发布时间:2019-01-15 18:42:12 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

新建的垂直社区往往面临配套设施匮乏,公共空间缺失等问题。在这样的背景下,社区商业正成为新兴的社交场所。 这一现象在多代混住的小户型社区尤为明显。

In newly-built vertical communities such as southwest Shenyang, where adequate facilities and public spaces are often lacking, neighbourhood malls have become popular meeting places. This is particularly evident where homes are small and multi-generational living is common.

▼商场外观,一个带有强烈社区氛围的儿童主题商场,exterior view, the mall is a kid’s themed mall with a strong community vibe


Since walkability has become an increasingly desirable lifestyle choice, “Play Stack” has been designed with a focus on accessibility. The design functions as a hub, with a strong community vibe by offering a place to share quality time with friends and family in this recently built city quarter. It’s the attempt to create a model for a ‘third place’ – an enjoyable gathering spot in addition to home and work. Clou architects started the concept design for the 31,000 square-meter building back in May of 2016. Shenyang “Play Stack” opened to the public in October of 2018.

▼俯瞰图,功能多变的屋顶平台可以被用来举办一系列不同的季节性活动,the aerial view, the roof platform is flexible in its use and will be host to a variety of seasonal events

▼俯视图局部,错落的体量由一系列连续的室外台阶串联,直达屋顶,details of the aerial view, terraced volumes and connecting staircases are threaded into a continuous exterior path which leads to a large rooftop deck

“叠叠乐”是一个由一系列充满趣味性彩色盒子组成的儿童主题商场。错落的体量由一系列连续的室外台阶串联成一条充满惊奇发现的路径,直达屋顶。这样的步行体验为沈阳南部新城编织起了一个立体错落的公共社交空间。功能多变的屋顶平台可以被用来举办一系列不同的季节性活动。这种对公共空间的关注, 意在探索社区商业所能承载的除商业活动以外的社会属性。正如CLOU的设计总监Jan F. Clostermann所说,“一个被合理设计和赋予意义的建筑,可以成为增强社区凝聚力的纽带。”

▼商场外观,由一系列充满趣味性彩色盒子组成,exterior view, the mall is envisioned as an arrangement of piled up boxes containing playful elements

▼商场外观,外立面使用玻璃幕墙,照映出周围的城市景观,exterior view, the curtain wall facade reflects the surrounding urban environment

“Play Stack” is a kid’s themed mall which was envisioned as an arrangement of piled up boxes containing playful elements. Terraced volumes and connecting staircases are threaded into a continuous exterior path which leads to a large rooftop deck. The walkways weave these spaces into a pedestrian network that can lend its support to the developing public domain of southwest Shenyang. Flexible in its use, the roof platform will be host to a variety of seasonal events. By dedicating space that isn’t necessarily retail, ‘Play Stack’ tries to find an audience beyond shoppers. “These spaces provide extra opportunities and when properly designed and cared for, they can assist in bringing communities together,” says Jan F. Clostermann, Director of CLOU.

▼商场外立面局部,part of the view of the exterior facade

▼商场室外空间,室外平台不仅可以连接功能空间,更为顾客提供了观赏城市景观的空间,the exterior platform connects different function spaces, as well as provides customers with the space to enjoy the urban scenery

▼商场外观局部,detailed exterior views

▼外立面细节,details of the exterior facade


▼室内中庭,利用一点透视的原理,将中庭和走廊中分散的圆形图案整合了起来,the interior atrium, playing with optical illusions to make the scattered shapes form perfect circles from specific viewpoints

Seeking to appeal to children and their families, the interior design features abstracted images of planets and space travel to encourage exploration. The design of the atrium space plays with optical illusions by projecting parts of circular shapes on atrium galleries, walls and ceilings, distinguishing them with color and timber finishes. The scattered shapes form perfect circles from specific viewpoints. Customers are engaged in discovering these viewpoints and capturing their experience on their camera phone. Within the restrooms stripes of black and red infinitely repeat in mirrors evoking cinematic depictions of traveling at light speed.

▼室内空间,围绕中庭布置,the interior space is organized surrounding the atrium

“设计通过将墨守成规的行为转换为儿童与大人共同体验的趣味性经历,从而寻求拓展公共空间的潜力与可能性,”CLOU总监Jan F. Clostermann讲到。

“The design looks to turns routine activities into playful experiences for kids and adults alike,” says Jan F. Clostermann, Director of CLOU.

▼洗手间,使用红黑相间的条纹图案和镜面,创造一种仿佛在光速中穿梭于太空的电影场景感,the restroom, stripes of black and red infinitely repeat in mirrors evoking cinematic depictions of traveling at light speed

▼疏散通道采用蓝白相间的图案,营造出一种极具趣味性的视觉体验,the egress uses the pattern of blue and white, creating an interesting visual effect

▼商场夜景,night view

Name: Shenyang Play Stack

Type: Shopping Mall

Commission: 2016

Construction Start: 2017

Completion: 2018

Client: Vanke Shenyang

Location: Shenyang, Liaoning Province, P.R. China

Site Area: approx. 12,600 sqm

Construction Area: approx. 31,000 sqm above ground, approx. 20,000 sqm below ground

Program: Retail, Children’s Education, F&B, Supermarket

Design Architect: CLOU architects

Design Director: Jan F. Clostermann

Director Interiors: Jian Yun Wu

Partner: Christian Taeubert

Associate in Charge: Lin Li

Team Architecture: Sebastian Loaiza, Tiago Tavares

Team Interiors: Christopher Biggin, Christoffer Breitenbauch, Zhao Jingshuang, Tom Lin, Sebastian Loaiza, Ani Safaryan, Principia Wardhani, Ally Yen

Photographer: Shuhe


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