发布时间:2021-11-16 13:49:34 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

▼视频,video ©HLA天华景观|THLA Tianhua Landscape

上海城市空间艺术季(SUSAS),是上海市一年一度的开放式艺术&设计展览。2021年艺术季围绕“15分钟社区生活圈-人民城市”,在全市多个社区同时开展。其中徐汇田林展区以“花开蒲汇塘”为主题构建了一处缤纷的社区展场。 THLA天华景观在田林展场打造了一场“绿梦”,希望借此去唤醒绿色生活记忆,创造生态城市社区共治的愿景。

Shanghai Urban Space Art Season (SUSAS) is an annual open art & design exhibition in Shanghai. The 2021 art season is curated around the “15-Minute Community Life Circle-People’s City”and is host simultaneously in multiple communities throughout the city. Among them, the Xuhui Tianlin Pavilion has built a colorful community exhibition venue with the theme of “Flowers blooming in Puhuitang”. THLA Tianhua Landscape has created a “Green Dream” in Tianlin Pavilion, hoping to wake up green living memory and create a vision of eco-urban community.

▼从城市街道看向“绿梦”,veiw to the “green dream” from the urban street ©THLA Tianhua Landscape


In the early post-liberation period of 1950s, Shanghai planned to build a series of industrial zones, the “Factory as Home” Workers’ New Village gradually formed. The predecessor of Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2021(SUSAS)Tianlin Pavilion    was the Qingqing Flower, Bird, Fish and Insects Market adjacent to Workers’New Village, is an important recreational shopping destination. Qingqing Flower and Bird Market once carried the dual functions of consumption and ornamentation, and penetrated into the lives of the citizens. But also in a round of urban renewal process, due to fire prevention, epidemic prevention and other safety hazards gradually withdrew from the historical stage. On February 20, 2019, the Qingqing Flower, Bird, Fish and Insects Market was officially closed.

▼设计概念,design concept ©THLA天华景观|THLA Tianhua Landscape


The noise of birds, fishes and Insects has gone far, but the arrival of the SUSAS has given new life to the faded market. The Tianlin Pavilion is divided into public exhibition areas of varying sizes both indoor and outdoor. The deign site is located in the interior of the main entrance of the exhibition area, adjacent to the service desk and the main entrance streamline, with very limited height and space.

▼场地紧邻服务台和主要入口流线,project adjacent to the service desk and the main entrance ©THLA Tianhua Landscape


Even if the venue is small and limited. We believe that imaginative convenience is boundless. As Mr. Li Xiangning, dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, a member of the Susas Committee, said, “From a big perspective, the city is an entire block, the lot, the plot, but at the same time it is also the smallest cell, the cells that is most closely related to our daily life. ”

▼项目概览,overall view of the project ©THLA Tianhua Landscape

Landscape(景观)一词源于荷兰语——lantscap,意指大地的形状。我们在思考和设计“绿梦”时,我们将整个徐汇区抽象出来,希望这个设计不仅包含了对最原始的Landscape第一自然(first nature)山川、草原、森林的微缩表现(present),也同时呈现对于第二自然(second nature)园林置石、爬藤天梯、镜像苍穹的超现实艺术表达(represent)。并且,基于SUSAS·15分钟生活圈的视角,回到一个小小场地去激活一个入口,“绿梦”更多的还是去传递应对当今城市建设及处理人与万物场域关系的世界观和方法论(strategies)。

The term ‘Landscape’ is derived from the Dutch word‘lantscap’, meaning the shape of the earth. When we thinking and designing the “Green Dream”, we abstract the whole area of Xuhui District, hoping that this design not only includes a miniature representation of the most primitive Landscape (First Nature) mountains, grasslands, and forests, but also presents a surreal artistic scenario (Second Nature) with landscape stoning, vine climbing ladders and mirrored sky. Moreover, based on the perspective of the SUSAS 15-Minute Living Circle, returning to a small site to activate an entrance “Green Dream” or more to convey the world view and methodology to deal with the urban development and the relationship between people and everything.

▼镜面天花与微缩景观 mirrored ceiling and the micro landscape ©THLA Tianhua Landscape

▼爬藤天梯,vine ladder ©THLA Tianhua Landscape


“Green Dream” evokes a kind of surreal dreamland in the community. This dream is both illusory and real. Considering our current carbon neutrality, urban renewal and community rejuvenation, the “Green Dream” has created a permanent, transformative, interactive field of the environment. At the same time, it also describes that landscape has become a basic part of the current urban construction development. Through this horizontal but with a rich carrier, we have organized and extended our communities and cities.

▼梦境般的微缩景观,micro landscape like a dream ©THLA Tianhua Landscape


The sound of flowers, birds, fish and insects in the old market has drifted far away, but the bleating of the sheep reverberating in the wilderness will be heard by you by the bed. Moss of varying depth lay on the contour of Xuhui District, simulating the high and low rolling wild plains and mountains, also flowing to the side of white clouds. The irregular shape of clouds also inspires different ways of using them: slide, lounge chair, seesaw, jumping platform, etc. We have to say that children’s imagination always transcends design. The ladder and the stones break free from the shackles of gravity in the dream, and lead view to the sky. The black hole-like mirrored roof was pre-fabricated through master manual forging, welding,grinding, on-site fixation, and finally presents a coherent, dreamy mirror reflection.

▼微缩景观细部,details of the micro landscape ©THLA Tianhua Landscape


The wilderness is a dream of the city. With the dream of returning to nature, create a free and open space where everyone can lie down and dream. We hope that you, busy, will have a moment of rest in this green dream, overlooking the fields, looking up at the sky through the forest, and talking to every species. And we are delighted to see that this dream is seamlessly connected to reality and becomes a hot spot in the exhibition. Because even if the space is small, it can return to the vision of urbanism, bringing nature and the public back to the community, back to life.

▼人与景观的互动,interaction between people and the landscape ©THLA Tianhua Landscape

▼绿色带给城市居民休憩的空间,greenery creating a recreational space for the citizens ©THLA Tianhua Landscape

▼孩童在项目中玩耍、休息,children playing and resting in the project ©THLA Tianhua Landscape

▼细部,details ©THLA Tianhua Landscape



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