发布时间:2018-01-04 20:45:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
底特律市中心的走廊成为未来城市建筑的试验场,包括 SHoP 建筑师的多层开发项目、Wasserman Projects 的世界级艺术空间、Packard Plant 的改造等多个项目,展现了这座城市从破产中崛起,重新焕发生机的决心和努力。

Detroit’s downtown corridor is a fertile testing ground for the city's future. Pictured here, ShoP Architects’s multi-layered development of the 1,500,000 sq ft site formerly occupied by the iconic Hudson’s department store

已故美国小说家埃尔莫·伦纳德(Elmore Leonard)写道:“有些城市靠美貌过日子,提供气候和风景,可以看到山脉或海洋、岩石环绕的城市或棕榈树;还有一些像底特律这样的城市不得不以工作为生。”莱纳德在密歇根州的汽车城(Motor City)度过了87年的大部分时间。


长期以来,“锈迹斑斑”的城市是一个城市化验室,在底特律成为全球关注的焦点。Mike Duggan市长和财大气粗的投资者(由家乡亿万富翁和房地产巨头丹尼尔·吉尔伯特领导的基本法,由摩根大通投资底特律的活动所支持)决定不仅振兴城市的建筑环境,而且振兴中产阶级,从而振兴天空。随着创新的小企业资助计划、社区重建计划和就业培训计划,线路改造的发展也在激增。



当地人标出了这些里程碑,包括建造福特菲尔德(Ford Field)主办2006年超级碗(SuperBower);四年后吉尔伯特(Gilbert)大胆决定,将他的奎恩贷款公司总部从利沃尼亚郊区迁往该市的市中心(该公司1.7万名员工现在市中心工作);以及去年秋天宣布基岩在建筑项目上的21亿美元投资。

对于吉尔伯特来说,“底特律位于肌肉和大脑的交汇处。”它也是一个由伟大的建筑,包括丹尼尔·伯纳姆,路易斯·坎珀,阿尔伯特·卡恩,米斯·范德洛,和山崎Minoru的作品所支撑和提升的城市。也许下一个大名字将是本土的。下个月,底特律当代艺术博物馆将开始Hip Hop建筑夏令营。该项目由底特律本土迈克尔·福特(MichaelFord)创建,旨在通过嘻哈文化的视角,向缺乏代表性的年轻人介绍建筑、城市规划和经济发展。


Wasserman Projects Operating more like a public/private kunsthalle than a typical gallery, Detroit native Gary Wasserman’s world-class art space – located in the city’s historic Eastern Market district in a 1917 building that was once home to the Detroit Fire Department’s engine repair center – mounts shows on the scale of museum exhibitions, and leaves them up for approximately three months – enough time to build a world (musical responses, conversations, events) around each one. ‘It’s a different format of bring art to the public and the public to art,’ he says. Photography courtesy of Wasserman Projects

Packard Plant Redevelopment, Fernando Palazuelo​ May 2017 saw the much-anticipated groundbreaking for the largest renovation project in North America: the redevelopment of the Packard Plant. Designed by Albert Kahn as a massive manufacturing facility for Packard automobiles, the 40-acre site was acquired several years ago by developer Fernando Palazuelo. Its mixed-use makeover is expected to take more than a decade, but the first phase—renovating the Administration building and the bridge over Grand Boulevard—is slated for completion by the end of the year.

Hudson’s Site Development, SHoP in collaboration with Hamilton Anderson Associates Proof of Duggan’s refrain that ‘Detroit is going vertical’ can be found in the city’s largest new construction: the $900 million mixed-use complex on the downtown site where Hudson’s department store once stood. Masterminded by SHoP in collaboration with Detroit-based architects Hamilton Anderson Associates, the 800-foot-tall building is designed to place community at its core, with what SHoP describes as ‘an enclosed civic space that opens wide to welcome residents and visitors from surrounding streets’. Around that center will orbit retail, residential, food, and culture. The project, which broke ground in December 2017, is expected to take three years.

Book Tower redevelopment, Bedrock One of Bedrock’s four real estate mega-projects (along with the former Hudson’s site, the Monroe Block, and the One Campus Martius building), the $313 million renovation and restoration of the long-dilapidated Book Tower will bring office space, retail, and residences to the 1926 skyscraper designed by Louis Kamper. The Italian Renaissance-style building was vacant when Bedrock acquired it a few years ago, and the renovation—now underway—should be completed in 2019.

Foundation Hotel, Aparium Group with Walter Cohen Touted as ‘adding another piece to the ongoing Detroit renaissance puzzle’ when it welcomed its first guests in May 2017, this 100-room hotspot occupies the former headquarters of the Detroit Fire Department: a steel-framed, neoclassical gem that dates to 1929. Filled with the work of local artists (including Alex Porbe’s streetlight-inspired restaurant illumination and charming car collages by Nick Jaskey), the property is also a showcase for a new generation of Detroit makers, who are responsible for everything from dapper staff uniforms to the BonBonBon chocolates in the minibar.

Joe Louis Greenway This planned 26-mile trail through the cities of Detroit, Hamtramck, Highland Park, and Dearborn is envisioned as not only a place for safe walking, biking, and running but also a powerful connector of neighborhoods, parks, schools, historic sites, commercial corridors, public transit, and existing trails such as the Dequindre Cut—a Grand Trunk Railroad line turned riverfront greenway. A framework plan for the project will be developed this year, with construction expected to begin in 2020.

Shinola Hotel, Bedrock Detroit-proud watchmaker-turned-lifestyle brand Shinola has partnered with Bedrock on the first hotel project for both companies. Gachot Studios and Kraemer Design Group have been tapped for the rehabilitation of three historic downtown buildings, into which ‘Detroit-inspired design’ will be infused – along with 16,000 sq ft of food, beverage, and retail. Slated to open this fall, the 130-room property will join a wave of new hospitality offerings including the Siren Hotel (which debuts this month in the Wurlitzer Building) and the Element Hotel (slated to open summer 2018 in the Metropolitan Building).

keywords:American architecture



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