发布时间:2022-03-10 09:41:44 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
亮粉色屋顶平台,143 级楼梯连接地面,宽敞空间,博伊曼斯·范·伯宁恩博物馆公共艺术仓库全景。

今年夏天,位于鹿特丹的荷兰新研究所 (Het Nieuwe Instituut) 将迎来一座亮粉色的屋顶活动平台,这座临时的平台设置在高29米的屋顶上,由一条143级台阶的楼梯连通地面。MVRDV受荷兰新研究所的委托,设计这个面积达600平方米的空间,为鹿特丹的各种机构和创意团体提供活动场地。

This summer, a new temporary event location will grace the roof of Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam. At a height of 29 metres – accessed via a 143-step staircase – The Podium’s visibility will be increased by its striking pink colour. Het Nieuwe Instituut commissioned MVRDV to create the 600-square-metre event space, which will be programmed by a variety of Rotterdam institutions and creatives.

▼项目鸟瞰,Aerial view © MVRDV

原有的屋顶空间从未向公众开放,改建后的The Podium 将为公众带来一个全新的视角去感受与体验建筑、城市、博物馆公园(the Museumpark)和新研究所。The Podium将于6月1日正式对外开放,同时成为鹿特丹建筑月的核心活动场所,并将于8月17日关闭。

Enabling the use of a rooftop that has never before been accessible to the public, the Podium offers a unique opportunity to experience architecture, the city, the Museumpark and Het Nieuwe Instituut from a completely new perspective. The Podium will open on June 1st, forming the heart of the Rotterdam Architecture Month Festival, and it will continue to be used for events until August 17th.

▼轴测示意:交通路径,Scheme circulation © MVRDV

鹿特丹的屋顶空间有着巨大的潜力,特别是像荷兰新研究所屋顶这样的闲置空间。从Jo Coenen设计的荷兰新研究所的独特棚架上,人们可以饱览鹿特丹的全景,这激发了MVRDV的设计灵感,在其高达29米的屋顶上打造了一个600平米、可以容纳各种活动和聚会的平台。人们可以在此一览城市风貌,包括博物馆公园和一旁由MVRDV刚刚完成的博伊曼斯·范·伯宁恩博物馆公共艺术仓库 (Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen,简称Depot公共艺术仓库)。

The roofs of Rotterdam have enormous potential, especially those of Het Nieuwe Instituut. With the panoramic view from its distinctive pergola, the building by Jo Coenen inspired the design team to create a platform 29 metres high. At 600 square metres, the platform is large enough to host a variety of events and meetings. It offers a view of the city, of the Museumpark, and of the neighbouring MVRDV-designed Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen.

▼MVRDV设计的这座29米高空的屋顶平台,灵感源自由荷兰著名建筑师Jo Coenen曾经为荷兰新研究所设计的独特棚架 © MVRDV With its distinctive pergola, the design of Het Nieuwe Instituut by Jo Coenen inspired the team to create a platform 29 metres high

The Podium的搭建将采用脚手架结构,地板材料在活动结束后可回收利用。人们可以通过外部楼梯、临时电梯或从正在顶层展出的–由MVRDV和新研究所策展团队策划的MVRDV回顾展览:「MVRDVHNI: The Living Archive」抵达屋顶平台。The Podium表达了新研究所普及建筑文化的雄心壮志,同时也展示了MVRDV更好地利用城市屋顶的决心。激活屋顶空间是增加城市密度的一种重要方法,延缓城市过度扩张、实现城市的可持续发展,同时增加绿化、水管理和必要的建筑功能。

The Podium will be made on a structure of scaffolding with floor finishes that can later be recycled. It will be accessed by an exterior staircase, a temporary elevator, or via The Living Archive of a Studio – a collaborative exhibition curated by MVRDV and HNI that shows MVRDV’s early works – which is currently on display on the top floor. The Podium represents the ambition of Het Nieuwe Instituut to increase public knowledge about architecture. It is also a demonstration of MVRDV’s ambition to make better use of the city’s rooftops, an important approach to densifying the city that will allow it to develop sustainably by preventing urban sprawl while creating opportunities to add greenery, water management, and much-needed building functions.

