Media building in the Middle East
图片来源:Luxigon, REX
两个中东的媒体公司委托REX事务所来设计总部, 希望建筑的设计能突显阿拉伯的传统风格。根据要求, 两座超薄设计的,外有石料包层的大楼就建成了。大楼的遮阳效果比较好,采用了一系列可伸缩的遮阳篷,应对中东地区的酷暑天气。这种外形的设计灵感来自阿拉伯传统的Mashrabiya模式。这些遮阳篷的直径近15米, 可以快速展开, 用短短的几分钟就能把大楼遮盖住。总部大楼的外观能瞬间改变,这种设计别具一格,不落俗套,没有刻意去建造摩天大楼。
译者: Odette
Two sister Middle Eastern media companies have commissioned REX to design a conjoined headquarters that references traditional Arab iconography. The result, two ultra-thin, stone-clad towers that are shielded from the Middle East’s “unrelenting sun” by an array of retractable sunshades whose shape was inspired by the Arab Mashrabiya pattern.
Measuring nearly 15 meters in diameter, these sunshades can be quickly deployed, transforming the building’s glass facade into a “blossoming” shaded tower within minutes.“The headquarters’ instantaneous transformation forges a new kind of powerful iconography, one that rejects the tired—and ephemeral—pursuit of being the tallest,” described REX
When shade is not an issue, the towers’ translucent exterior is designed to have an x-ray effect that exposes the structure’s unique components to its surroundings.From afar, the towers’ form a jumbo television screen, broadcasting the companies’ content to their environs in real-time.
The simple tower slabs also effectively create a huge sun screen for their adjoining landscapes. The shadow path on the Summer Solstice defines the extents of inhabitable courtyards, which are exposed when in shadow and covered by 6 meter square, retractable umbrellas when in sunlight.Once complete, offices will be stacked above broadcast and news studios at the top half of the tower. The lower portion will be dedicated to common facilities, including an agora, amphitheater, auditorium, café, canteen, employee lounge, executive lounge, fine dining, gallery, health club, majlis, and theater.Large studios, which require permanent blackout, are submerged below grade.