发布时间:2018-04-18 06:29:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Superimpose designed an exhibition centre for Changzhi, a third tier city in Shanxi Province of China. Under the prevailing economic and urban transformation in China, Changzhi faces suburbanisation, which is effecting into a new CBD. The main design challenge for Superimpose was to either erase the current city fabric or try to preserve the province’s fewest remaining industrial heritage.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building

▼改造后的室内空间,interior space after renovation

优思建筑负责长治市CBD的设计,而CBD的规划位置,恰好位于15座轴承厂房区域。这片厂区修建于1945年解放战争时期,有着70年之久的历史,是长治市极具文化价值和历史代表性的文化遗产。甲方于2011年通过拍卖成功地获得了这片土地。在当今经济压力下,甲方和当局计划了一个全新的城市发展方向,却忽视了遗留产物能带来的实际价值。优思建筑坚信,保护及重饰文化产物的形式与城市发展是可以并存的。为了说服甲方和政府保留老厂房,优思建筑借鉴和展示了国内与国际的一些成功案例,如北京798艺术园和1933上海屠宰场。甲方在文化遗产周边的开发区域,也会因此增值不少,与甲方的市场团队营销构想达成一致。实际上优思建筑说服了政府和甲方保留了至少70%的文化遗产,并成功的转型为“文化创意园”。作为“文化创意园”的一部分,优思建筑在老厂房的第一处也是最大规模的改造成果区域 —-“长治博览中心”,主要功能:展览中心,政府会议中心, 办公空间和大礼堂。

Superimpose was appointed to take part in the CBD design. The future CBD is planned on a site, which has more than 15 former bearing factories built in 1945 for the Liberation War. The 70 years old heritage embodies a significant historical and cultural value. In 2011, the client successfully acquired the land through auction. With recent economic pressure the client and authorities planned a completely new urban development, ignoring the actual added value of the heritage. Superimpose strongly believes city growth can be carried out in the form of preservation and regeneration. In order to convince client and government to preserve instead of demolish, Superimpose referenced to successful local and international regeneration examples, such as 798 Beijing Art District and 1933 Shanghai Slaughter House. Cultural heritage as added value to the surrounding developments, owned by the same client, generated vision alignment with the client’s marketing team. Eventually Superimpose successfully convinced both authorities and client to preserve and revitalise at least 70% of heritage into a “Cultural Hub”. As part of this ‘cultural hub’, Superimpose regenerated the first and the largest of the former factories into the ‘Changzhi City Expo’, which will host as an exhibition centre, a government-meeting centre, office spaces and an auditorium.

▼建筑外观,保留老厂房,将其改造为博览中心,external of the building, remaining the appearance of the historical factory and transforming it into an exhibition center


Superimpose’s main design strategy for the ‘City Expo’ was to investigate the original distinctive elements of the factory and insert minimum architectural interventions to restore the spatial quality and simultaneously provide the required programmatic functionality of the exhibition. Key features of the factory are the repetitive structural frames, the unique and wall-painted propaganda slogans, and rhythmic façade openings. The original brick façade is robust, rhythmic and designed for industrial purposes. To adapt and accommodate the current needs, a level of intervention is introduced to the facade.

▼建筑立面,保留厂房特有元素,融入当代建筑设计,facade, restoring the original elements while inserting modern architectural interventions


The original load bearing factory façade was concealed by an office extension on the east side of the factory that had a comparatively denser grid wall structure. Superimpose proposed a veranda by removing all the interior subdivisions of the extension, revealing the original factory façade and made this into the main entrance of the Exhibition Centre. The essence of the extension is kept by framing the original windows and doors without any infill. The glass roof veranda offers a sequential arrival space, which pronounces the main entrance and promotes accessibility. The repetitive nature of the South façade is emphasized by replacement of protruded black aluminum frames and clear double glazed windows, with operable pivot doors for outdoor events.

▼黑框玻璃强调立面节奏,black framed windows emphasize the facade

▼半开敞的入口空间,open entrance space

优思建筑没有对厂房水泥地面进行任何挖掘,而是在水泥地上方设计了一个宽敞,位于正中央的抬升 “T台”。“T台”横跨东西两面,连接了整个展览中心。同时抬升的“T台”也巧妙地隐藏了所有的电线和管道系统。

For the interior Superimpose proposed a wide central ‘catwalk’ which hovers above the existing concrete floor. This catwalk spans from the East entrance to the West of the factory and connects the entire exhibition program. At the same time the raised ‘catwalk’ provides a smart solution to hide all the ductworks and cables without excavating into the existing floor.

▼轴测图,“T台”贯穿横跨建筑东西,axonometric drawing, the “cat walk” spans from the east entrance to the west

▼东入口,east entrace

▼水泥地面上设置“T台”,未挖掘原有地面,”cat walk” on the existing concrete floor


Coinciding with the central catwalk, a white ‘veil’ metal mesh is hung from the ceiling. The ‘veil’ is hung in between the repetitive beams and columns, articulating the rhythmic structure of the architecture. The application of the ‘veil’ helps softening the industrial space. It filters the daylight from the roof light and defines a human scale within the vast space. Light fixtures are placed in between and above the mesh, creating multiple light configurations for different occasions during the evening. A mezzanine level is strategically introduced to utilised the double height space. While the ground level is for public, the mezzanine level retains privacy for open plan workspaces, library and enclosed meeting space.

▼宽敞开放的室内空间,open and spacious interior space

▼悬垂的白色金属网与白色“T台”相呼应,柔化空间的工业感,white metal mesh hung from the ceiling responds to the white “cat walk”, soften the industrial feeling of the space


Superimpose’s ‘RE-VEIL’ started with a vision to challenge urbanisation in the fastest growing country in the world. The project is a benchmark for similar cities in China, which are undergoing prompt urban planning decisions with cultural heritage. Superimpose embraces the original architectural qualities of the factories by overlaying them with carefully considered and minimalistic modifications and interventions. Materials and labour are all locally resourced and taken into account in the early stages of the design process.

▼谨慎介入,保留厂房原本的建筑品质,embrace the original architectural qualities of the factory by careful interventions

▼具有时代感的标语,unique slogans


Superimpose wants to celebrate cultural heritage and create places for the people and property that simultaneously helps clients and governments to reach their targets. One of the historic propaganda slogans in the Changzhi Expo states in big red characters: ‘大胜利’ which means, big victory. Superimpose hopes that the Changzhi Expo is a big victory, leading to plenty more successful heritage transformations to come.

▼夜景,night view

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan

▼二层平面图,first floor plan



▼室内剖透视,perspective section of the interior

▼立面玻璃细部,details of the window

项目: Re-Veil 类型: 工厂改造

图片版权: Marc Goodwin (@archmospheres) and Valentin Racko

Project Name: Re-Veil Project Type: Factory regeneration

Photographer Credits: Marc Goodwin (@archmospheres) and Superimpose


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