发布时间:2016-04-27 13:31:44 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



300 Ivy by

Fletcher Studio


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荣获LEED铂金认证的商住混合社区300 Ivy位于旧金山市中心,其附近曾经的高速公路已被拆除,整片区域正从往日的萧条交通空间向活跃的商业居住空间逐步转型。本项目的设计范围包括了街道景观、私人露台空间、入口花园以及屋顶上带有室外厨房的山龙眼花园。定制的室外家具、石质铺地、金属栏杆扶手及其他种种设施显示了景观设计团队对细节的极致追求。景观空间序列的设计灵感源自“登山”。沿街商铺激活了底层空间,尺度怡人的街道上人来人往,而扩展至路面上的行人等候区和减速种植岛进一步扩展了公共领域-“山脚大本营”的空间范围。主入口处的小径蜿蜒曲折,沿着“山脊”花园缓缓上升,将人们引至建筑入口。而在位于“山顶”的屋顶花园处,户外厨房和小菜园让其成为业主间交往认识的最佳场所。繁茂的种植区域不仅为室外空间带来葱葱绿意,也是暴雨管理系统中不可或缺的一部分。

300 Ivy is a LEED Platinum mixed-use development situated in an area that remains from the demolished San Francisco Central Freeway. The Landscape Architectural scope of work included an innovative Streetscape, on-structure patios, courtyards, and a large Protea garden with an outdoor kitchen. The project also included the design of custom furniture, stone paving, fencing and metal work, and site amenities. The main concept for the spatial design was one of ” Mountain Climbing”. In the streetscape, lively storefronts connect to carefully programmed streetscape, with traffic calming bulb-outs and chicanes that also expand the public space or “Base Camp”. The main entry is a welcoming path winding through a primordial garden (the Ridgeline”) and expanding into an entry plaza. The roof garden, or “Summit” provides the tenants with a vibrant common spaces, an outdoor kitchen, and small allotment gardens. All planted areas act as stormwater management BMP’s.


300 Ivy是一个位于旧金山Hayes Valley的可持续商住混合社区,其前身为城市高速通过的交通区域。社区外部的街道景观设计依照城市街道改进项目的建议,设置了暴雨管理系统和街道停车空间。主入口处的玄武岩小径蜿蜒爬升,引领人们来到设有室外桌椅和自行车库的入口小广场。而在可以俯瞰城市的屋顶花园处,太阳浴场、山龙眼花园和露天用餐区共同营造了一个充满活力的公共交往空间。

300 Ivy a sustainable housing and commercial development that replaced the demolished Central Freeway in San Francisco’s Hayes Valley neighborhood. The perimeter of the project is designed with a new streetscape including stormwater treatment,a permanent parklet, and implementation of San Francisco’s Better Streets Plan. The building entry is a primordial garden flanking an on structure basalt path that winds up to the entry plaza- Furnished with custom designed seating, table and bike racks. At the pinnacle of the building, with sweeping views of San Francisco, the open roof courtyard houses a common space for sun bathing, a sun loving Australian native garden and an alfresco dining.






△ Ivy街道上的减速种植岛保证了居住区道路上行人的安全。

STREETSCAPE – Street planting along Ivy Street is designed with chicanes to accommodate street trees and traffic calming measures.

△ 社区外沿的街道景观设计结合了暴雨管理系统,而路口处的减速带和减速种植池降低了过往车辆的速度,保证行人的安全。

STREETSCAPE – Stormwater is treated within the street planting flanking the boundaries of the property. Traffic calming measures are implemented along Ivy Street with a new bulbout and traffic table.

△ 街道景观和底层商铺相辅相成,激活了社区的商业氛围。植被种植设计则进一步细分空间,让过让行人和停留用餐的客人互不干扰。

STREETSCAPE – Street landscaping enlivens the commercial ground level of the building. Planters and tree wells define spaces of circulation and outdoor dining.

△ 极富特色的钢制矮桩界定了Ivy街道上行人等候区的边界,而在街道的后部这一系列的种植池则为转角处的商铺划分出一片沿街的停车场地。

STREETSCAPE – Custom steel bollards frame the boundaries of the new bulbout along Ivy Street. The new bulbout expands the right of way to accommodate a permanent parklet along the commercial corner.

△ 为项目量身定制金属大门微微后错于人行道,而向前延伸的花坛则形成灰空间。ENTRY GARDEN – A custom steel gateway is set back from the sidewalk with the entry garden extending through into the public realm.

△ 被耐候钢板和不锈钢扶手界定出边界的石质小径穿越了入口花园,其两侧的植被呈现出一种从苍翠到草绿的过渡。

ENTRY PATH – Corten steel planters and custom polished steel hand rails wind up the basalt entry path, cutting through the lush primordial landscape that transitions from verdant to chartreuse planting.

