发布时间:2021-05-22 20:29:18 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

2021年5月,约瑟夫和安妮·阿尔伯斯基金会与Le Korsa将为塞内加尔的坦巴昆达妇产科和儿科医院举行揭幕仪式——这是一个由著名建筑师Manuel Herz无偿设计的、具有变革意义的重要项目。

In May 2021 the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation and Le Korsa will unveil the new Maternity and Paediatric Hospital in Tambacounda, Senegal, a transformative development designed pro bono by acclaimed architect Manuel Herz.

▼项目概览,preview © Iwan Baan

关于医院 | The Hospital


新的妇产科和儿科医院的设计在带来连贯性的同时,显著地改善了病人及其探视家属的使用体验。Manuel Herz为医院设计了一个双层的曲线型体量,将儿科与妇产科两个科室结合在同一座建筑中,可提供约150个床位。建筑的充裕长度使得工作人员和病人能够顺利地通行,S型曲线在弯曲处形成庭院,加上各个房间之间的空隙,为医院带来多样的公共空间,最终构成整个医院的社会性轴线。

▼动线示意,Circulation © Manuel Herz Architects

In the field of health, the Tambacounda Hospital – the only major hospital in the region – is a vital resource servicing around 20,000 patients per year from the surrounding area, stretching across the border into Mali. The doctors had previously been working under extremely difficult conditions; with the original design leaving the communal spaces severely overcrowded.

The design of the new Maternity and Paediatric Hospital brings a sense of coherence and greatly improves the comfort of patients and their visiting families. Herz’s structure comprises a two-storey building in a curvilinear form which brings two clinics – paediatrics and maternity – together under the same roof and offers approximately 150 hospital beds. The extensive length of the building allows for the smooth circulation of staff and patients and accommodates multiple communal spaces both between the rooms and in the courtyards formed by the bends of the S-curve, turning it into the truly social spine of the hospital.

▼医院和周边环境鸟瞰,aerial view to the hospital and its surroundings © Iwan Baan

▼S型曲线在弯曲处形成庭院,the courtyards formed by the bends of the S-curve © Iwan Baan

Manuel Herz的设计 | Manuel Herz’s Design


▼气候设计示意,Diagram-Climate © Manuel Herz Architects

Herz’s design includes several passive climate design innovations to combat the challenges posed by the extremities of the local weather, and to help forgo the need for air conditioning. The building is characterised by a narrow width of only seven metres, a feature which allows for all the rooms to be aired and cooled naturally through cross ventilation. In addition, his mashrabiya-inspired use of lattice-like brickwork with apertures has the advantages of blocking sun and facilitating air circulation, whilst also giving the hospital its distinctive recurrent visual motif and its beautiful play of light and shade. A second roof covers the primary roof of the extension, repelling most of the direct sunlight and creating a chimney effect which draws the heat upwards and out of the rooms below.

▼带孔隙的格状砖墙兼具阻挡阳光和增强空气流通的优点 © Iwan Baan Lattice-like brickwork with apertures has the advantages of blocking sun and facilitating air circulation

▼弧形屋顶下方的休息空间,seating area sheltered by the curved roof © Iwan Baan

▼楼梯和立面细节,stairs and brick wall details © Iwan Baan

一个合作性的项目 | A Collaborative Project

Herz在项目的所有阶段均与当地领导人Magueye Ba博士保持合作,并向社区学习了专业知识和经验,几乎所有的工作都是与来自坦巴昆达和周围村庄的工匠及工程师共同完成,这也对当地就业和农村经济起到了一定的支持作用。项目的整体性有助于为医院之外的地区提供更多的基础设施。Herz和Magueye Ba博士在项目初期通过试验性的外墙来检验砖块在气候方面的功能性,随后还将此设计应用到了附近一所新学校的建造。此外,设计还关注了当地景观的敏感性,尽可能减少了对当地树木的破坏。在医院完工后,Herz还将建造医院的员工宿舍,以帮助和吸引更多来自该市的医生。

Herz has collaborated at all stages with local leader Dr. Magueye Ba and depended upon the expertise of the community, working almost exclusively with craftsmen and engineers from Tambacounda and the surrounding villages, and thereby helping to provide employment and support for the rural economy. The holistic nature of the project has helped generate further infrastructure for the area beyond the hospital; a test façade created at an early stage by Herz and Ba to examine how the bricks functioned in the climate was subsequently expanded to build a small new school for the neighbouring children.  In addition Herz  and his wife  have designed a playground, the first ever built in the city of Tambacounda. A sensitivity to the local landscape has also been a key facet of this multi-dimensional project, with Herz’s design endeavouring to create as little disruption as possible to the local trees. Following the completion of the Maternity and Paediatric Hospital, Herz will build staff quarters to help attract more doctors from the city, in a design inspired by a print by Anni Albers.

▼医院走廊,corridor © Iwan Baan

▼体块示意,geometry diagram © Manuel Herz Architects

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan © Manuel Herz Architects

▼二层平面图,first floor plan © Manuel Herz Architects

▼砖墙单元示意,Diagram – Brick © Manuel Herz Architects

Photo: Iwan Baan

Courtesy of the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation and Le Korsa


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