设计机构: 北京天元世纪装饰工程设计有限公司 作品类别:酒店设计 京山酒店说明:
项目名称:京山酒店 项目面积:42000㎡ 设计风格:简欧风格 京山酒店的设计采用了简欧的设计风格,空间整体以米黄色色调为主,唯美的艺术吊灯彰显出雍容华贵之感,典雅的壁纸显得整个屋子庄重又不失明朗。设计师通过简约、质朴的空间设计,让人们感到身心舒畅,宁静和安逸。散发出高雅的气氛,整体看起来,华美高雅,大气恢弘,让整个酒店都显得富丽堂皇。不同元素的结合,谱写出自然生动的生活痕迹。 Jingshan hotel design USES Jane European design style, space as a whole is given priority to with cream-colored color, beautiful art droplight reflect the feeling of elegant, elegant wallpaper is the whole room is grave and do not break. Stylist through contracted, rustic space design, make people feel relaxed, quiet and comfortable. It radiates an elegant atmosphere, the whole looks, the elegant and elegant, the atmosphere is grand, let the whole hotel look magnificent. The combination of different elements compose the natural life trace.
项目名称:京山酒店 项目面积:42000㎡ 设计风格:简欧风格 京山酒店的设计采用了简欧的设计风格,空间整体以米黄色色调为主,唯美的艺术吊灯彰显出雍容华贵之感,典雅的壁纸显得整个屋子庄重又不失明朗。设计师通过简约、质朴的空间设计,让人们感到身心舒畅,宁静和安逸。散发出高雅的气氛,整体看起来,华美高雅,大气恢弘,让整个酒店都显得富丽堂皇。不同元素的结合,谱写出自然生动的生活痕迹。 Jingshan hotel design USES Jane European design style, space as a whole is given priority to with cream-colored color, beautiful art droplight reflect the feeling of elegant, elegant wallpaper is the whole room is grave and do not break. Stylist through contracted, rustic space design, make people feel relaxed, quiet and comfortable. It radiates an elegant atmosphere, the whole looks, the elegant and elegant, the atmosphere is grand, let the whole hotel look magnificent. The combination of different elements compose the natural life trace.