发布时间:2012-10-16 22:24:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



策展人:Lico Fang

设计师:Kagami Sotaro

在“公共家具”的定义中,“公共”与“家具” 之间的关系是相辅相成的。最开始的方案,是一个正方形的平面,平面上有着圆形的凸凹部分。这个带着各种凸凹的装置,如果设置于草地,人们能够直接坐在草地上、或装置(家具)上。根据圆形的大小和所坐位置的不同,使用者可以感知到与周围人们的“距离”:选择坐在大圆里,方便与身边的人交谈;选择坐在小圆里,方便与对面的人交谈;坐在凸起的部分,则可以面朝外部。





In the definition of “Public Furniture”, “Public” and “Furniture” are inseparably interconnected.

The very first proposal was a square plane with round convexes and concave. If we place the installation with convexes and concaves on the grass, people can choose to sit on the grass or furniture directly, or sit on the embossment instead.According to different sizes and locations of these round shapes, users may sense the “distance” from other people around. Sitting inside of the big round shape is convenient to communicate with people next to you. Sitting inside of the small round shape is easy to talk with people facing you. Sitting on the embossment makes you face outwards.

However, according to the problem of cost, we finally decided to choose bamboo instead of iron plate or wire mesh as initially considered. By keeping the original design concept, we readjust the shape and choose bamboo structure according to the characteristics of bamboo and suggestions from bamboo handicraftsman. In the final proposal, several triangle units generate different sized round shapes by using plural combinations. Consequently, the pattern of this project is born. This system can expand without limitations no matter how big the site is.

On the site of 751, this project uses 8 units.With a combination of these eight units, one large round shape and one small round shape have showed up. This furniture can be sat on, leant at or slept on. Due to different sizes and locations of these round shapes, relationships between the people changed with them. It complies with the original proposal.

This furniture, as public furniture, combines with chairs and tables. The furniture itself has a simple shape. However different ways of using it generate new relationships between people. In return, people will add more options of using the furniture according to their free consciousness. This furniture “circle” is not fixed by a single way of usage. Thanks to its vague shape, people can decide their own way of using it. This interactive relation between furniture and people also represent its publicity. The design didn’t end at the completion of the project. It ends at different forms of usage chosen by people.


策展人:Lico Fang



中国古建筑往往的以为“青灰”为主,而西方建筑多以“红土”为底色,自秦汉起青砖即作为建筑材料出现在人们生活中,历经三千多年,它始终深得人们偏爱,并与我们的生活息息相关,能有如此悠远的魅力是源于青砖自身独特的色彩、质感和尺度。青砖往往给人以素雅,沉稳,古朴,宁静的美感, 表面光滑,四角呈直角,结构完美,抗压耐磨,由粘土烧制而成,有极强的粘性,抗冻性好,不变形,不变色的特点。但由于混泥土砌砖的尺寸更符合我们的设计,它的质感和色彩与青砖差异不大,加之供应与回收利用渠道便捷,经过一番斟酌,在材料的选择上我们最终采用了标准建筑用材中的混泥土砌砖代替青砖,规格为200mm*200mm*60mm。



The ”forum”, employed with parametric design, represents a rhythm of “moving”. It builds up a “public assembly stage” which implies the beginning of human civilization. As forums among ancient Greek city states, the way of solving conflicts changed from violent method to meeting, discussing, negotiating and contracting in order to promote the development of society.

“Slim grey” used to take major portion of ancient Chinese architectures unlike “soil red” in most western architectures. Ever since black brick showed up as an architectural material from Qing and Han Dynasties, it was deeply preferred and greatly involved in our lives. The enduring glamour rooted from its unique color, texture and dimension. Black brick is usually defined as simple, elegant, ancient, quiet and profound. It has smooth surface, perfect structure, high compression and corrosion resistance, good frost resistance and strong stickiness. Since concrete brick has a more suitable dimension to our design and little texture and color differences with black brick, we finally adopted the concrete brick in the standard architectural materials instead of black bricks after considering its convenient supply and recycle, sized as 200mm*200mm*60mm.

This whole project, from site selection and measurement to bricklaying, was fulfilled by our architects by hand. Due to the parametric design, each brick locates different from each other. Some are just several centimeters apart. During bricklaying process, the settlement and reinforcement of bricks are controlled detail by detail by simply using knifes and sands. Along with the completion of the project, relationship between people and relationship between people and the project are greatly improved.

As lots of advanced materials and high technologies were adopted, architecture field, from design concept to actual implement process, has been through a qualitative change. Parametric design, robotic arm, 3D printer and etc. are introduced to architectural design and construction step by step. Masonry, as it is hard to meet with the development of urbanization, may only exist in some particular area such as countryside. However, traditional architectural materials and technologies hold people’s “historical complex” together. Their rejuvenation will promote the development of architectural culture again. A century ago, only craftsmen were in charge of building instead of real architect in nowadays. Normal and anonymous architectures are the one that can really connect with your heart. An important direction for architects to move forward is to turn normal and build up subtle and touching architectures.


肖涌锋 方轶楠 何克亮 孙龙祥 赖君洲 邓凯 李骜

薛冰 赵鹏 邓巾一 王晶冰 唐璐

北京交通大学 建筑系的志愿者朋友





三联生活周刊 思想专栏作家 薛巍(贝小戎)


Crystal Design



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