Striking in its simplicity, Caiola’s design invited visitors to think differently – both about furniture, as well as trade fairs of this kind. Its atypical underfoot lighting made people as much of a focal point as objects, while its stacked walls offered a reflection on the booth’s storied setting, as well as the environmental responsibilities of the wider design industry.
▼分隔墙反映传奇背景,stacked walls offering a reflection on storied setting
© Dirk Weiblen
Alberto Caiola Studio 是⼀家屡获殊荣的⼯作室,专⻔从事室内设计、展览和产品设计,⼯作室启始于2014 年中国上海的 ⼀个⼩型办公室。在所有项⽬中,我们专注⽤户体验以及设计对⽤户所传递的信息,就像艺术⼀样唤起⼈们的内⼼感受以及情感反应。通过对过程与细节的⼀丝不苟,我们将独⼀⽆⼆的理念转化为设计,让设计释放它的真实性与潜⼒。
Alberto Caiola Studio is an award winning practice specialised in interior, exhibition and product design. it was founded in 2014 as a small office in Shanghai, China. We maintain a small, dedicated team while working with an international group of collaborators. In all projects we focus on experiences and how these should touch us, and like art evoke feelings and emotional responses. Through meticulous attention to both process and detail, we translate one-of-a-kind narratives into designs to realise their full authenticity and potential.
▼家具细部,details of the furnitures
© Dirk Weiblen
设计:Alberto Caiola
摄影:Dirk Weiblen
Location: Shanghai
Date: 2021
Design: Alberto Caiola
Photo: Dirk Weiblen