发布时间:2021-01-24 01:14:30 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


大堂的设计灵感源于布蕾根茨美术馆,设计擭取彼得·卒姆托的建筑艺术语言,以四堵厚墙搭建起内部的轮廓,最大限度引入自然光线的同时,这种结构为空间的动线布局、功能分区带来了更大的自由度与可塑性。 The design of lobby is inspired by the Kunsthaus Bregenz. Adopting Peter Zumthor’s architectural language, four thick walls are used to support the interior outline, which can allow the natural sunlight in to the greatest extent. Besides, the space structure provides more freedom and flexibility to the layout and functional partition.

重新排布格局,将地面局部抬高,三面定制的陶砖屏风高墙区隔,用当代语言重新演绎古典园林的多进式动线布局,打造大堂的有趣性,玩出空间质感。纳入自然光线的大面积玻璃窗,略显复古、摩登的家具,渐变古铜色金属墙、玻璃屏风、粗粝底座、半透定制化陶砖墙等设计,粗糙与轻盈的对比材质,增加空间趣味性和流通感。 The new layout, which partially raised the ground and three ceramic-brick panels separated by high walls, adopts the contemporary language to reinterpret the classic gardening, so as to make the lobby more interesting and enhance the texture of the space. Large glass window that natural sunlight can shining through, vintage but modern furniture, bronzed metal wall, glass panel, rough bases, semi-transparent ceramic brick walls and other designs, rough and light contrast materials, increase the interest of the space and sense of circulation.

大堂平面图 Plan of lobby

03 边界·BOUNDARY - 场所的属性来源于未知 The nature of space originates from the unknown.

前台 Reception

过道 Corridor 设计师打破以往过厅的单一功能,拆分并重新划定空间比例,人性化陈列和休闲区设置,天花板中式屋檐元素,为电梯到客房的动线制造缓冲时光。客房过道区域,设计师大胆地提出客房内退的形式,牺牲客房的空间,以迂回式的入门仪式,通过门口的景观、屏风,不同组合方式围合出独立小庭院,与外界隔绝,构成廊道街区效果,制造美好的体验感与私密性。 Unlike the traditional hallway with single function, the designer redelimits the space. The friendly display and leisure area, Chinese roof elements on the ceiling, create a buffer time along the elevator to the guest room. The designer boldly proposes the form of retreat in the guest room, sacrificing the space of room. Through the combination of landscapes and panels at the entrance, a small independent courtyard is enclosed, which is isolated from the outside world and forms a corridor block, creating an impressive experience and sense of privacy.


—— 从品牌基因和市场环境出发,

过道 Corridor 从边界,到场所。设计师希望在此模糊空间场所的属性,依托空间所产生的交互的,空间即是产生未知的场所,当空间具备情绪,人会有更高级的体验。设计师借鉴园林造景的手法,在室内营造小处景观,消弭公共空间的视觉和心理边界,让室内外的美好并存,在艺术感知、思维沉浸、灵感绽放的过程中,激发使用者与空间的无限互动。 From boundary to space, the designer hopes to blur the nature of space. Relying on the interaction generated by the space, space is where the unknown happens. When the space has ‘emotions’, people will have a higher level of experience. Learning from the garden landscaping, the designer builds landscape indoors, to eliminate the visual and psychological boundary of public area and allow the coexistence of interior and exterior beauty. When perceiving art, losing in thought, and sparking inspiration, it stimulates the unlimited interaction between users and space.






For TOMO, the hotel design philosophy is respecting young people’s demand for pursuing personalized experience from the perspective of brand gene and market environment; examining the space value and creatively breaking the boundary between architecture, landscape, space, and art from city and cultural dimensions; advocating for aesthetic lifestyle that sparks inspiration and creativity from future view in exploring hotel design.

餐厅 Restaurant 设计师将连接贯穿两侧过厅的廊道,扩展为标准公区的外延,在此开辟出供住户们品尝茶点、阅读放松之用的餐厅,升级酒店顾客体验。廊道两侧入口的玻璃屏风,增强私密性与仪式感;天花的构造运用古典建筑手法,以弧度元素与高级质感为整个空间定下“建筑艺术”的基调。 The corridor connecting the halls on both sides is planned as a extension of the public area. The designer creates a restaurant for people to have meals or read books, thus it helps upgrade customers’ experiences. The glass panels at the entrances on both sides of the corridor enhance privacy and sense of ceremony; the ceiling is constructed based on the technique of classical architecture, using the arc elements and high-class texture, setting the tone of architectural art for the entire space.

Project Information/项目信息

健身房 Gym


客房区平面图 Plan of guest room area



Shenzhen China/中国 深圳


04 重组·REMIX - ICON + X + C² = ICON HOTEL






Interior Design/主案设计

Uno Chan/陈贤栋,Ben Zhang/张耿宾,Xiao Fei/肖菲

Accessories Design/配饰设计

Wayne Chan/陈维超,Tin/田雨鑫,Joey He/何婧

Cooperative Design/协助设计

Daniel/刘昊,PSYUN/彭思赟,Jason Luo/罗泽双,Reed/林泓憬


Jack Qin/覃昭量

标间 Guest room

I. TOMO PHILOSOPHY 重塑ICON HOTEL·X方程式 美是绝对的自由与感性,而创造美则需要不凡的匠心。当一贯坚持“以有趣的方式,做有价值的设计”的TOMO与ICON HOTEL相遇,会产生什么样化学反应? Beauty is absolute freedom and sensibility, but to create beauty requires extraordinary ingenuity. When TOMO that insists on doing valuable design in an interesting way meets ICON HOTEL, what will happen?

