China's new urban farm
图片来源:foreign policy
2011 marked a paramount year in modern chinese history- the year that the majority of the population went from inhabiting rural farmland to living in urban sprawl. it doesn’t seem like a particular accomplishment considering that numerous countries have already reached this milestone, but when you consider that china contains 20% of the world’s population and only 10% of its arable land available to feed this population (a large percentage of that already deemed too polluted), the scale of a potential catastrophe suddenly casts a long and seemingly endless shadow on the topic. if china’s farmers are leaving the countryside- due to both eviction and personal choice- then who is to cultivate all the food for a traditionally self-sustaining culture with over a billion mouths to feed?
luckily, it is a culture whose roots of agricultural ingenuity stretch as deep as their buildings do high. urban farming has been developed alongside the growth of its cities. it was so efficient in fact, that many of china’s largest cities almost exclusively sustained themselves with local produce- most was sold within 10km of the farm, and within a day of its cultivation, explains the wwf. in shanghai particularly, the government refined a very effective system for not only food production but waste management as well, recycling biomass into usable clean energy. in the late 20th century, shanghai produced ‘nearly 100% of chicken, eggs and milk, 80% of vegetables and freshwater fishes, and 50% of pork’ in a 300,000 hectare city-managed green ring integrated into the city- a cyclical and veritable urban farm.