发布时间:2022-08-14 15:44:40 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

CONCISE-WHITE简白作为推崇简单精致生活方式理念的女装品牌,注重工艺里的每一个细节的处理与运用,用褶皱面料包裹身体 淡雅色彩做拼接在细节处给穿着者最大的体验感。

CONCISE-WHITE, as a women's clothing brand that advocates the concept of simplicity and minimalism in lifestyle, prioritizes the processing and application o thoughtful details in the craftsmanship, techniques such as wrapping the body with pleated fabrics, and stitches together in the details to amplify the sensual experience.

BLACK ONION工作室负责CONCISE-WHITE旗舰店空间设计规划,以品牌根基-追求时装美学里的平衡概念为基础,将创意理念由内部空间重塑伸至建筑外立面,带来简洁理性令人深刻的空间,雕刻街道的独特轮廓,一封献给城市的情书。

BLACK ONION studio is responsible for the space design and planning of the flagship store. Based on the brand's philosophy - the pursuit of the concept of balance in fashion aesthetics, the key value is re-interpreted from the interior space to the building facade, bringing simplicity and rationality. The space, sculpting the unique silhouette of the street, is a love letter to the city from the creative studio.

CONCISE-WHITE旗舰店选址于宁波东部新城海晏北路转角,毗邻阪急百货和宁波最高楼中心大厦,西侧为高技派建筑师“Richard Rogers”所设计高层住宅。针对门店复杂高耸的城市肌理,CONCISE-WHITE空间设计跳脱传统时装零售店模式,但也并未急于跟随当代快速变化的奇特潮流造型和不同时期的色彩偏好,而是灵感源于高技派建筑师“Renzo Piano”,“Richard Rogers”和“Renzo Piano”两位高技派大师再次对话,以现代主义建筑作为对城市商业的回应。

The store is situated at the corner of Haiyan North Road, a new city in the east of Ningbo, adjacent to Hankyu Department Store and Ningbo's tallest building as well as the residential tower designed by Richard Rogers. Inspired by the complex and interweaving urban landscape, the retail space design departs from the traditional fashion retail store model, it is not eager to follow the rapidly changing peculiar trends and color preferences of different periods, but is inspired by the great mind of high-tech architecture, Italian architect Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano, two high-tech masters, share a dialogue again,  using the modernist ideology as a gift to response to the ever-evolving urban commerce.

门店立面选用灰色富有肌理的石材搭配玉石夹胶玻璃。最引人注目的是入口处两块2.4m×4.8m超大定制单片玻璃,其轻盈的外立面造型来自强有力的支撑构建,同Piperstudio工作室深度合作共同完成最初的结构造型设想。而外遮阳卷帘钢绳升降系统,可以追溯至“Renzo Piano”在其热那亚工作室中遮阳系统创新性的运用。并且设计师选用经典的“RPBW”绿色,作为对其致敬。

The facade of the store is made of gray and textured natural stone and jade laminated glass. The most striking design feature is the two pieces of 2.4m×4.8m oversized single-panel glass at the entrance. The light-weight look of the façade shape is supported by the strong steel framing construction. The exterior curtain wall design is a collaborative engineering process between BLACK ONION and the Piperstudio studio. The steel rope lifting system of the external sunshade can be traced back to the innovative use of the sunshade system by "Renzo Piano" in its Genoa studio. And the designer chose the classic "RPBW" green as a tribute to it.


The use of natural stone, white fabric and glass materials and large-area floor-to-ceiling glass windows form a light and multi-layered texture to mimic clothing folds and pleats, creating a rational and quiet modernist architectural atmosphere, Bright glass reveals the soft colors and textures of the space, inviting you to step inside. The glass entry portal serves as a connecting gray space, transitioning guest from the towering noisy street to the peaceful and serene interior.


The L-shaped space with many structural columns and shafts presents a number of challenges for the designers. How to maximize the retail space and reduce the presence of the column in the space is a crucial task at the beginning of the design. The designer planned the dressing room and the storage room to the west side. The salon/lounge area is located outside the fitting room and the floor-to-ceiling glass provides amazing natural light. The cashier is located in a separate space on the north side, so that the fashion display area becomes the main space and occupies the center.


The material and color of the space are simple and restrained, and rich at the same time. The same stone is used on both interior walls and the facade. The uniquely honed texture of the stone evokes the concept of clothing-like hand-spun touch, which brings order and calmness to the space. White paint on the walls is treated like the blank canvas space in the painting. The full height mirrored surface conceals the solid columns of the building by and the space is further expanded visually by reflections. The ground is covered with light-colored narrow wooden floors, showing an exquisite interpretation of femininity.

灯光作为时装零售的重要一环,Black Onion摒弃传统零售中常见轨道筒灯密集布置灯光方式,以柔和通透的间接照明作为主光源。顶部采用白色织物通过定制构建均匀铺陈,将顶部杂乱管道遮掩,使其脱离天花成为独立存在的简洁造型,灯光源通过精心挑选的布料散发出渐变柔光,为时装挑选带来静谧的舒适感。

Lighting is the key to successful fashion retail stores. Black Onion abandons the dense lighting arrangement of track downlights commonly used in traditional retail designs, and uses soft and transparent indirect lighting as the ambient light source. The ceiling system is made of white fabric and evenly spread through customized metal frames, hiding the ducts on the top. The light source emits gradual and soft light through carefully selected fabrics, bringing a calm and museum-like feeling onto the garments.

Black Onion希翼将CONCISE-WHITE旗舰店营造出画廊般纯粹的简洁空间特质,以建筑的恒久感来应对时装潮流变化。

Black Onion hopes that the CONCISE-WHITE flagship store will create a pure and concise space like a gallery, and respond to fast-changing fashion trends with a sense of timelessness of the great architectures.




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