Inspired by open loggias of the mediterranean – The Loggia creates an outdoor/indoor ambience of a casual cafe lounge.
▼项目概览,overview ©Graeme Kennedy
The space feels idyllic and users can almost feel the mediterranean weather through the materiality and colours; drawing them towards the seatings by the threshold of the covered ‘roof’ to connect to the outdoors. Users are greeted by the unpretentious bar which is the main feature of the space.
▼靠近入口的用餐区,dining space at the entrance ©Graeme Kennedy
▼长桌用餐区,dining space with long table ©Graeme Kennedy
▼内部用餐空间,interior dining space ©Graeme Kennedy
▼从庭院看室内空间,view of interior space from the courtyard ©Graeme Kennedy
A simple material palette of walnut wood, rustic concrete flooring and mediterranean vegetation complemented with cooper, was used to create the right balance for a blissful brunch experience in a casual, almost rustic setting. At night the lighting helps to highlight the vegetation and the unapologetic materials.
▼不同材料相辅相成,balance of the materials ©Graeme Kennedy
▼细部,details ©Graeme Kennedy
▼平面图,plan ©Ortiz.Leon Architects
▼剖面图,section ©Ortiz.Leon Architects
项目名称/Project Details: Loggia cafe 地点/Location: 上海 Shanghai 业主/Owner: 星曼航(上海)餐饮管理有限公司 服务内容/Service Content: 室内设计 Interior Design 项目总监/Project Director: Francisco Nicolas 项目设计师/Project Designer:Daniel Uribe 室内团队/Interior Team:Rocio Martinez;Sylvie Chen;Luo Gan 灯光顾问/lighting: Studio Ilumine 施工团队/Construction: Dongde Decor 软装顾问/Furniture: Marzform 摄影/Photography: Graeme Kennedy 面积/Area: 125 m² 建成时间/Built Time: 2021