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点击蓝字“知行 Design 中华优秀作品第一发布平台!

31 设计在展示中心的设计过程中,注重功能,并赋予空间极简的性格。以硬朗线条勾勒出空间的利落型制,色彩和轮廓去繁从简,注重光影与空间的关系,诠释不可忽视的力量感,营造具有艺术美学与精神性的强大空间气场,在深层次上引发生命情感、人生哲思、生活本质思考的共鸣与传递,以此向这座城市勇敢、自信、自由的核心力量人群致敬,并呼应本案的商业定位及使用诉求。

31 The design of the exhibition center focuses on function and gives the space a minimalist character. To hale line draw the outline of the agile style of space, colour and contour to pare down, pay attention to the relationship of light and space, interpretation of strength, build a powerful artistic aesthetic and spiritual space aura, on the deep-seated cause life emotion, the life of philosophizing, the essence of life thinking resonance and transmission, to the city salute core strength people brave, self-confidence, freedom, and echo of the case business positioning and use.


Master architect Scarpa once said, "Once the problem is captured, the ball starts rolling." Design starts from the discovery of problems, and problems often come from the understanding and grasp of space and site. The initial operation of the project is to study the problems, limitations or opportunities of the site.


Combined with the project appeal, the processing of service and serviced space is a key point in the plane organization of the case. At the same time, using the storey height to create the facade structure, create a sense of mass, and combined with the application of material, color, light, to achieve a rich, full and emotional and tension space experience, which has become the challenge and opportunity of the case.

在展陈营销类项目中,动线是推敲设计的重要线索。本案中,“线性动线++ 竖向空间”的组合,不但规避了原始场地的限制,且调动原有空间的资源,如柱子等,组织出全新的、生动的整体空间关系及品质属性。空间处于整体关系中,局部空间不是孤立存在的,合理稳健的动线设计,是优化空间资源且将其整体化的核心方式。

In the exhibition marketing project, the moving line is an important clue to deliberate design. In this case, the combination of "linear moving line + vertical space" not only avoids the restrictions of the original site, but also mobilizes the resources of the original space, such as columns, to organize a new and vivid overall spatial relationship and quality attributes. Space is in an overall relationship, and local space does not exist in isolation. Reasonable and robust dynamic line design is the core way to optimize spatial resources and integrate them.

31 设计认为,形式语言既应具备保留、平衡各局部空间逻辑的作用,更应以折射、暗示、隐喻等方式,如细流清风般微妙与心灵形成作用,让人的记忆、思绪、情感得到释放,从而感受到某种自由、启发或激励。且它不应该喧兵夺主,不应带来扰乱,它该是自然而然的、无声而又充盈存在的。

31 The design believes that the formal language should not only retain and balance the logic of each local space, but also play a subtle role in mind formation by means of refraction, hint, metaphor, etc., to release people’s memory, thoughts and emotions and thus feel some freedom, inspiration or inspiration. And it should not be disruptive, it should not be disruptive, it should be natural, silent, and full of existence.


Then, use light to give space life, satisfy eye and mind. When the light passes gently through the space, the geometry is born. Black and white film and image inspiration burst out at the same time, black and white as the lens language is included as one of the formal language of the case.


In the "black madman" Yohji Yamamoto’s design, black has an unshakable position, "straight into" the visual impact is unforgettable, black can swallow up the light, but also can make the light more dazzling.

And the "White Godfather" Richardson. Meyer, who uses white to form a modernist sculptural style of architecture, believes that white is the most wonderful color, full of all the colors in nature, and is an expandable color.


In the interior design, almost all the space scenes have given a pass to black, white and gray, it does not attach to the popular, in the noisy trend, quiet and powerful, with a calm and decent home wind, low-key and fully show the edge, the extreme confidence.


After a rigorous and rational space design, give a person with a kind of open, pure feeling, it is easy to people are isolated from the noisy world, to help people in quiet, natural state of mind in the open space art experience, in which bring resonance and soothe, striver in respect master, cities at the same time, expression of art, aesthetics, environmental, persistent pursuit of life.

项目名称|| 长江时代

project name | changjiang times

项目地点|| 中国南京

| China nanjing project site


Design | 627 ㎡ area

业主单位|| 招商蛇口

The owner unit | China merchants shekou

室内设计|| 深圳 31 设计

31 | shenzhen design interior design

主创设计|| 黄涛李志宏

Senior design | Huang Tao Li zhihong

设计团队|| 林清亮邹海英曾志勇吴艳华

Design team | Lin clear Hai-ying zou Zhi-yong zeng dottie

甲方团队|| 顾苒郑迪西 黄榕 张梦娟

Party a team | years passed Zheng Dixi gloria Zhang Mengjuan

软装单位|| 上海太吉元禾

Too soft outfit unit | Shanghai ji yuan grain


Photography project | ingallery

黄涛 | 李志宏

深圳 31 设计联合创始人

黄涛、李志宏作为 31 设计创始人,同样具有丰富的国际品牌酒店设计经验,拥有如瑞吉、希尔顿、雅诗阁等品牌酒店主创成功案例,近年更是获得众多高端地产及顶级豪宅项目青睐。两人充分发挥对酒店及地产的双重了解,善于将自然、艺术及生活感悟巧妙融入空间,以出色的设计思维及对空间规划非同寻常的创造力,在设计中相得益彰,演绎蕴含独特体验感及商业价值的空间作品。不同类型作品遍布全国各地,如深圳超高地标招商双玺顶复海景奢宅、三亚天玺顶复海景豪宅、长沙梅溪湖达美公馆大平层湖景豪宅及各大房企重点项目售楼处、会所等。

31 设计,致力于多元化、高品质的室內设计及软装定制服务领域,主要专注于高端酒店、顶级豪宅、办公、会所、商业空间等公共空间的室内设计,凭借国际化视野及对项目品质的极致追求,获得客户与合作伙伴的充分信赖与认可。

内容策划 /Presented

策划 Producer:知行

排版 Editor:Tan

校对 Proof:Tan

图片版权 Copyright:原作者



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