This case is located on the ground floor of a commercial building and is a property purchased by the owner. Because it is not constrained by external factors, the omni-directional controllability of the site and the overall trust of the owner provide a strong foundation for the design of this case.
左右宽近30米的巨大门头给设计方提供了很好的想象空间,如何体现既震撼又高级的效果,设计方最初提出了几套方案,最终定下来运用具有工业建筑味道的水泥空心砖重复铺满整个门头,若有若无的空心透视十分具有层次感,清晨、正午和夜间的光影效果分别具有不同的美感味道。 The huge door head with a width of about 30 meters provides a good imagination space for the designer. How to reflect the shocking and advanced effect, the designer initially put forward several sets of schemes, and finally decided to use the cement hollow brick with the flavor of industrial architecture to repeatedly cover the whole door head. If there is no hollow perspective, it has a sense of hierarchy. In the morning The light and shadow effects at noon and at night have different aesthetic tastes. 由于铺位朝向西面,橱窗如何规避西晒入室问题是本案的关键点,设计方运用三角凹凸金属条形形材造出两段不等大小的弧形屏风,密而透气的竖条排列通过巧妙的角度使得西晒阳光挡在室外但又不失采光效果,也将橱窗区与室内区作了很好的分隔。 As the shop is facing to the west, how to avoid the problem of window exposure to the west is the key point of this case. The designer uses triangular concave convex metal strip to create two arc screens of different sizes. The dense and breathable vertical bars are arranged at a clever angle to block the west sun outdoors without losing the daylighting effect, and also well separate the window area from the indoor area.
经过屏风中段入口进入到室内卖场区域,时间和空间的概念在这里有了更多维的表达,感官在这里碰撞和交错,中庭的试衣间区域很好的划分了销售动线,赋予空间一种独特的语气氛围。 Enter the indoor shopping area through the entrance of the middle section of the screen. The concepts of time and space are expressed in more dimensions here. The senses collide and interlace here. The fitting room area in the atrium well divides the sales moving line and gives the space a unique tone atmosphere. 磨砂玻璃砖与透明亚克力饰品架加上简约的不锈钢货架,传递出前卫和中性,包容与储存,不仅是西方流行文化中的现代意识,也是来自东方的当代意识。 Frosted glass brick, transparent acrylic jewelry rack and simple stainless steel shelf convey avant-garde and neutral, tolerance and storage, which is not only the modern consciousness in western pop culture, but also the contemporary consciousness from the East. 曲面金属墙元素的运用在一定程度上中和了银色带来的冷感,拥抱点缀的蓝色与之交织,表现出一种未来感和先锋感。 The use of curved metal wall elements neutralizes the cold feeling brought by silver to a certain extent, embracing and interspersed blue, showing a sense of future and pioneer. 金属的冷峻和跳脱的蓝色,克制而纯净,时髦而不傲慢,线性的不锈钢轨道灯架传递一种视觉动线,有序地连接并延伸整个空间。 The cold metal and jumping blue are restrained and pure, fashionable but not arrogant. The linear stainless steel track lamp frame transmits a visual moving line, which orderly connects and extends the whole space.
项目信息-- 项目名称: LELE CONCEPT 设计方: RSXS睿上形素室内设计有限公司 项目设计 & 完成年份: 2021/September 主创及设计团队: RSXS 睿上形素/ JAYSON KU 项目地址: CHINA Dalian /大连 建筑面积: 318平方 摄影版权: JAYSON KU 客户: LELE CONCEPT 主材料: 不锈钢、米白色艺术漆、哑光浅灰地砖、磨砂玻璃砖、透明亚克力、水泥空心砖 Project information-- Project name: LELE CONCEPT Design: RSXS Interior Design Design year & Completion Year: 2020 /September Leader designer & Team: RSXS / JAYSON KU Project location: CHINA Dalian Gross Built Area (square meters): 318m2 Photo credits: JAYSON KU Clients: LELE CONCEPT Brands: Stainless steel, Off white art paint, Matte light grey floor tile, Frosted glass brick, Transparent acrylic, Cement brick 主案设计师:JAYSON KU