-eye’s view of the color space in the park, color lights up the green, and integrates into the environment of the Central Park

▼公园彩色空间局部鸟瞰图,地面上画有彩色的海豚图案,partial bird-eye’s view of the color space in the park, painting colorful images of the dolphins on the ground

▼海豚彩色空间近景鸟瞰,路边设有露天的彩色休息空间,close bird-eye’s view of the color-dolphin space with an open-air seating area

▼海豚彩色空间外观,exterior view of the color-dolphin space

▼海豚彩色空间内部近景,围合空间的墙体采用橙色的板材和彩色玻璃砖,close view of the color-dolphin space defined by orange panels and colorful glass blocks

▼彩色雕塑的海豚雕塑将彩色融入绿色间,the color sculptures in the form of dolphins integrate into the green room

▼彩色的趣味跑道,the color interesting runway

▼跑道旁的彩色休息空间,the color seating area alongside the runway space

▼公园空间局部,partial view of the park


For more than 100 years, New York Central Park has exerted a profound influence on the relationship between people, class and stratum, and between people and city, and even on the character of New Yorkers, helping New York grow into the world’s top city. Horizontally comparing with New York Central Park, we hope that Liaojiagou City Central Park will bring new vitality to Yangzhou’s urban development, Yangzhou’s ecological environment and Yangzhou’s people’s life, and truly realize the great rejuvenation of Yangzhou, the world’s famous city, in the post-lean West Lake era towards prosperous ecology. Looking forward to the continuous renewal and development of Central Park…

▼公园景色局部,partial of the scenery in the park


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