▼The Podium可以一览城市风貌,包括博物馆公园和一旁由MVRDV设计的Depot公共艺术仓库的全景,The Podium offers a view of the city, of the Museumpark, and of the neighbouring MVRDV-designed Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen © MVRDV

6月1日,The Podium将迎来建成后的第一个使用者——鹿特丹建筑月。在此期间,The Podium将成为建筑月的核心场所,举办以建筑为主题的讲座、参观、电影等各项活动。7月和8月,The Podium将陆续开放其他活动,包括体育课程、屋顶晚宴和专门为儿童设计的项目。

The first user of The Podium will be Rotterdam Architecture Month, which starts on June 1st. Throughout the month, The Podium will be the heart of the festival, hosting lectures, tours, films, and other activities focused on architecture. In July and August, The Podium will also be open for other activities, from sports classes and rooftop dinners to a programme specifically designed for children.

▼轴测示意:灵活的功能布局模式,Axon – the flexible schemes © MVRDV

The Podium展现了MVRDV在屋顶设计实践中所形成的一种经典手法:从不久前出版的《屋顶开发手册(the Rooftop Catalogue)》到2017年为庆祝鹿特丹城市重建75周年,在鹿特丹中央车站前广场设计的通往Groothandelsgebouw大楼屋顶的巨型楼梯 (Stairs to Kriterion),当时,这个装置吸引了超过35万名游客慕名参观。

在正式开放前,The Podium将在5月26日举办鹿特丹屋顶漫步(Rotterdam Rooftop Walk)的开幕仪式,这是鹿特丹屋顶日(Rotterdam Rooftop Days)活动中一项由MVRDV参与设计的屋顶激活计划。在活动期间,人们可以自由进出市中心内一些平日并不对外开放的屋顶空间,体验如何通过利用屋顶空间为城市和居民创造更美好的未来。

除此之外,屋顶漫步活动还具有象征意义和教育目的:旨在向人们展示屋顶空间的潜力和激活它们的必要性。这也符合鹿特丹市政府为城市大面积平屋顶赋能的雄心:包括公共规划、蓄水、能源生产或绿化。可持续性也是鹿特丹屋顶漫步的一个重要因素,其中开放的屋顶所采用的临时搭建材料都会像The Podium一样将被重复使用。

▼醒目的亮粉色为The podium赋予强烈的视觉冲击力,The Podium’s visibility will be increased by its striking pink colour © MVRDV

The installation is part of a tradition MVRDV has now established in rooftop programming; from the Rooftop Catalogue to the Stairs to Kriterion, the staircase to the roof of the Groothandelsgebouw that marked the celebration of 75 years of reconstruction, and which attracted over 350,000 visitors in 2017.

Right before The Podium, May 26th will see the opening of the Rotterdam Rooftop Walk, an initiative of the Rotterdam Rooftop Days with a design by MVRDV. This installation will give free access for a month to a series of neighbouring roofs in the city centre that are normally closed to the public, allowing visitors to experience how making use of the rooftops can contribute to a better future for cities and city dwellers.

The Rooftop Walk also has symbolic and educational objectives, with the intention of showing people the potential of rooftops and the need to make better use of them. This fits in with Rotterdam’s ambition to give the large area of flat roofs in the city a function: public programming, water storage, energy production, or greenery. Sustainability is also an important factor for the Rotterdam Rooftop Walk; like The Podium, the material from the rooftop walk will be reused.

▼平面布局1,Floor plan 1 © MVRDV

▼平面布局2,Floor plan 2 © MVRDV

▼平面布局3,Floor plan 3 © MVRDV

▼平面布局4,Floor plan 4 © MVRDV

The Podium的实现是由Dura Vermeer建筑工程,Dutch Steigers材料,Fonds 21基金会,鹿特丹市政府,荷兰MVRDV建筑规划事务所,鹿特丹建筑月,Rotterdam Festivals,Rotterdam Partners,Stichtin Job Dura基金会,Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot基金会,Stichting Volkskracht基金会和VriendenLoterij基金会的共同努力而达成。

The Podium at Het Nieuwe Instituut is made possible in part by Dura Vermeer, Dutch Steigers, Fonds 21, the City of Rotterdam, MVRDV, Rotterdam Architecture Month, Rotterdam Festivals, Rotterdam Partners, Stichting Job Dura Fonds, Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot, Stichting Volkskracht, and the VriendenLoterij.


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