发布时间:2023-12-21 06:11:58 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



Non-standard Renovation of Standard Commercial Complex


在近 20 年的地产浪潮中,商业建筑已经形成一定程度的标准设计范式。这些追求资源集约管理与高效利用的范式在当时的经济环境中并无不妥。然而较长的建造周期使这些商业规划在多年后落地时却要面临早已变化的市场环境。此时的人们正为了适应新的变化,重新进入了一段非标准化产品不断涌现的探索时期。体验性,文化认同,创意表达都成为了潜在的新诉求。因此现存场所的进化便成为亟待解决的新课题。本案所探讨的正是基于新需求下的空间机能重组,不盲循固有范式,让场所回归其应有的属性。思考如何在现存的秩序中植入一行轻量的“代码”去盘活整个社区的商业生态。

In the recent two decades of real estate development, commercial buildings have adopted a certain level of standard design paradigm. These paradigms, aiming for resource-efficient management and effective utilization, were reasonable in the economic context of that time. However, these commercial plans are facing a market environment that has already evolved when they are implemented after a long construction period. People are currently exploring a period of non-standardized products, driven by new demands for experiential spaces, cultural identity, and creative expression. The evolution of existing spaces becomes a pressing new challenge. This project explores space functionality reorganization based on new demands, avoiding following standard paradigms but allowing places to reclaim their inherent attributes. The key consideration is how to insert a lightweight "code" into the existing order to revitalize the entire community’s commercial ecosystem.


From Paradigm Products to Characteristic Block




The project is located in the BlockB of LuxeZone, where two set back podiums of 2 towers form a relatively enclosed plaza commercial area. The block was nearing completion when design team intervened. The site had typical features of commercial public buildings: open plaza areas between buildings and second-floor terraces, extensive use of colorful glass curtain walls and aluminum panels, and a collage of materials and colors to brighten the large areas of gray-blue curtain wall base.



In commercial renovation projects, due to the different conditions of existing buildings, the experience from a previous successful case often cannot be directly applied. The design team’s work in such projects goes beyond blindly following the owner’s suggestions and immediately starting the design process. Instead, it involves a detailed "diagnosis" before "treating" the space, identifying the main issue of the space, and then adopting effective strategies to find the right way.


在本项目开始的时候项目团队面临三个问题:1. 要解决现状广场与露台空间的开放不聚气与消费行为所需要的聚合热闹在空间模式层面的差异问题。2.要修正现状街区上空商务冰冷的建筑立面与商业街区鲜活明快的需求在空间氛围层面所存在的偏差,3. 回归到人的层面,标准化设计带来的可能性的缺失,使场地现状与“主理人街区”这一定位十分违和。


The design team were facing three challenges at the beginning of this project:1. On space mode dimension, the current square are open to the sky which doesn’t fit the requirement to aggregate vibrancy for consumer activities.

2. On space atmosphere dimension, the current cold architectural facades doesn’t fit the requirement of a lively and dynamic commercial area.

3. Back to people relations, standard design brings the lack of possibilies, which cause the current project stands far away from the idea of "Owner’s Block"

Only by resolving these three issues could strengthen the place’s impression, providing enough energy to become a crucial piece in the diverse puzzle of Luxe Lake.



Owner’s Camping Ground

在商业改造项目中,招商运营的前置是重要且必要的,建筑空间设计在这个时候应当作为商业意图的具象化体现。因此设计团队所有的行动都围绕 “主理人街区” 这一商业定位展开,并以此不断丰富空间设计的内容与边界。

In commercial renovation projects, the preposition of investment and operation is important and necessary, architectural design should be the physical realization of commercial intention at this time. Therefore, all the actions of the design team goes around the commercial positioning of the "Owner’s Block", and in this way continuously enrich the content and boundaries of the spatial design.



Operators who can be called as "Owner-Principal" are individuals with passion, creativity, and a willingness to share a new lifestyle. The design team aims to bring out their positive aspects through space creation, encouraging them to step out of the store and explore more possibilities, ultimately fostering a cultural and spiritual identity that belongs to the community.




The design team believes that the convergence and dissemination of this value consensus will become a huge asset for the new generation commercial complex in the long run. This block should provide a shelter for the Owners beyond its commercial functions.



The White Settlement


Dealing with the chaotic current situation is a common challenge in commercial renovation. In the process of diagnosing the whole space, the design team recognized that the traditional way to rebuild the facade doesn’t work, then prompting a shift to upgrade the space mode. The strategy is to add structures to achieve erasure and whitespace. All new facilities implanted into the site were white, covering the original materials and color collage. This turned the neighborhood into a background and stage for the operators, offering a breathable white canvas for various businesses to showcase their design aesthetics and brand personalities.