△ 定制的红木桌椅形式呼应入口广场的外形。

ENTRY PLAZA – A custom designed redwod table and bench were designed to correlate to the angles of the basalt plaza at the buildings entry.

△ 玻璃幕墙、相同的混凝土墙壁和碎石铺地模糊了室内外空间的界限。ENTRY PLAZA – Thoe lines between indoor and outdoor are blurred with transparency and the crossing over of materials between the plaza and the entry foyer.

△ 广场上的两个单车架可供住户和访客临时停放自行车,而旁边的滑动木门后侧则隐藏着双层单车停放系统。ENTRY PLAZA – The plaza includes two custom designed bike racks as well as bike storage for tenants and visitors tucked behind sliding wood doors.

△ 郁郁葱葱的竹子成为一层私家露台空间之间的屏障,同时向外延伸穿过入口花园,划分了苍翠本土植被和草绿色外来植被。PRIVATE PATIOS – Ground level patios are subtly screened with bamboo planting that cuts through the space and between units. The bamboo screen continues into the primordial garden at the entry path, separating the green native and non-native planting from the chartreuse.

△ 由本地手工艺人编织的柳条屏风保护内部的私密性露台空间不受外部公共区域的影响。DESIGN ELEMENTS – A local artisan willow wattle fence acts as a textured screen between the public path and private patios.

△ 源自澳洲的山龙眼和袋鼠爪十分适应旧金山干燥炎热的气候,繁茂生长的植物让屋顶上的太阳浴场愈发生机勃勃。ROOF COURTYARD – Low water use Australian planting of Protea and Kangaroo Paw provides habitat planting and a vibrant backdrop to the residents sun bathing common space.

△ 屋顶花园中的室外厨房、大餐桌和种类繁多的香草植被属于全体住户所共享。凉亭上LED照明设备如同繁星点点,为这个室外用餐空间增添了一抹浪漫的色彩。ROOF COURTYARD – The roof courtyard is equipped with shared amenities for outdoor dining including custom designed kitchen and community table and a variety of perennial herbs. The pergola feature of small LED lights brings the stars down into the space for evening dining.

△ 巨大红木桌子和长凳组成的用餐空间可以容纳近十人同时使用,而其后侧不远则是种满了香草植被的城市菜地。ROOF COURTYARD – Allotment gardens of herbs and urban agriculture are placed in the background of the outdoor dining space. The community table accommodates group dining with church pew benches and a split log table of salvaged redwood.


The streetscape of the project is carefully designed for sustainable and social programming. Stormwater is treated within the street planting flanking the boundaries of the property. Traffic calming measures are implemented along Ivy Street with a new bulb out and traffic table, and street planting along Ivy Street is designed with chicanes to accommodate street trees and traffic calming measures. Street landscaping enlivens the commercial ground level of the building. Planters and tree wells define spaces of circulation and outdoor dining. A new bulbout at the corner of Ivy and Gough is framed by Custom steel bollards. The new bulbout expands the right of way to accommodate a permanent parklet along the commercial corner.

At the street entry a custom steel gateway is set back from the sidewalk with the entry garden extending through into the public realm. Corten steel planters and custom polished steel hand rails wind up the basalt paving entry path that cuts through a lush primordial landscape. Half way up the landscape transition from verdant green to chartreuse planting. At the building’s entry plaza a custom designed salvaged redwood table and bench furnish the space. Custom steel bike racks are also strategically placed in the plaza for resident’s and visitor’s use. Materials from the plaza cross over to the entry foyer blurring the lines between indoor and outdoor. At the ground level, each unit has a patio that is subtly screened with bamboo planting that zig zags through the space and between units. Basalt pavers were milled for the project, to provide subtle and random patterns along the ground plane. The bamboo screen cuts into the primordial garden at the entry path, separating the green native and non-native planting from the chartreuse. A final screening feature at the entry is a local artisan willow wattle fence which acts as a textured screen between the public path and private patios.

The residents are given access to the roof made into a common space. The sunny courtyard has an Australian planting of Protea and Kangaroo Paw at its center, proving habitat planting and a vibrant backdrop to the resident’s sun bathing courtyard. The roof courtyard is equipped with shared amenities for outdoor dining including custom designed kitchen and community table and a variety of perennial herbs. The outdoor dining space is covered by a pergola lined with small LED lights that bring the stars down into the space, for evening dining. At the center of the space is a community table accommodates group dining with church pew benches and a split log table of salvaged redwood. The outdoor kitchen experience is enhanced further with allotment gardens of herbs and urban agriculture placed along the perimeter of the courtyard and adjacent to the dining space. All aspects of the project allow for increasing program space for the public and the building tenants. Each feature is carefully designed, and fabricated to maximize the experience of each small space in the development.


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