客房平面图 Plan of guest room 标间吊顶造型致敬经典的建筑元素,用半弧的建筑体块去塑造顶面,使空间“建筑感”十足,硬装的柔和与硬朗形成对话。突破传统客房给人的既定场景思维,扭转床背45°,打破常规,重新定义客房秩序。45°斜床位,拥有更直接的视野体验,床背拉升出来的45°背面角所衍生出来的灰空间,引入盥洗功能,垂直于背后的卫浴功能配套,空间从整体秩序焕然一新。 The ceiling of guest room pays homage to the traditional architectural elements and the semi-arc blocks are used to shape the top, making the space full of architectural art and the meanwhile presenting the softness and strength of interior design. It changes the traditional opinion towards the guest room, turns the bed 45 degree, breaks the rules and redefines it. Turning the bed 45 degree will have a better view. The washing area set in the extended space behind the bed and bathroom accessories at the back give the space a brand new look.

TOMO洞察消费者追逐新潮个性的酒店体验需求,挖掘并表达ICON HOTEL“人文、有趣、探索”的品牌基因,探索新派旅行者生活方式和建筑空间的可能性,通过“X+C²”的模式构建品牌核心价值,X代表未知,C²代表对CITY城市和CULTURE文化的思索,提炼出属于ICON品牌的美好生活方程式:ICON+X+C²。 TOMO has insight into consumers’ demand for pursuing trendy and personalized hotel experience, explores and expresses ICON HOTEL’s gene, which is humanistic, interesting, and exploratory, and discovers the possibilities of the lifestyle of new travelers and architecture space. The brand’s core value is built through the ‘X+C²’model, X standing for the unknown while C² standing for the thought towards city and culture, so as to put forward a beautiful life formula of ICON, which is ‘ICON+X+C²’.

ICON + X + C²

套间 1 Suite I “我们于日用必须品以外,必须还有一点,无用的游戏和享乐,生活才觉得有意思。”这是ICON HOTEL官宣的个性主张,也是TOMO在设计中保留与挖掘的新境,如周作人提及:我们看夕阳,看秋河,看花,听雨,闻香,喝不求解渴的酒,吃不求饱的点心,都是生活上必要的 —— 虽然是无用的装点,而且是愈精炼愈好。何为必要?何为无用?艺术就是忙碌生活的“救赎”,在空间中以艺术的语言重组。在客房设计中,创新布局形式,重组建筑语素,搭配凝练线条、高级灰色系、灵活材质,呈现潮人美学新境界。 ‘Beside the daily necessities, life would not be fun without the useless games and recreations.’this is what ICON HOTEL advocates for as well as what TOMO insists and explores in design. As Zhou Zuoren says, we enjoy the sunset, the autumn river, and the flowers, listen to the rain, smell the fragrance, drink wine that does not satisfy our thirst, and eat snacks that cannot satisfy our needs. All of them are necessary in life. Although they are supposed to be useless, the more refined is better. What is necessary? What is useless? Art liberates people from busy life, and is reorganized in the language of art in space. In the design of the guest room, the layout is innovated. The architectural elements are reorganized, with condensed lines, high-class gray tone, and flexible materials, presenting a new prospect of trendy aesthetics.

II. TOMO CONCEPT 艺术由建筑产生,不在于装饰 TOMO 東木筑造认为,酒店的艺术感、高级感以及体验感,并不是单单靠表层的装饰堆砌而成。将酒店设计从以装饰意味为主的旧有模式中跳脱出来,挖掘生活的有趣以及居住的意义,运用当代的、文化的、建筑的语言,通过物质与意识的双重传达,营造空间的艺术感、永恒感。 TOMO believes, the sense of beauty, high class, and experience feeling in a hotel can’t come from decorations. Hotel design should be liberated from the old approaches that mainly rely on decorations. Instead, it should explore the interesting aspects of life and the meaning of living, and use contemporary, cultural, and architecture language to create a sense of art and eternity in the space through material and consciousness. 01 基因·DNA - 城市的X未知来源于生活。 The unknown X of city originates from life.

过道 Corridor “ICON+X+C²”的美好生活方程式,在ICON HOTEL的创作中,TOMO将X定义为SELF,从基因、建筑、艺术、边界四个本我维度出发营造酒店空间,用视觉艺术为商业赋能,以极具建筑感的表现形式,匹配深圳这座城的时尚艺术,塑造只属于品牌的ICON。这就是TOMO重塑ICON HOTEL的X世界观,而下一个X会以怎样的理念同样让人期待。 Based on the beautiful life formula of ICON HOTEL, ‘ICON+X+C²’, TOMO defines X as SELF in the project. The hotel space is constructed from dimensions of gene, architecture, art, and boundary, empowering business with the visual arts, adopting the architectural expression, and utilizing the fashion arts that matches the city of Shenzhen, to build a distinctive ICON. This is the ICON HOTEL X that TOMO reshaped, and the concept of next X is also highly anticipated.

02 灵感·INSPIRATION - 艺术的发生来源于意识。 Arts originates from consciousness. Peter Zumthor 彼得·卒姆托 - 1943年4月生于瑞士巴塞尔的建筑设计师 2009年普里克兹奖得主

套间 2 Suite II 套间内嵌式陈列架,体块穿插构成的盥洗台,让空间显得简约时尚。吊灯的非常态化设计,将灯具的接口隐藏在天花板小圆洞,更具神秘感。 Built-in display shelves, and basins assembled from blocks, make the space more simple and trendy. The unusual design of pendant lamp, hiding the joint of lamp in ceiling, gives a sense of mystery.



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