This three-dimensional settlement is composed of surface, line and point system.

设计草图 ©未见筑


System1: Lightweight white canopies intervene into the site as surface, blocking the view interference from the massive towers above and lowering the height, forming a sheltered gray space. They create diverse outdoor space combinations of different scales around the square, meeting the various needs of different owners for outdoor layouts, and providing more possibilities for pedestrians to stay.




A comfortable transitional area is created between interior and exterior space. On visual dimension, different from the originally open and colorful collage, the continuous switching between solid and grid shielding cast light and shadow orderly scattered in the white space, forming a richer and more delicate hierarchy.

伞廊细节 ©存在建筑


System2: The linear continuous bar counters and outdoor furniture enriched the originally empty second-floor terrace. Combined with the overhead canopies, they provided diverse places for the owners and passing visitors to stay. The community does not become deserted when the crowd disperseshere, the place encourages ownersto step out of their shops, engage in conversations, take a short break, making the block not just a workplace but also a living space.



System3: On the point dimension, the open ground floor plaza is paved with a layer of changeable white matrix. Composed of movable flower boxes and tree boxes, they can be rearranged according to the outdoor layout requirements.




These matrices are also a set of large toys given to all the owners in the block, allowing them to operate and reorganize the place, making co-creation a habit and gradually growing the community into a platform for creative gathering.

广场点阵 ©未见筑


Finer Functional Experience


Paradigm design often focuses on the efficiency of resource utilization, and people are just one of many resources. However, new commercial models will explore people’s requirements and experiences more delicately, from optimizing traffic flow to embedding guidance signs, from providing shelter from wind and rain to offering places to stay, from the temperature of space to sunlight, air, and rain — these become the starting points of design. Breaking free from the top-down standard framework, detailed requirements lead to fulfilling functional experiences and deliver them precisely to each user.



The Birth of the Community


除了直接影响空间的“硬装”改造,设计团队还提供了诸多“软装”方案,进一步引导开业后的社群行为。如在场所中悬挂主理人自己的旗帜,布置可以由商家认领装饰的场地乔木,以及传递主理人情绪的幕墙贴纸方案 。

In addition to directly influencing the space’s "hardware" renovation, the design team provided various "soft layout" solutions to further guide post-opening community behaviors. For example, hanging the owners’ own flags in the place, arranging trees that can be claimed and decorated by businesses, and proposing wall stickers that convey the owners’ emotions.



The envisioned platform is one that can grow. Opening is just a node in the commercial process. The subsequent impacts and possibilities will accumulate over time and with the maturity of content mechanisms.



Behaviors Trigger



Different from traditional static commercial displays, the outdoor displays of Owner’sBlock focus more on triggering participant behaviors. Movable and rotating outdoor seats encourage owners to participate in creating the community space. Flags and stickers encourage more creative behaviors and self-expression. The extensive gray space provides a material platform and numerous possibilities for outdoor activities and layout. The experience of human behavior is the ultimate goal of design here.



The relationship between the new structures and existing building is crucial for project safety. The placement of all X and Y columns must meet the original load requirements without reinforcing the basement structure. Additionally, they need to avoid obstructing storefronts and signage.

X字柱、Y字柱伞廊构造 ©未见筑 (左滑)



The extensive white solid ceilings incorporate organized drainage, concealing rainwater gutters above the roof. The drainage system of the new structures seamlessly integrates with the existing ground drainage system through rainwater pipes or chains.




The overall project design and construction were tightly controlled, completing the construction within a six-month timeframe to effectively meet the operational milestones for leasing.


1F平面图 ©未见筑

2F平面图 ©未见筑

屋顶平面图 ©未见筑

剖面图 ©未见筑

项目名称:麓坊中心 主理人街区










Project Name: Luxe Zone Owner’s Block

Project Location: Sichuan, China

Client: Chengdu Wanhua Xincheng Development Co.,Ltd

ClientDesign Management: Chengdu Wanhua Xincheng Development Co.,Ltd (R&D Center)Design Unit: We Live ArchitectsDesign Content: Block Spatial Renovation, Landscape Renovation,Chief Designer: Bo Li,Weitao Li

Design Team: LiangLing Yang,Hongyu Chen, Pin Lv,Jingwen Fang, Hanyao Chen

Structure Consultant: Ting Cao

Lighting Consultant: BPI (Chengdu)Construction Team: Chengdu Dingxin Construction Co.,Ltd

Photography: Arch-Exist



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