发布时间:2022-10-08 00:50:34 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

先进交通技术中心(KMAC)由studioMDA设计,落成后的建筑已成为德国最大技术大学 —— 亚琛应用科技大学充满活力的校园地标。北莱茵-威斯特法伦州文化和科学部长Ina Brandes、亚琛应用科技大学校长Volker Stempel,以及亚琛市市长Sibylle Keupen均出席了该中心的开幕式典礼。

The Center for Advanced Mobility (KMAC), designed by studioMDA, is a dynamic, iconic addition to Aachen University of Applied Sciences, the largest technical university in Germany. The opening ceremony was attended by: Ina Brandes, Minister for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia; Volker Stempel, Chancellor of Aachen University of Applied Sciences; and Sibylle Keupen, Lord Mayor of the City of Aachen.

▼项目概览,overall of the project



▼体快生成,volume concept

As part of the largest and most prestigious technical university in the country, the Center for Advanced Mobility strengthens Germany’s position as a driver of technical innovation. The 7.500 square-meter Center for Advanced Mobility creates new connections to the surrounding city, and encourages interdisciplinary collaboration between the university’s mechanical, aerospace, and electrical engineering and information technology departments. Dedicated to the research and development of future mobility solutions, the center contains state-of-the-art testing laboratories for high-performance engines, collaborative workspaces, faculty offices, lecture halls, and a public canteen.

▼沿街立面,the facade

studioMDA事务所在北威斯特法伦Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrie主办的国际竞赛中拔得头筹,并主持了该项目的设计与建造。事务所负责人Markus Dochantschi说:“设计以风洞驱动高性能汽车为灵感,建筑形态依据了流体动力学的原理,以便形成新鲜空气走廊,最大限度地为亚琛市提供理想环境。本项目的设计可谓是综合了流体动力学与校园内交通流线与空气循环的结果。”

▼建筑有助于形成新鲜空气走廊,the fresh air corridor for the city of Aachen

▼分析图,analysis diagram

studioMDA won the first prize of an international competition declared by the Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb Nordrhein- Westfalen. Markus Dochantschi, Director of studioMDA: “Very much the way wind tunnels drive high- performance automotive, we allowed fluid dynamics to shape the building in order to maximize the fresh air corridor for the city of Aachen. The final design was ultimately the result of fluid dynamics intersecting with the circulation dynamics within the campus.”


the white cube floating above the ground


The center’s complex program is contained within a small urban site and distributed between two volumes: a cantilevered white cube and an anthracite podium building. The cube, which appears to hover above ground level, includes classrooms, seminar rooms, and faculty offices, all organized around central atria. The atria function as interior piazzas, creating visual and physical links between departments to promote knowledge exchange and collaboration.

▼室外楼梯,outdoor staircase


Inspired by the sleek lines and technical performance of sports cars, studioMDA’s aerodynamic design is the result of intensive wind studies. The center’s shape and location enhance, rather than obstruct, Aachen’s fresh-air corridor (Frischluftschneise) which maximizes ventilation for the Center and the surrounding city. The naturally ventilated spaces are key to the building’s sustainability performance, which is supported by its sophisticated metal facade. The fully responsive skin combines solid panels, perforated screens, and operable louvers that provide a range of conditions for lighting and airflow. The building gets heated with district heat.

▼立面细部,detail of the facade

先进交通技术中心(KMAC)将在2022~2023年秋季/冬季学期向学生开放。北莱茵-威斯特法伦州文化和科学部长Ina Brandes说:“亚琛应用科技大学先进交通技术中心(KMAC)确保了北莱茵-威斯特法伦州能够一直处于未来机动研究和开发的前沿。通过广泛的跨学科合作,我们正在为人们创造出更好、更安全、更清洁的出行策略。可以说,我们的工作在保护全球气候,以及巩固北莱茵-威斯特法伦州作为全球研究中心的地位方面做出了重要贡献。”

The Center for Advanced Mobility will open to students for the Autumn/Winter Semester 2022– 2023. Ina Brandes, Minister for Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia: “With the Center for Advanced Mobility at FH Aachen – University of Applied Sciences, we are ensuring that North Rhine-Westphalia is at the cutting edge of research and development for the future of mobility. Through a fundamentally interdisciplinary approach, we are creating better, safer, and cleaner strategies for mobility. Our work makes a crucial contribution to care for the climate and to North Rhine-Westphalia’s position as a global center of research.”

▼入口大厅,entrance hall


▼中庭天窗,skylight of the atrium


The ground floor and lower level of the podium building house public spaces, including the canteen, and university spaces such as the engine-testing lab. This combination creates a new city-campus interface and provides the residents of Aachen with a window onto the technological innovations being developed at the university. The center’s main auditorium and largest test labs are placed below ground. The large, exterior campus stairs connect the submerged programs with the street level and open them up to the city. The stairs also act as an informal urban amphitheater for events such as concerts and open- air film screenings, and also offer views into the canteen, the foyer and labs.

▼地下天井庭院,patio of the lower floor

▼地下空间,interior of the lower floor

亚琛应用科技大学校长Bernd Pietschmann教授说:“先进交通技术中心(KMAC)的成立对大学的教学和研究都具有重要意义。我很高兴能够见证这个跨学科研究中心的落成,它为我们提供了充足的实验室、研讨室、办公室、报告厅和餐厅空间,电气工程和信息技术、机械工程和机电一体化以及航空航天技术学院都将汇聚在这一屋檐下。这就是未来!”

Prof. Dr. Bernd Pietschmann, Rector: “The opening of the Center for Advanced Mobility is of great importance for the university in terms of both teaching and research. I am delighted with this new hub for interdisciplinary work, where our faculties of electrical engineering and information technology, mechanical engineering and mechatronics, and aerospace technology come together in laboratories, seminar rooms, offices, lecture halls, and the dining hall. This is the future!”

▼夜间视角,Night view


▼区位图,location plan

▼校内学生流线,circulation of student in the campus

▼总平面图,master plan

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan

▼二层平面图,2nd floor plan

▼三层平面图,3rd floor plan

▼四层平面图,4th floor plan

▼五层平面图,5th floor plan

▼六层平面图,6th floor plan

▼地下层平面图,lower level floor plan


▼结构细部,construction details


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